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Elliya Bertrand
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Post by Elliya Bertrand »

I, personally can't believe there isn't a full-out Doctor Who CLUB here! Anyone have any interest in joining one?! I would totally start it!!!

My thoughts on this series of the Doctor: WOW. I really did not expect (or even want) to like Matt Smith as the Doctor. I was a total Tennant girl, largely because he reminded me so much of Tom Baker's version of the Doctor. I refused to watch the final episode with David Tennant for the longest time because I felt like that would mean it was really done. I actually didn't see it until I got talked into watching the first episode with Matt Smith (my dad said that I would *love* the adorable little girl in it and I couldn't resist...), and then I only watched the end of Tennant after I'd seen the entire Matt Smith series. I, of course, cried my eyes out for about an hour, but I also had come to a new appreciation of the show as a whole, actually. The more I watched of Matt, the more I felt like he was really a kickback to the "Doctors of Olde..." David Tennant was brilliant and I truly believe he is the ONLY one who could have played the 10th Doctor, based on how different those episodes were. They got into the darker side of the doctor; the troubled side; the painful side. He was funny and sweet, too, but it was a different Doctor than has ever or will ever be seen again. I made the mistake of looking up the words to "Vale Decem" (the song the Ood sings to him) and now I cry my head off every time I hear that as well!!

But on to the Matt Smith series. I love it. I couldn't help loving it! The episodes are brilliantly written, and the characters are AMAZING! I always hated when Micky tagged along with Rose and the Doctor, but when Rory joined Amy for a few episodes, I loved it! The chemistry between all the characters is undeniable, and the reappearance (and teaser for more reappearances) of River Song made the series even better! She is my favorite recurring character ever on that show. (By the way, if you haven't gone back and watched "Silence in the Library" since seeing the last series, go and watch it, because they did such a FANTASTIC job of tying the episodes together!! She even makes a reference to the crash of the Byzantium, before the Time of the Angels episode was even thought up!)

I really could go on for hours about Doctor Who. And I'm serious about a Doctor Who club. I think we need one. :)
Ronja Liek
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Post by Ronja Liek »

I would join a Doctor Who club.
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Ophelia Cromwell
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Post by Ophelia Cromwell »

I would so join a Doctor Who club :lol: I'm going through watching the fourth series again to fuel my obsession until the Christmas Special airs. Unfortunately, I live in Australia so we probably won't get the episode until 2013 or something ridiculous like that but oh well :P I really enjoyed this last season with Matt Smith. I, also, loved David Tennant because he was my first Doctor but I really do think that Matt Smith is a great Doctor. I was looking forward to The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, which were good but not as good as Blink but I LOVE River Song so that made up for any non-epicness :D Vincent and the Doctor was amazing and I cried my eyes out. I thought Amy's Choice could have been so good but I think I had too high expectations for it. I got really excited when I found out Moffat would be writing for Doctor Who because the other episodes he wrote when RTD was still writing were my favourites so when I saw the sort of episode Amy's Choice was I thought it would be another Blink. It wasn't, but I still really liked it. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang were just epic and I loved all the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. So, to sum up, I really enjoyed this series and am nearly dying with anticipation for the next series and the Christmas Special!
Ophelia Cromwell|Second year|Gryffindor
Prof. Cosmo B. Mott
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Post by Prof. Cosmo B. Mott »

Okay, so the Christmas special is soon to be upon us (YAY!!!!!!!!), so I thought I'd share the story synopsis that's been released, in case you haven't seen it. Actually, there's two I've seen, so I'll post both.

Synopsis 1: Amy and Rory are trapped on a crashing space liner, and the only way The Doctor can rescue them is to save the soul of a lonely old miser, in a festive edition of the time-travelling adventure, written by Steven Moffat. But is Kazran Sardick, the richest man in Sardicktown, beyond redemption? And what is lurking in the fogs of Christmas Eve?

Synopsis 2: It's the deepest part of winter, the exact midpoint, Christmas Eve – halfway out of the dark. Amy and Rory are trapped on a stricken space liner that's plummeting through banks of thick icy fog to the surface of the planet below.
Only one man has the power to save them; only one man is in possession of a machine that can clear the fog and let them land safely.
That man is Kazran Sardick, a rich but lonely old miser who rules Sardicktown with a sky-mast of iron.
The Doctor's only chance of rescuing the ship's four thousand passengers is to save Kazran's soul and show him that life is worth living. For this he needs to go back, way back, to when Kazran was a boy with a life full of promise.
But can the Doctor put a song in Kazran's heart and love in his life, in time for Christmas? Can he bring him out of the dark?

