April Prompt: Gorgeous Gardens

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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April Prompt: Gorgeous Gardens

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Book Club is celebrating Gardens and Greenhouses in April!

Yay for flowers! Yay for gardens! Remember the Mandrake lesson in the Greenhouse where no one wanted the pink earmuffs? What about those Fanged Geraniums? Watch out for the teeth!

What book, or books, have you read where you were shown a garden, or a greenhouse, which was described in such a way that you immediately felt that you were there ... or that you wanted to go visit.

Me? I think of the flower in the book series 'The Mortal Instruments' (by Cassandra Clare). In City of Bones, in the Institute's rooftop greenhouse ... when the clock struck midnight, Jace directed Clary to look at a green shrub where they'd been sitting. The plant opened up a blossom -- which only opens at midnight.

I'd love to be there in that rooftop greenhouse and see the many many different kinds of plants which are collected and growing there, as well as watch that plant flower at midnight.

What book have you read, where you feel a need to just transport yourself there and enjoy the gardens and plants therein?

Your write-up needs to be at least 200 words to count towards Beans (and any possible award)! If you post a graphic, please keep it to 600x600 or smaller, and write a brief description underneath what the graphic depicts.

You will receive 20 Beans when you post. Any replies in here, through the school year, will be credited towards a possible award. As always, please keep to HOL appropriate sources for your post.

There is no deadline as such for these prompts but if you’d like it to count towards your chance of earning the award for a specific year, we’ll need it by the end of that school year. If you’re comfortable sharing, then post below. If not, email your story to us via hol.bookclub @ gmail.com (without the spaces).

Remember to click preview before posting to look for spelling and grammatical errors -- or see if auto-correct changed what you wanted to write to something entirely else!
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
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Hiya Debnath
Oakshaft 79
Posts: 151
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Re: April Prompt: Gorgeous Gardens

Post by Hiya Debnath »

One of my favorite gardens is the one in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Shakespeare. In it, the fairy queen Titania has a bed, when the fairy king Oberon after a quarrel with his queen, Titania, asks his mischievous servant Puck, to drop "love juice" into Titania's eyes so that she falls in love with the first creature she sees on awakening. The garden in which Titania sleeps is vividly described by Shakespeare and my impression of the garden on reading the book was that the garden was a thing of beauty in which I would have loved to spend time in and sleep.
Shakespeare describes the garden as being in a bank where the wild thyme blows, and where oxlips and the nodding violet grows, and which is quite over-canopied with luscious woodbine, with sweet musk-roses and with eglantine. That description is obviously given in Shakespearean style in the book and it makes me dream of the beautiful scents and the prettiness of the garden. I would have loved to be there and be mesmerized by its beauty if I were there.
Shakespeare writes - "There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,
Lull’d in these flowers with dances and delight".
What a beautiful bed to have. I would pay Galleons to sleep there. It would be better than any five-star hotel resort. Ohh, and I would definitely not mind the fae company as well as the mischievous Puck's antics even if he played those pranks on me, because the fairy king Oberon would anyway make it right in the end. Oberon did make it right for Titania at the end of the story, using Oberon's magic, by fixing all the intentional and unintentional mischief and mess caused by Puck.

2.10.2024 - Beans sent - Tarma
Last edited by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black on Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: 2.10.2024 - Beans sent - Tarma
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