Favorite Pet Names

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February Fortescue
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Favorite Pet Names

Post by February Fortescue »

Have you ever brought a new pet friend into your home and struggled over picking the perfect name? That one special name that name your new friend will carry around with it for the rest of its days?

I came up with a list of my favorite dog names, because I would be adding two dogs to my home in the near future:
1. Barkley
2. Mocha
3. Teddy
4. Percy
5. Tasi
6. Casey

I currently share my home with a Toy Poodle. He's considered to be a "Tuxedo" because his fur is black on the top half of his body and white on the lower half. Many of my family and friends wanted me to select a name based on his appearance, and I wracked my brain, until my best friend, whose last name is Sherman, kept going on and on about how he didn't like Poodles because they were so "yappy." So guess what I named my dog? That's right. Sherman. After my best friend :lol:

My second dog is a 40 pound Hound/Shih Tzu/Terrier mix. He's golden in color. I almost went with Benji, but I was hooked on a TV series called Nashville and named my dog Deacon, after my favorite character.

I never used any of the names on my list

How about you? How did you choose the names of your fur friends? Did you create a list of names?
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Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis »

I don't have any real pets of my own, but I can tell you how I named my HOL pets.

I was formally introduced to logic puzzles when I learned about Seeking for HOL Quidditch. While searching high and low for logic puzzles, I saw "logique" variant of spelling somewhere and wanted to use it. Of course, it made sense to name my owl Logique!

My cat is named Chaos, taken from one of Morwen's cats from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles. The three SQT bots (Fiddlesticks, Jasper, and Quiz) are also names of Morwen's cats.

I also have a toad named Bandit. When the Pet Shop was active, there used to be many toads because everyone would rather have a cat or an owl. There was a limited number of pets that could be available at a time, so the Pet Shop was all toads at one point. I started buying all the toads to try to get more cats and owls in the shop and naming them after cards from the game Dominion. It was too difficult to remember to feed all the toads, so they eventually all ran away. I kept Bandit because that's one of my favorite cards in Dominion!
Aurelia West
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Aurelia West »

I have two cats IRL, and unfortunately yet amusingly both of their names stem from inside jokes between myself and my significant other. One was a silly name we used to call each other jokingly that just seemed to fit our furry friend, and the second is a combination of an animal we think the other looks/behaves like. It's all very silly, and his parents once commented something along the lines of "Why can't you name cats normal things?" but the cats seem happy nonetheless, plus they have very much grown into their names.
Last edited by Aurelia West on Thu Sep 30, 2021 11:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hannah Lovegood
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Hannah Lovegood »

I don't have any pets but if I got to choose what I named them:

1. Mia
2. Max
3. Rosie
4. Harry Pawter
5. Hermione Mouseter
Avery Hill
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Avery Hill »

I never had a pet in RL but here are some names:

One of my classmates even told me my name (in RL) is a female dog’s name! I got very mad
Evie Figg
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Evie Figg »

My two black cats are Lucy and Loki, names they both had already before I adopted them, so I kept them. Throughout my childhood, I have had MANY cats (about 30), a few dogs, and a batch of hamsters. Here are just a select few favourite names of some of my many pets throughout the years:

Marshmallow "Marshy" (my white kitten)
Salem (my black barn kitty)
Sailie (sadie and salem's daughter)
Daddyboots (one of my first kitties)
Mclovin (16 year old cat my mom still has!)
Spirit (my precious Siberian husky)
Hamtaro (my first hamster)

Naming a new pet is one of the most fun things! I always have a list ready just in case a new animal comes into my life. Here are a few ideas for future names:

Alison Karbach
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Alison Karbach »

I never made a list to figure out my cat's name, Stardew Valley actually decided for me! In the game, my boyfriend and I share a farm and the cat that comes with. When we got the cat, the default name was Miso and we decided to go with it. A few months later, I saw a cat at the pet store and fell in love with him and we decided his name would be Miso, in honor of our cat in game.
Adeline Morior
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Adeline Morior »

This is cute. If I had to list a few I like, they would probably be:
We tend to mostly stick to sounds and names in our language like "muis" which means mouse and was a cat's name. "Hoender" which means chicken but was a goose's name and then sounds like Snuff or Booboo. But I like the top named ones because they sound cool. Oh and I did know a horse by the name "Nightmare" Which was cute and funny.

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Hiya Debnath
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Hiya Debnath »

I usually name my pets on the basis of their unique habits or their appearance. I call my owl Hedwig Two after Harry Potter's owl because she's my best companion but I also call her Queenie when she is alone with me because she has a habit of primping and grooming all the time and preening her feathers. I call my niffler Aurrumminer because he keeps looking for, or mining for gold, or Aurum (the chemical name for gold). I call my pgymy puff Lavandula, because she is lavender in color. I call my Somali kneazle Kneazlione, because I find her brave and proud like a lion, but also an intelligent Gryffindor like Hermione. I call my Persian kneazle Merlin's Beard because he is very wise and loves to discipline the other pets and his fur is silky, black and white but long like a beard. I call my hybrid kneazle Lavender because he is lavender in color with stripes.
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Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

I am a dog person and so here's my list of favourite pet dog names:

- Jacky
- Duke
- Bukka
- Vikram
- Roy
- Rocky
- Bobby
- Harry

- Lara
- Rosy
- Bella
- Luna
- Daisy
- Lucy
- Lilly
- Tasha
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Harry Walles
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Re: Favorite Pet Names

Post by Harry Walles »

I was not very creative :lol:

With my first pet ever, a black cat, it just instantly came to me how to name him. My favourite cartoon at the time was Tom and Jerry and because Tom from the cartoon was grey, I decided to call my cat Jerry (even though in the cartoon Jerry is a...beige (??)/brown mouse but who would question a 6 year old? :lol: )
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