I don't know about you, but I'm super excited, particularly because BBC America is going to show the Christmas special on Christmas Day. I'm so glad they're coming around on that. That said, I'm always excited for new Whoniverse stuff, be it with Captain Jack, Sarah Jane, or the Doctor himself. (Anyone watch the most recent series of The Sarah Jane Adventures? I think it was the best SJA series to date. Seriously, Julian Bleach is fantastically creepy in all his Whoniverse incarnations.)

Doctor Who Club, you say? Hmm... maybe we should look into this. 'Cause that could be kind of awesome.
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Hermionie Miranda
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Post by Hermionie Miranda »

Mmk, so today I saw Maq online, talking about how he got hooked to Doctor Who after one episode. So I think, why don't I try it? So I do, with the 2005 episode, Rose, with the Ninth Doctor. Big mistake. I LOVED it! I'm so happy it wasn't as science-y as I thought it would be, and it was actually pretty enjoyable! Thank you, Maq!
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Well, I started watching Doctor Who.

David Tennant.

It's all Cosmo's doing.
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Ronja Liek
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Post by Ronja Liek »

You are way behind, the David Tennant era is over

It is all Matt Smith, now and yay for him :D
Bowties are cool.
Last edited by Ronja Liek on Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ronja Liek
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Post by Ronja Liek »

Ronja Liek wrote:QUOTE (Ronja Liek @ Feb 2 2011, 10:39 AM) You are way behind, the David Tennant era is over

It is all Matt Smith, now and yay for him :D
Bowties are cool.

And yes cosmo, I saw the new SJ adventures, I especially loved the episode with Jo Grant, and the one were they went timetravelling. But I must say, I did miss Luke.

Doctor who club would be brilliant indeed :D We could post our timetravel pictures and pictures of other planets :D

( Oops, sorry for the double post, thought I hit edit, appearantly I did not.)
Last edited by Ronja Liek on Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fiber and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes.
Prof. Cosmo B. Mott
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Post by Prof. Cosmo B. Mott »

Come now, Ronja, cut Tarma some slack; she's playing catch-up. Besides, one of the beauties of Doctor Who is that any particular Doctor's era is never over, and it's possible to enjoy the adventures of many Doctors at once. :D

But, yes, bow ties are cool. As are Stetsons. ;)

The SJA story with Jo was great, and Luke was missed, most definitely. It's a shame he didn't get to meet Eleven. But, even without Luke there the whole time, they had some really strong stories. It's great how much material they can get out of a children's program.

And, of course, we've got Series 4 of Torchwood being filmed now. That's exciting. And we're starting to hear more casting news for DW Series 6. Is it spring yet? I need more Doctor Who!

I've been rewatching Doctor Who along with a blogger who's watching the show for the first time, and I've started rewatching Torchwood, too. I think I should throw some SJA in there, too. Because it's all good. :)

Now, off to contemplate some things....
"...they didn't think there was anything very odd in anyone being a little odd."
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Prof. Cosmo B. Mott
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Post by Prof. Cosmo B. Mott »

I don't care that I'm the last one to have posted in this thread. I've got something to say!


As I hope everyone knows, the sixth series is set to premiere on April 23rd (why is it sooooo far away?), which means we're starting to get hints and fun things to get us excited for the new series -- which is silly, because I'm always excited for any new Doctor Who.

Anyway, in addition to a fun Comic Relief romp last weekend, there's a sort of teaser/prequel for the first episode (which is called "The Impossible Astronaut"), and it's really cool. The video's on the BBC website, and it's viewable in the US, too, so that's cool. This is what the description says about it:

QUOTE The Prequel to Episode 1

The new series of Doctor Who begins at Easter with The Impossible Astronaut. But before that we have a short scene written by Steven Moffat that reveals a little of what we can expect from the adventure … and what the Doctor will be facing![/quote]
So come on, HOLWhovians! What theories do you have? Let's DISCUSS!

(Also, you can find the Comic Relief sketches -- called "Space" and "Time" -- on YouTube, from both BBC's account and RedNoseDay's account. Last time I checked, anyway.)
"...they didn't think there was anything very odd in anyone being a little odd."
-James Hilton's Random Harvest

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

I'm watching some of series 1 shows now. The next for me to see is where Daleks appear! :o


I've met Rose. ... Maybe it is too bad that I've already seen some other co-travellers! I'm sure that Rose has a fan club and maybe I've not seen enough of the series yet, but even so I thought there would be, somehow, more to her after all that Doctor Who (David Tennant) being so stuck on her.

