Death Eater Introductions!

Class led by Prof. Alexander Brighton

Moderator: Prof. Alexander Brighton

Prof. Kyrie Adderholt
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Post by Prof. Kyrie Adderholt »

If you're a Death Eater post your intro here!
thank you dear Sin
Rayne Devereaux
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Post by Rayne Devereaux »

Hey there fellow Death Eaters. I'm Rayne Devereaux, a super first year. Meaning, I should be a second or third year but.. that didn't happen. xD Anyways, I'm a Slytherin and "Promising Student?" in the Slyth house. I'm a puzzles and music addict so I'm excited to see the puzzles in this class. You can usually find me in IRC or participating in various activities and clubs throughout HOL.

In RL I'm 21 (almost 22 w00t) and from the US. I'm in university studying Music Management and Merchandizing. I love to travel and participating in water sports. I used to dance competitively but my passion has switched over to concert going in my old age. xD I'm a tumblr-ite who is a professional procartistinator but always manager to get things done on time. I love to write and had the changce to write a book but it is more of a secret passion. My mom just found out that I loved to write and couldn't believe I hid it from her. >.> Hmm what else... I think that's about it. haha

First Death Eater FTW. ^^
Last edited by Rayne Devereaux on Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Edmund Smethwyck
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Post by Edmund Smethwyck »

Hey there Death Eaters! Or should I say something along the lines of "Get out of my way, pitiful fools." Something nice and malicious like a good Death Eater.

Well, regardless of what I'm supposed to say, I'm Edmund Smethwyck. I was on Team Hogwarts last term, but decided a change of pace would be nice, so here I am on the opposing team! That being said, I still want to win again this year, so let's all do our best to turn in all those team challenges! I'm a 2nd year Ravenclaw and prefect. I detest peas and spiders - a spider shaped like a pea would be absolutely dreadful. I love puzzles that aren't sudoku, because those are hard, even though I know how to do them well enough. I'm a junior at university, and my schedule sometimes gets crazy, but I always manage to get my work done, despite procrastinating like a master. Next year, I'm planning on sticking to a primal diet, so we'll see how that works!

Enough about me; what about you? Let's go Death Eaters!
Violeta Lost
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Post by Violeta Lost »

Hello Death Eaters!

I'm Violeta Lost, a third year Hufflepuff and a Mini Prefect (yeah, I know, it's hard to believe that a Hufflepuff is evil!)... :lol: Well, I also was in the Hogwarts Team last semester, but I couldn't finish my class, so here I am again in the opposite team, like Edmund. I love travelling, watching movies and TV series, cooking, gardening (a proper badger that is). I also love architecture and photography.

So, let's go Team Death Eaters! Hogwarts is going down! :D
Last edited by Violeta Lost on Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-I need a new siggy!-

Never tickle a sleeping dragon!
Violeta Lost ~ vi803 ~ Sixth Year ~ Proud Hufflepuff
Prof. Rachel Selenia
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Post by Prof. Rachel Selenia »

Hi fellow team mates! Here's another evil badger! :D Uh, that didn't sound right... Whatever! I'm Rachel Selenia, sixth year Prefect and Student Teacher for two classes about Norse Mythology. I have some other positions too, but you can find that in my signature. ;)

I am 24 years old and live in Sweden, I have a university degree in Media and Communication Science and I am still job hunting... Still, I am very busy (a true badger, huh) with all sorts of things. I love music, going to concerts, reading, writing, web design, foreign languages - just to mention a few of my interests. Lately I have also gained a huge interest in Japanese dorama, ie. TV dramas. "Nodame Cantabile" is highly recommended for music lovers and those who enjoy humorous series. At the moment, I've just started watching "Majo no Jouken", a series that I've a heard is really good.
Anyway, I won't bore you with my love for anything Japanese! ;)

Let's win this battle!
Rachel Selenia || Hufflepuff || Professor Emeritus
Prof. Tom Foster
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Post by Prof. Tom Foster »

Hello there, my name is Tom Foster. This is my second time taking this class and hoping to pass this time round. Last term I was on the Hogwarts team, this term I'm a death eater, go figure. I am a third year Gryffindor.

I'm 13 years old and love to meet new people and friends. I know that doesn't sound much like the death eater type, oh well. I am in year 7 of my muggle school, keeps me pretty busy, but when I'm not at school, doing hours of dreaded homework or hanging out with my friends, I can usually be found on HOL or the Gryffindor common room.

May the best team (us) win.
Prof. Limine Snidget
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Post by Prof. Limine Snidget »

Hello teammates!! My name is Ashley Margaret. I'm a second year Slytherin so I am very very happy to be on the Death Eaters' team. I am one of the Slytherin Quidditch Co-Captains and therefore I'm usually found practicing quidditch. Contrary to what most everyone says, botting is actually quite enjoyable. When I'm not playing quidditch, I'm usually reading or doing random puzzles or math.
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