Introduce Yourself

Class led by Prof. Sollarna Fumbleknot

Moderator: Fumbly

Oakshaft 79
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Introduce Yourself

Post by Fumbly »

Want to earn this month's participation points? It's simple. Just introduce yourself to the class! :)

If you aren't sure of what to say, then you may answer these questions:
Why did you take this class?
Have you ever written before? If so, then what?
What other classes are you taking?
List three of your favorite authors other than J.K. Rowling.

Ok, I'll begin. My full HOL name is Professor Sollarna Fumbleknot, but I'm better-known-as "Fumbly". I joined and began teaching at HOL in 2001. I had a blast, wore several hats, and made heaps of friends... many of whom are still my friends. Then, in 2005, I became a mother and had to step away from HOL. It was a long 13 years away from this awesome place. Far too long. This summer I realized I couldn't stand it anymore... and returned to teach and hang out with everyone again. Also, I brought my son with me (keep an eye out for Bob Butterfingers!).

While I was away, I had another child (I have a two children, a son and a daughter), began homeschooling them, became a web designer, and began writing novels. I also became more involved in NaNoWriMo, an annual writing tradition in which people attempt to write 50,000 words in the month of November. I'm our region's "Municipal Liaison" - a fancy term meaning that I organize our region's NaNoWriMo events and guide them in the writing process.

Now, I'm bringing what I do for local aspiring writers to HOL. This big difference is you get much longer than 30 days to write your novels, and I offer even more help along the way! :)

You won't be the only ones writing. I'll be working on my latest project alongside you! My son requested that I write a book featuring dragons and, after dreaming about one, I was left with no choice but to comply. I'm approximately half-way through the book, and hope to finish the first draft later this year. Not that I'll truly be done, since editing and sequels will follow closely on its heels!

I am eager to "meet" you all and look forward to writing with you. :)

Former (for those who don't know or remember me):
Hufflepuff HoH & HO High Cheese Muffin. Professor of Wandmaking, Runes & Charms.
Herder of nerds & chickens. Web designer, author, historian & artist.
HOL Professor of Write Your World.
Reggy Faraday
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Reggy Faraday »

Hello, everyone! I'm Reggy, a second year Hufflepuff. I'd taken a break from HOL stuff for a while, and wanted to get back into the swing of things with one class, Ancient Alchemy... when I saw this class was being offered. So I just had to take it, too. :P

I used to be more in the habit of writing, but I've gotten away from that in the past year or so, and I want to make writing more a part of my daily life again. Typically I write short stories, my brain is more in tune with that format than others. I've made two actual attempts at novels, and I'm still not used to navigating such large waters.

Helen Oyeyemi is for sure one of my all-time favorite writers, although I've enjoyed her novels more than her short stories, oddly. Tove Jansson and Neil Gaiman are also up there on my favorite authors list.

I look forward to working through our projects alongside y'all!
Hufflepuff second year :: re1080

"'I wish somebody would write a story sometime about the people who warm up the heroes afterward.'" - Moominland Midwinter
Oakshaft 79
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Fumbly »

Reggy Faraday wrote: Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:45 pm Hello, everyone! I'm Reggy, a second year Hufflepuff. I'd taken a break from HOL stuff for a while, and wanted to get back into the swing of things with one class, Ancient Alchemy... when I saw this class was being offered. So I just had to take it, too. :P

I used to be more in the habit of writing, but I've gotten away from that in the past year or so, and I want to make writing more a part of my daily life again. Typically I write short stories, my brain is more in tune with that format than others. I've made two actual attempts at novels, and I'm still not used to navigating such large waters.

Helen Oyeyemi is for sure one of my all-time favorite writers, although I've enjoyed her novels more than her short stories, oddly. Tove Jansson and Neil Gaiman are also up there on my favorite authors list.

I look forward to working through our projects alongside y'all!
It's lovely to meet you, Reggy! I'm taking Ancient Alchemy too! I'm also taking Poisons, Survival, and Dragons. I took classes that were relevant to my current noveling project. Hopefully the classes will help inspire while I'm writing! :)

Creating solid habits are really key to finishing a novel, and something we'll be discussing in class. I think what amazes me the most, is how little someone needs to write per day in order to produce a full length novel within just a few months!
Former (for those who don't know or remember me):
Hufflepuff HoH & HO High Cheese Muffin. Professor of Wandmaking, Runes & Charms.
Herder of nerds & chickens. Web designer, author, historian & artist.
HOL Professor of Write Your World.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Hi. :)

I'm Tarma and a Professor here at HOL Hogwarts. I joined as a student, was 7 years a student, passing OWLS and the nasty NEWTS, graduated and was a Post Graduate for about 1 hour (or so it seems) and became a Professor.

I was Sorted into the House of Hufflepuff! I do love animals and am vastly delighted that some of my favorite people of the Harry Potter stories are also of Hufflepuff.