I'm not to keen on that particular version of Doctor Who, but then again, I've seen David Tennant. *halo* This guy is so ... normal .... Yes, yes, I know that apparently some folks think he is very strange but to me he is just sort of normal. Then again, I've only seen 5 episodes so far, so who knows (pun intended) what might happen along the line?

Something funny, though. I'm in Cosmo's knitting class (okay, it is 'our' knitting class in that I'm a co-professor but it is HER class) and the Term Project is a SCARF. I'm knitting a DR WHO scarf! (In pinstripes, in honour of David Tennant). So I'm watching Doctor Who episodes and knitting a Doctor Who scarf. :lol:
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
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Katie Tate
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Post by Katie Tate »

Any thoughts on the new episode?! I LOVE Matt Smith, though no one will ever outdo David Tennant. He's supermegafoxyawesomehot while Matt is like, boyish cute, you know? Anywho (haha!) I'm going to discuss some things from the recent episode below so here is my SPOILER ALERT! Don't read if ya don't want to know!

Wellll... Who do you all think the child in the suit is??? I have a feeling that it's Amy's child. But then again I doubt she's really pregnant. I mean, I did suspect it since that first time she got sick, but then again, Rory and River got sick too after they saw those aliens. So she could be. But the sickness bit doesn't help to convince the viewers. Also! What about the look on the Doctor's face when Amy told him she was pregnant?!?!? He looked so shocked and a bit disappointed. Which, I suppose, is to be expected because all of his companions have been single. He's always been able to crush on them, flirt, woo, whatever you'd like to call it. But Amy being married is like, her being the first companion that he hasn't had access to for a relationship other than friendship. Jealousy on his part? I don't know... Just a suggestion.
Speaking if his relationships, poor River! With her whole timeline going one way as the Doctor's goes the complete opposite... It's kill me for the love of my life to be doing that. Though I know it's not purposeful, it still must be killing her.
Okay! One last thing!! Who here thinks that David Tennant and Billie Piper should come back for a couple episodes where the Eleventh Doctor meets Rose and her reincarnation of the Tenth in one of the worlds? Would that work? Eh I don't know. I'd just REALLY like to see that happen. Anywho, I'll leave you to your thoughts until the next episode! Only, like, two days!!!! <3
Prof. Cosmo B. Mott
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Post by Prof. Cosmo B. Mott »

I'm waiting for the next episode to get a better sense of what I think about the first episode. That said, I'm in a kind of OMG WHAT'S HAPPENING flaily place. Which is fun.

I don't know who the child is, but I don't think it's Amy's kid. For one thing, the girl in the suit sounds rather American (I think? Maybe? It's hard to say, really, but I think more American than British.) For another thing, that just feels too easy, somehow.

As for Amy being pregnant, well... she could be, though River also seems to be having those sorts of reactions to the Silence as well. I don't remember if Rory showed similar symptoms (guess I need to rewatch, oh darn). Though, I know that the cast has talked about people keeping secrets from each other, and if Amy is pregnant, that could be a secret she's keeping from Rory since Rory doesn't like how dangerous life on the TARDIS can be; Amy being pregnant would just amplify that, I would think.

I don't for a minute think the Doctor is jealous of Amy's and Rory's relationship. The Doctor having romantic inclinations towards his companions is a fairly new development, and this version of the Doctor seems very anti-romance with Amy in particular (the Doctor basically thinks of Amy as the little seven-year-old he first met, even when he doesn't; I know that doesn't make sense, but the point is that the Doctor doesn't see Amy like that).

I'm not sure that River and the Doctor have been meeting in a strictly linear fashion like she suggests they are, but the general trajectory is definitely in opposites directions. That said, poor River indeed. Particularly considering that when they meet at the beginning of the episode, it's very much her Doctor, complete with his own TARDIS-ish diary, and they've very clearly got this lovely history between them (Jim the fish!), and then it's like the record skips and she's gone back to an earlier track without that shared history. For that to happen to a person in the same day? That's definitely going to throw a person for a loop.

