September Prompt: September Already?

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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September Prompt: September Already?

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Yes, it's September and it's 'Back to School' here in the Book Club.

Between the Pages wonders .... what books have you read where 'back to school' plays a part?

Mean Girls, by Micol Ostow, is based on the screenplay, and is a scripted copy of it.* I remember Mean Girls, the movie, and think ... is it really like that? Hmmm. "Cady Heron grew up home-schooled in Africa with scientist parents as her teachers, monkeys as her classmates and the African plains as her playground. But when her family moves to the suburbs of Illinois, she finds herself a stranger in a strange land: high school." Yes, it was very strange for Cady ...

* Around 90% of the lines in the book are what is said in the film, the 'script', and the rest are slight variations of what's in the movie. It also has filler text explanations of what you would visually see in the movie.

Then there is the How to Get Your Teacher Ready by Jean Reagan and Jill Wildish, written sort of tongue in cheek, and the kids give tips and tricks for getting their teacher ready for the new school year. Ooops. :D

You are welcome to write about your book, or post a picture about the book and its contents. The graphic does not have to be original, but be sure to give credit to whoever created it.

Your write-up needs to be at least 200 words to count towards Beans (and any possible award)! If you post a graphic, please keep it to 600x600 or smaller, and write a brief description underneath what the graphic depicts.

You will receive 20 Beans when you post. Any replies in here, through the school year, will be credited towards a possible award. As always, please keep to HOL appropriate sources for your post.

There is no deadline as such for these prompts but if you’d like it to count towards your chance of earning the award for a specific year, we’ll need it by the end of that school year. If you’re comfortable sharing, then post below. If not, email your story to us via hol.bookclub @ (without the spaces).

Remember to click preview before posting to look for spelling and grammatical errors -- or see if auto-correct changed what you wanted to write to something entirely else!
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
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Aura Nightmoon
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Re: September Prompt: September Already?

Post by Aura Nightmoon »

I read All's Fair in Middle School by Victoria Jamieson a while back. The book is about a girl who has been homeschooled her entire life and travels with her family to work at Renaissance Faires. I thought the book was interesting because I've also been homeschooled my whole life. Going into middle school or any school for the first time is scary for Raina, the main character in the book. She has to deal with her family that isn't what might be considered normal for other people while navigating peer groups and finding where she fits in and belongs.

I liked this book because I remember when I went to a school for the first time to sit the PSAT, a muggle preliminary exam, I was terrified. I didn't go to that school, and I was put in a classroom with students that had no idea who I was. Even though I wasn't attending the school as Raina does in the book, I was still part of it for that test day, meaning my breaks were with people I didn't know, and I had lunch in a cafeteria that I didn't even know where I was allowed to sit. It was nice to read something relatable. Not only that, but Raina discovers things about herself and her family that make her stronger and happier in the end.
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