How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

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Mia Fountain
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How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Mia Fountain »

I am currently listening to my first audiobook. Which has led me to wonder how does everyone prefer to read?

I am not minding listening to an audiobook, but I always thought I would dislike it and find it difficult to follow or hear. Usually when I read I am read e-books. Though I am not opposed to physical books either.
Emily Spencer
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Emily Spencer »

I've never gotten into audiobooks. I've always meant to try them, but I am afraid my attention would wander too much for me to follow the storyline. Personally, I love my e-books. I have nothing against physical books, but I love the space that e-books save. I am, admittedly, a tad bit OCD and don't like mess or clutter, so the fact that I can have hundreds of e-books in one little spot instead of sprawled everywhere makes it very appealing to me.
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Adeline Morior »

I love the feeling and smell of physical books the most but I recently tried out a few audio books and absolutely loved how the reader would act and change their voice for the characters. It is so entertaining, so I end up taking a physical book and following along with the audio book performance. When it comes to E-books, I agree with the convenience of saving space and would sometimes read on e-book. It's not my favourite though.

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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Sorcha Wallace »

I absolutely prefer to read physical books because I just love the feeling of having a book in my hand, feel the pages and turn them physically, not by a tap or a swipe on a screen. I do see the benefit of e-books, for example, when you go on a long vacation and you don't have to carry books with you, but you just won't see me do it. I'm also starting to see the benefits of audiobooks: you can listen to books and do practical work around the house? Count me in! I just have to find a good app with good audiobooks, so recommendations are always welcome.
Atlas Graves
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Atlas Graves »

I grew up loving the physical copies of books, nothing could be better than feeling in it your hands and smelling the pages. I also like to collect my favorites and ones with nostalgic ties to them. But in the last few months I've grown pretty fond of both e-books (I tend to read faster that way I've found) and audio books.
Maeve Madden
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Maeve Madden »

I love all three formats for different reasons! My absolute favourite is a physical book. There's nothing like the feel of a real book in your hands, and I love to collect books that have a special meaning to me or that I absolutely love. I tend to read e-books when I'm traveling just for ease of transport. I also use an app which lets me borrow e-books from my library, so I read those when I don't want to commit to buying a book. Audiobooks are great for when I'm driving, especially on road trips. My commute to school is about 45 minutes one way, so I pop on an audiobook to help me pass the time. I also listen to audiobooks when I've tried reading a book (either physical or e-book) but I just can't get into it and would still like to try and get the story.
Dawn Diya
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Dawn Diya »

I've always loved to read physical books. I've tried e-books many times but it doesn't feel the same as a physical book. I like the feeling of turning a page and being able to easily see how much of a book I've read. Also, I'm not good at charging my kindle which is annoying when I want to read something but I can't because my kindle is dead.
Bowie Sixx
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Bowie Sixx »

I really love physical versions of books, they will always be my preference but they are also not always convenient. Ive recently gotten on the E-book train and I have to admit its much easier for me, I can take it with me anywhere, I don't need as much light as I would with a physical book.

i also really like to use audio books when I'm driving or doing some arts and crafts.
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Scarlet Robloutain »

I prefer reading physical books. I enjoy the feel of the pages, the smell of the ink and the binding, and the experience of turning the pages. There's something about holding a book in my hands and feeling immersed in the story that's hard to replicate with other methods of reading. However, I also love the convenience and accessibility of e-books and audiobooks, as they allow me to enjoy the great literature of the world no matter where I am. Each format has its own benefits and charms.
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Aletheia Aves »

I read both. Sometimes the library does not have a physical copy of the book that I want to read, so I will read an e-book instead. I do not usually listen to audiobooks. If I had to choose which I liked better, I prefer the physical book, but e-books can be easier when traveling because then I can read anywhere.
Nieve Knox
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Nieve Knox »

Physical. Not much to say. The smell, the felling and the accomplishment when done says it all.
Thank you.
Noelle Scamander
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Noelle Scamander »

I prefer to listen to audio books! I have dyslexia and I also spend a lot of time driving, so it's easier for me to listen to books rather than sit down and read :P
Amethyst Drake
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Amethyst Drake »

I'm more of a visual person than an audial one, so I struggle to pay attention to audiobooks. My preferred method of reading are physical books, but they're so expensive these days and e-books are easier to acquire.
Evie Figg
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Evie Figg »

I have a funny story...

So I'm 30, and I grew up reading books, so that's how I prefer to read, the actual books. Even after getting a kindle one year for my birthday, I never used it. I like the feeling of actually turning the pages and holding the physical copy!

Anyway, the last few times I have been on an airplane (which is often as I visit my family) I have been seated next to a person at least twice my age. Like 50s, 60s. So, I would assume people of that age group would also like physical copies of books?

However twice in a row, I have been sat next to an older person reading on their tablet, while I was sitting next to them, a younger person, reading an actual book.

I thought both instances to be so funny, as a person of an older generation was using a tablet, and me, a younger generation, still holding a physical copy of a book. Surely the roles must have been reversed but in these TWO separate cases, they weren't.

As I said, I got a kindle for my birthday years ago which I will never use as I love to pick a book out of the shelf, hold it physically, and turn the pages as I become entranced with the story.
Lee Pettle
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Lee Pettle »

I like reading using physical books, but I would really like trying to listen to an audiobook once and a while as I can to other things while listening.
Anastacia Crown
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Anastacia Crown »

I prefer reading physical books and I also prefer keeping them in a collection on my bookshelf rather than renting or borrowing books. When I hold a physical book while reading it feels like when I open the book I am entering into the story itself. I find e books and audio books hard to maintain focus with.
Olivia Sherman
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Olivia Sherman »

I prefer to read physical books, but I have recently tried getting into ebooks as I have found it to be less expensive. However, I do like to have a full bookshelf and to see all of the books I have read right there in my room. I don't like audiobooks, because I always try multitasking when I'm listening and I end up not remembering what's happening in the book because I wasn't really listening.
Ayla Fontaine
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Ayla Fontaine »

I like all three but I definitely would reach for a physical book first, i just really like having something in my hands yk? I like audiobooks while I'm driving though!
Hiya Debnath
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Hiya Debnath »

Well, when we are talking about getting a new story added to my repertoire, I don't mind what medium it is through. Just bring it on. However, I prefer physical books most because of the beautiful feeling of smelling the pages, the smell of a new book is something I am badly addicted to. In fact, it is one of the things my Amortentia smells like. It's also convenient, because you can just put in a bookmark and leave it wherever you want. As for e-books, I love them too. They are more easily accessible, oftentimes free, and can be downloaded and stored without needing physical space, just a device's memory. They can be deleted as well in need to make space for new ones. They are versatile and can be converted into an audiobook with a simple tap on the "Read it to Me" option. No need for physical bookmarks, just mark the page digitally. No need to carry too many books around, just carry your device and you have with you as many books as you want. However, the only thing that I don't like about e-books is that we can't smell the book's pages and I also miss the pleasing crumpling sound that the pages of a physical book make when turned. About audiobooks, I do not like them because I may lose focus after a while as my mind starts wandering, but since I actually have to put in the effort to read every word in a physical book or e-book when reading it visually, I do not lose focus for either of these.
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Hannah Butterfield
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Re: How do you prefer to read: physical Books, e-books, or audiobooks?

Post by Hannah Butterfield »

I love audiobooks, especially the ones where they change the voices for each character. I am someone that is very on the go, so it is nice to have the something to listen to when driving or cleaning.
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