Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Class led by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Moderator: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

Welcome to the Module 02 and Module 06 "Mingling" thread! This is about getting to interact with one another as classmates, particularly about themes from the lessons and your corresponding class work if that speaks to you. Those who post their Monologues or Manifestations may provide helpful prompts for discussion points. While you're welcome to mix and mingle as much as you like, each of your first three 50+ word posts you will receive 5 points. When submitting your work, please let me know if you've posted once, twice, or three (or more) times so I can confirm participation. As a fun option, you may choose to Role-Play these interactions though are not required to. If you do, please take a look at this RPGuidelines page for some helpful tips.

Being one third Irish himself, Sin enjoys decking out the Muggle Studies classroom with shades of green over March in celebration of St. Paddy’s day.

“Hey y’all!” He calls out to those milling in while fixing a few streamers up high as Em drops a dash of green food coloring into the rows of pitchers filled with Butterbeer on the front desk and assists with final touches.

Class members begin grabbing seats at their desks as Sin and Emily finish up their tasks and begin the process of greeting everyone, handing out chocolate coins covered in gold foil.

“This month is themed around topics of Hope for some and Wisdom for others, while the shamrock decorations you see are often associated with luck.”

Giving a smirk he says, “Though things such as luck and desire can be tricky, especially when we consider the notion that one may want to be ‘careful what we wish for’ as the saying goes!”

“While there are of course many external factors that can play large roles in how things shape up, there’s also a lot to be said for creating our own luck, while being wary of relying too heavily on external factors. Like how Leprechauns depicted in stories of luck, wishes, and gold like to find ways of twisting things around so that we get what we ask for, but in less than favorable ways. Has something like this ever happened to you?”

Flipping and catching one of the gold coins a few times, Sindor asks the group, “What are some things you hope to come in the future, or pieces of wisdom you’ve learned through your past experiences? Is there anything you can think of that would help set you up for success when it comes to these hopes being brought to fruition, or do you feel you will potentially be more prosperous down the line because of the lessons you’ve learned along your journey? What helps bring you luck?! Perhaps certain items or rituals are particularly impactful for you.”

Professor Aloyarc gestures to pitchers at the front, encouraging everyone who wants to grab a glass, and reminding them that they may discuss any sections or themes from their lessons. “These previous questions are suggested prompts. No one is required to answer them specifically if you have other comments or questions that feel more pressing at this time, or if you’d rather respond to something brought up by another!”
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Louis Walles
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Louis Walles »

'Hello everyone' says Louis with a smile. 'Oh wait! I am the first one here!' - he laughs loudly.

He thinks for a minute and looks around uncomfortably. 'What brings me I honestly don't know. If I were to give an example I would say my wedding ring. I hate flying and so whenever I am scared of whatever I always grab it with my other hand. It always calms me down and makes me feel at ease'.
"He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you" ~ Nietzsche
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

“I feel very similar!” Sin responds after Mr. Wallas has made his way into the space and begun to share. “I’ve never been an accessories person myself —sometimes try to be but rarely has anything stuck where I don’t feel a little bit weird wearing it like it’s just not ‘me’ even if I love the item in question— but the rings I got off Etsy for me and my partner from a woman in Italy make me so happy. I love wearing it, and it’s a great source of comfort and support in my life when it comes to keeping a positive mindset about potential outcomes even when I’m feeling upset or experiencing challenging circumstances where I might be concerned about the outcome!”
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Louis Walles
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Louis Walles »

'Awww, this is so cute Professor' shouts Louis. 'I love that so much! I was forced to buy from a proper jewellery shop but we decided to agree to disagree. I agreed to buy from a jewellery shop and he agreed to not go for gold because, as we all know, gold is very expensive!' he sights.

'Although Harry's engagement ring is quite cute of a story. I am very traditional and so the ring was my family ring that my grandma got for her engagements' says Louis with a slight pride in his voice.
"He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you" ~ Nietzsche
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Tarma has been sitting quietly, devouring the chocolate. She crumples up the wrapper, preparatory to putting it in a trash container, and says "I've found out that sometimes things happen, which when happening, aren't good at all. But later on, down the road, I find there was a reason for it. And something beautiful came out of this apparent disaster. I don't know if that is wisdom or not, being aware of it, but I do know that now I have hope, sometime, when something 'bad' is happening, that maybe it's simply a way of making room for something new and wonderful."