Why did you take this class? * I took this class because I write and wanted to expand my horizons. My favorite rejection slip is from Marion Zimmer Bradley ...
What other classes are you taking? * Other classes I am taking this term are Braille: The Basics, History of Hogwarts - The Castle, Magical Beings, The Unforgivable Curses
Some other favorite authors other than J.K. Rowling (in no particular order): Agatha Christie, Robert Jordan, Michael Crichton, JD Robb (Nora Roberts), Robin McKinley, Mercedes Lackey, Lewis Carroll, Rex Stout, Dan Brown, Neil Gaiman, Jim Butcher, Tamora Pierce, Cassandra Clare, Jayne Ann Krentz, William Goldman, Linda Howard, Tanya Huff, Elizabeth Lowell, Dick Francis, Robert Heinlein, Terry Pratchett, Patricia Briggs, Sheri S. Tepper, David Eddings, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tom Holt, Charles de Lint, Cassandra Clare, Georgette Heyer, William Shakespeare, Michael Palin, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Douglas Adams, Maurice Krafft, Kristin Cashore, Mary Stewart and Terry Jones. There are others, too, but those come to mind first! (Also, they are authors whose books I've actually purchased and kept.) Select three from them? :D
Last edited by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black on Thu Sep 13, 2018 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Pezzie Wolfe »


I'm Pezzie Wolfe, long time member of HOL. Long time 4th year as well. *GRINS*

I'm a proud Hufflepuff. Been reading Harry Potter since 1998. Wow. Long time. But it will never get old with me. I love to craft, draw, write, play Nancy Drew games, watch movies, binge watch TV shows. I love family friendly shows. But I do like DIY/Home shows. Some paranormal shows.

I like to think I am a nice person and good friend. I am not perfect in RL. Neither is Pezzie as well I put a lot of me into her. Only at least Pezzie can jump about and such. My body in RL is not doing the best. A lot of physical challenges.

Anyway, back to this intro...I have a pet bearded dragon, she is 3 years old. Her name is Diva. If you see my HOL profile, you will find a smiling photo of Diva. She is a gem. I love her SO very much. in RL I share a lot of photos of her on a muggle social media place that I know Fumbly has seen photos of her at. Maybe other folks too.

I like to be positive and do good things. We need more kindness and love.

So to answer some questions...
Why did you take this class? To improve my writing.
Have you ever written before? If so, then what? Yes, I took a few creative writing classes at two community colleges in my time. I have written poems and some short stories. I hope maybe to write a series of short stories with this class.
What other classes are you taking? Taking Charms, Divination, Puzzles 101 and Transfiguration
Favorite Authors: Ray Bradbury, Ann M Martin, Deborah Blake, James Patterson and Lilian Jackson Braun (love her series 'The Cat Who...')
Sig Tag by Pezzie. I Love NKOTB :wub:
HOL Member since August 2003 | Here's to 20 Years at HOL!
Brighid Katz
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Brighid Katz »

Hi I'm Brighid Katz, a Second Year Hufflepuff. I saw this class and was excited because I do NaNoWriMo every year since 2005 and I always like seeing how other people teach writing. I work third shift so I'll probably be here at weird times.

Why did you take this class? I'm a writer who needs accountability to get things done though I'm planning on partially cheating. I plan to use this class to work on the same project I'm going to be using for NaNo (since I'm a NaNoRebel in that I rarely ever start with a blank slate novel) but because parts of my project are not HOL friendly, I'll probably only share the excerpts that are (my novels are all written as connected short story episodes).
Have you ever written before? If so, then what? I write all the time. A little bit of everything: novels, short stories, nonfiction (both personal narrative and journal articles), scripts, poetry.
What other classes are you taking? Braille: The Basics, Superhero Studies, and How to Roleplay.
List three of your favorite authors other than J.K. Rowling. Jim C Hines, Diane Duane, Jacqueline Carey
Brighid Katz |2nd Year Hufflepuff|Member of: HOL Bookclub, HOLLERS
Wand: 11.00" Willow, Unicorn Tail Hair|Personal Motto: Ex amicitia familia = From Friendship Family
~MY HOL Profile~
Oakshaft 79
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Fumbly »

Nice to meet you Brighid!

Yay, a fellow wrimo!!! You may notice that I tried timing the writing phase with November... Therefore, should anyone wish to write their story while also participating in NaNoWriMo, that would be an option. ;)

(I too am a NaNoRebel, and wouldn't have it any other way!)
Former (for those who don't know or remember me):
Hufflepuff HoH & HO High Cheese Muffin. Professor of Wandmaking, Runes & Charms.
Herder of nerds & chickens. Web designer, author, historian & artist.
HOL Professor of Write Your World.
Alexander Barnes-Rogers
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Re: Introduce Yourself

Post by Alexander Barnes-Rogers »

Hello my name is Alexander Barnes - Rogers was supposed to be Alexandra Barnes - Rogers, but Auto Correct just as I was posting my name. You all can call me Alex.
I love to read and write and I would like to become an NCIS Agent. I am also a College student in the "Mandune World".
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