Pet Discussion #2

Class led by Prof. Gustavo Flores

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Prof. Gustavo Flores
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Pet Discussion #2

Post by Prof. Gustavo Flores »

Sorry for the delay!!

October's Pet Discussion:

Why do you think toads are among the least popular pets at Hogwarts?

There is no right or wrong answer, just please explain the reasons behind your wishes. At least 100 words for full marks. Please post your answer in the correct thread in our Class Forum.

Remember that posting in here is worth 10 House Points! :)
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Pet Discussion #2

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

I think that toads are among the least popular pets at Hogwarts, not because they are repulsive (they are beautiful) but ... really, who wouldn't want to have an owl or a cat as a pet? Me, I'd probably want a cat because I'd want it to stay in the house (dorm) with me. And I think this is also a thing of preferring a cat because there is a lot less 'work' to keeping a cat. Toads, you have to be very careful of! They need special place to live; certain kinds of food to eat (not just food off your plate) and so there is a lot of having to be very careful with them. Also, they are a prey animal for some, so you have to be careful around all the larger predators (cats, well, cats AND owls) because the toad could end up someone's meal. I think that the thing about 'not wanting to be caught' is a thing too. I think that most folks would prefer to have a pet someone who would at least want to be around you. But then again, different folks have different likes and requirements, so that's why the owl or cat or toad, I guess. :)
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Arianna Stonewater
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Re: Pet Discussion #2

Post by Arianna Stonewater »

I think a big reason a cat or owl is preferable is that toads require more. An owl or cat can be left alone for awhile and they are capable of fending for themselves. Toads have so many natural enemies (including cats and owls!) and they are very small, so you really have to be careful where you leave them! Plus, they are more temperamental and so more likely to run away if they don't feel like you love them enough. Finally, they just aren't as useful as other pets. Owls can carry messages (cats can as well if you catch them in a good mood) and cats will keep your garden gnome-free.
Shiloh Adlar
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Re: Pet Discussion #2

Post by Shiloh Adlar »

The reason I did not choose a toad as a pet to bring to Hogwarts is because I like having my own owl to deliver my post for me. I also somehow managed to sneak in a cat and get it him approved to have, and I have a cat because I like having him cuddled up next to me at night so we keep each other warm. With toads being cold blooded creatures, I can't really do that. Also, toads require more care than a cat does and my owl that just hangs out in the owlery. My cat can take care of himself for the most part. He's very intelligent and independent (except when there are storms). Owls and cats are much more exciting than toads that, from what I hear, can be rather boring. They don't do too much and they are at a higher risk of getting harmed than pets such as owls and cats are because they are not as intelligent.
Shiloh Adlar, Seventh Year
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Amanda P. X. Sim
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Re: Pet Discussion #2

Post by Amanda P. X. Sim »

Personally I think that the appearance of toads do not appeal to me at all. Although they are beautiful in their own way just like any other living creature, I myself cannot regard toads as beautiful animals, in fact I think that with its rough skin and dark green colour and always wet look, it's pretty much an ugly pet, if it were one. This could possibly be a large factor as to why toads aren't that popular pets among muggles and magical folk alike. Another factor that I think would make sense is that toads aren't nearly as useful as cats or owls. Owls would probably be the most useful as they can serve as owl post, cats may or may not be useful in some sense but they do provide furry companionship, so toads kind of fall in the last in line.
Amanda P. X. Sim | am970 | Gryffindor | Fourth Year
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Sky Marsh
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Re: Pet Discussion #2

Post by Sky Marsh »

I think toads aren’t that popular because of their recklessness. In the HP books Neville’s toad was constantly escaping him and running away just for him to show up again. They are too curious and don’t really obey anything. I also think they aren’t popular because they don’t have a purpose. While owls can deliver your mail and cats can curl up with you and provide you comfort, toads just sit there being annoying by running away sometimes showing no affection whatsoever. People don’t like toads because they don’t express any love for you and probably don’t even feel any love for you. They just sit there and croak while your cat purrs at you and your owl affectionally nips your hand with their beak. I also think toads aren’t popular because toads don’t look appealing, that it one of the many reasons why they aren’t liked that much. Cats are so cute and adorable, owls are beautiful in a majestic way, while toads are just plain old ugly. They come in different colors but they still don’t have the same striking beauty as the owl or the cat. Also it seem like it takes for effort to take care of a toad then a owl or cat. Your owl needs a simple cage and some pieces of bread but that’s it. Your cat needs maybe some toys and some milk and food by that’s it. Your toad needs a glass cage that has to stay at a certain temperature and also needs to be fed live insects. Talk about eww.
Iverian Gnash
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Re: Pet Discussion #2

Post by Iverian Gnash »

The thing with toads is that they aren't really a cuddly kind of animal like cats and owls (to a certain extent) are. You can't really walk into your dorm room and hang out with your toad in the same way you can with a cat or owl. Cats will give you attention and some will act happy to see you. Owls will do the same and they also serve an important purpose of delivering letters for you. Toads don't really acknowledge your presence all that much. They tend to hop away whereas a cat will come up, let you pet them, and follow you around. There's also the problem of feeding toads as they don't eat food that's all that easy to get. For some kids, they may be worried to bring a toad into the common room in case other students are rather put off by it.
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