"As for accessories ... they are so good! You both seem to be very happy with your rings." She smiles at their enthusiasm for their respective rings and stories. "I always wear earrings. I've seldom worn rings, because they can get caught up on stuff, but found myself looking at triskelion and triquetra rings lately."
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Louis Walles
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Louis Walles »

'Oh earrings are lovely too Tarma!' says Louis with a huge smile as he sees her entering the room.

'I wouldn't be myself if I didn't have a story to share regarding earrings too' he laughs and looks around the room. 'My mum wanted a daughter and so she kept her first earrings. She was, however, blessed with me. When I was a child, she decided to give them to me as I was planning to get my ears pierced.' he sits more uncomfortably and continues with a bit quieter voice. 'Well...I lost them. I never told her but I really felt bad about it because they were a family thing. It is a bit of a pity though'.
"He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you" ~ Nietzsche
Emily Spencer
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Emily Spencer »

Emily can't help but smile as she listens to Louis speak about his wedding rings. His words cause her to glance down at her own wedding band, and a soft smile crosses her lips. She looks over the rim of her mug at the others and the smile widens.

"I know exactly what you are saying about wedding rings, Louis. When my husband and I got married, money was very tight so we couldn't splurge on fancy ceremonies or rings. My ring is unique though; when the two bands fit together they make a flower. Since then, you know, he has spoken about getting me a 'better' ring, but these are too special for me to part with; in my mind they are perfect."

Taking a sip of her drink, she continues.

"I'm not a big believer in luck, so I can't really say that I have a lucky item or anything like that."

She glances over at Louis with a wry grin and a nod of her head.

"Not to be a copycat, but my wedding ring does provide a sense of comfort whenever I find myself in difficult situations. My husband has always been my rock and this reminds me of that whenever he cannot physically be there. Corny, I know!"

Emily's gaze then drifts over to Tarma, a mug raised in acknowledgment.

"As you said, past situations have not always proven to be what they seemed at first glance. But really, I'm thankful for everything I've gone through, as they are all part of my journey and have all taught me something along the way. Good or bad, they have all given me a sense of hope for better times and a brighter future."

Emily laughs a bit self-consciously as she is not used to sharing so much about herself. She settles back and takes a hearty drink, draining her mug completely. She adjusts the green bowler she has donned in honor of St. Patrick and smiles.
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Tarma laughs with joy, when she listens to Louis and Emily. There seems to be a peace, a radiance, coming from the two of them, as they discuss the apparent aspects and symbolisms of their respective wedding rings.

"You two both sound like the rings are not only symbolizing your partners, being together with them, but also that they represent some sort of talisman of hope for you. Of peace. Like they are something for you to focus on when times are tough. Is that even a little accurate?"

She looks at Sindor, inviting him back into the conversation too if he wants.
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"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Emily Spencer
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Emily Spencer »

Emily laughs softly at Tarma's words.

"I've been called many things in my time, but peaceful has never been one of them. But yes, you are correct in that the rings are a sort of talisman of hope and peace. I can't explain it, really, but when I'm in an extremely stressful situation, they do give me a feeling of calm. Hmm...maybe I should just make my husband follow me everywhere so I can just look at the real deal instead. Shush, Tarma, I can hear you laughing!"

Emily glances over at Louis to see how he will respond.
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Emily Spencer wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:47 pm Emily laughs softly at Tarma's words.

"I've been called many things in my time, but peaceful has never been one of them. But yes, you are correct in that the rings are a sort of talisman of hope and peace. I can't explain it, really, but when I'm in an extremely stressful situation, they do give me a feeling of calm. Hmm...maybe I should just make my husband follow me everywhere so I can just look at the real deal instead. Shush, Tarma, I can hear you laughing!"

Emily glances over at Louis to see how he will respond.


I started laughing before I read you tellling me to stop laughing!
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"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

“Indeed!” Sindor says in agreement with Tarma and grinning at Emily’s most recent comment as the group discusses these accessories and their personal value/meaning, “The pathways to luck, whether we set forth to make our own or find ourselves granted with special opportunities due to external circumstances, are often linked with these feelings of hope and peace. It can of course be helpful to know what it is we want if we wish to for this to manifest, but many times it’s the things —or people— that make us feel a greater sense of safety or peacefulness that help to keep us in a more open space to receive what we may want or are meant to have in our lives where we may otherwise be closed off.”

Continuing to turn his own ring around on his finger while he speaks, Sin says “Even when we are in a place of happiness, feeling grateful for any amount of ‘good luck’ that we may be experiencing, it can still feel very overwhelming to receive our wants and desires. When dreams and wishes begin to come true for us, having these touchstones to remind us of our hope and help us stand in sense of peace can make the difference between accepting our good fortune or pushing it away. Not that there isn’t a time where this could actually be the more appropriate choice. As we’ve discussed previously, it’s all so deeply personal and there’s no one right way or person who can tell you which direction will bring you toward or away from balance. By honoring these parts of ourselves it can sometimes assist in that ‘what do I do?’ aspect of making these decisions. If we are not honest internally, using our own voice to say ‘this is what I want’ or ‘but now is not the time’ then we may find ourselves equally if not more disappointed out of striving too hard in any one particular direction.”
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Having gotten over her 'laughing attack', Tarma listens to Sindor, nodding as he spoke. When he got to the thing of " If we are not honest internally, using our own voice to say ‘this is what I want’ or ‘but now is not the time’ then we may find ourselves equally if not more disappointed out of striving too hard in any one particular direction.”, though, she gasps in a sort of amazement.

"Sindor? You been practicing legilimancy again?" she asks, semi-kiddingly. "That's precisely what I've been experiencing lately, and I had to discern the difference between what I felt was what I 'should' do, and what I truly wanted to do." She looked down, for a moment, gathering thoughts, looking for words for those thoughts.

"And I found that I need to follow the joy; to allow joy. Because if I don't be 'courageous' and do what it seems the whole universe wants me to do, even though it is scarier than ... " She blushed a bright pink. "Scarier. Scary. Yes. Very scary."

And it was difficult to realize that to be true to myself, a la Polonius to Laertes, meant something like Bilbo going off and saying "I'm off on an ADVENTURE!" and realize that hey, adventures can be fun and don't have to end up at a mountain facing a dragon who just destroyed a town ... and all the rest. And maybe, even if they do, it's still okay."
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"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Louis Walles
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Louis Walles »

Emily Spencer wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:47 pm Emily laughs softly at Tarma's words.

"I've been called many things in my time, but peaceful has never been one of them. But yes, you are correct in that the rings are a sort of talisman of hope and peace. I can't explain it, really, but when I'm in an extremely stressful situation, they do give me a feeling of calm. Hmm...maybe I should just make my husband follow me everywhere so I can just look at the real deal instead. Shush, Tarma, I can hear you laughing!"

Emily glances over at Louis to see how he will respond.
'For me touching the ring gives me in some ways the Hobbit vibes :lol: The way when Bilbo touched the ring and he could see things. Well, when I touch my ring, it reminds me of Hazz and it just makes me happier. It is sort of a way to just....bring him nearer to me if he is away. Like a little ray of sunshine :wub:
"He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you" ~ Nietzsche
Emily Spencer
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Emily Spencer »

Emily nods emphatically in response to Louis’ answer.

“Well, I have to admit that I know very little about hobbits, but I feel exactly the same way about my ring. Whenever I touch it, my husband seems magically closer.

She glances over at Sindor and smiles.

“I suppose that is a sort of hope, wouldn’t you say?
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”
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Re: Modules #2/#6 - “MINGLING” - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

Grinning devilishly, Sin narrows his eyes playfully at Tarma (who asked about Legilimency), putting a finger over his mouth as if to say I’ll never tell. :lol:

“Quite right, quite right,” he chirps along to Emily’s comment, and in response to Louis. “I know exactly what you mean!
Deputy Headmaster | Deputy Head of Ravenclaw
"⁠—Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue & grey."
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