(I'll leave this next bit spoiler-swipe-able because some people in this thread *cough*Tarma*cough* still haven't gotten to that part of the show.)
Katie Tate wrote:QUOTE (Katie Tate @ Apr 28 2011, 12:56 AM) Who here thinks that David Tennant and Billie Piper should come back for a couple episodes where the Eleventh Doctor meets Rose and her reincarnation of the Tenth in one of the worlds? Would that work? Eh I don't know. I'd just REALLY like to see that happen.
Um... not to sound rude (she says, about to sound totally and completely rude), but absolutely, positively no. For one thing, such a thing would mean veryvery bad things for the universe, and this Doctor has a bad enough record in that respect. Also? I think that chapter, as it were, is closed. And, I don't think it would be fair to Rose. She fell in love with the Doctor, full stop. Being left with Handy on the beach was something of a consolation prize, as it were; she gets to spend her life with a variation of the Doctor, but not with the actual Doctor. So, I think if she were to meet Eleven -- or any other number -- it would make her life with Handy pale a bit in comparison. And since she already had to settle for not quite, it would just be rubbing her nose in it some more. Which wouldn't be fair to her at all.

QUOTE David Tennant... [is] supermegafoxyawesomehot while Matt is like, boyish cute, you know?[/quote]
Um... Matt's doing just fine. *cough* Ahem. :lol:
"...they didn't think there was anything very odd in anyone being a little odd."
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Katie Tate
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Post by Katie Tate »

Sorry, all that I have to write is in reply to the post above me and thus is mostly composed of complete spoilers :/ However there us a bit wayyyyyy down at the end for those of you who aren't at the part I'm discussing yet :D

I know it's highly unlikely that this would happen, but what if there was a considerable amount of time left between the Doctor dying and then coming back? And during that time Amy and Rory just stayed in the US, where the child (it was a girl, wasn't it?) would have grown up and developed an American accent instead of an English one? I know, that's extremely improbable, but one can only guess.
Also, as for Rory and Amy's relationship, I didn't mean to say that the Doctor's jealous because he has feelings for Amy. What I meant was, like, it's the first time he's lost a companion to another guy, feelings for the girl or not. He's got to be shocked or sad or jealous because he lost a great friend to someone she'd rather be with. Most of his other companions would choose the Doctor over family (Rose for example) and friends and even safety (except Martha). She's one of the first who left just because she wanted a human life (but then again, I haven't seen the very first seasons so I can't speak for those companions). So I know he doesn't have romantic feelings. But feelings of loss, and perhaps that's why he looked shocked and disappointed.
And about the Rose/Eleven situation. Maybe seeing him as his regenerated self would be better for her. Because Ten and Eleven are so completely different. But her knowing that there's no going back to Ten or even that Ten isn't really there anymore seems like it might be a comfort to her, that she has the only existing bit of Ten and that he's not out there living an adventurous life without her. It seems like it would be a bittersweet consolation that he's literally moved on. And with her having Handy (very clever on your part xD) it's expected that she too has moved on from Ten to (basically) his clone.
And lastly, on a totally different note, I don't understand why the writers are bringing back the concept of the Doctor being dead. It happened in the first season when Rose was sent back to Earth in the TARDIS, with Ten in the end of season four, and with the fifth season's Pandorica Opens episode. I don't think that the producers and writers would be as cruel to so abruptly end the series without warning, so why try to worry us with his continuous "deaths"? And yeah, the most recent death is part of the whole concept of the two episodes, I'm sure, but it just gets tiring. So I'll be glad when he isn't killed off :)

And also, again in reply to Cosmos :) , I love Matt Smith! It's just that DT did three season full of awesome, so it's going to be hard for anyone at all to beat after just one season and a couple episodes. And with their personalities being so different... I think that's what makes them different yet sort of alike too. So yeah, Matt is AH-mazing, I wasn't trying to diss him or anything :)

Anywho, so favorite Doctors anyone? Seasons, episodes, companions? I myself love Ten (as you can tell from above haha!) and season two, favorite episode of that season being Doomsday because it made me cry :( but favorite outside that season would be Journey's End, because that too made me cry. And favorite companion is (obviously) Rose <3

But! Alas, my chocolate chip cookies are ready, so I leave you to nom on them, fellow Whovians!
Ronja Liek
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Post by Ronja Liek »

urgh. Stupid computer said it did not post my message.. and then it did. Bah.
Last edited by Ronja Liek on Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ronja Liek
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Post by Ronja Liek »

Ten was good, but eleven is better. Matt Smith is most definately my doctor.

As for all this talk about it being the first time a compagnion is married and all... it is not. Back in first season, back when the doctor was a grumpy old man with a granddaugther compagnions Barbara and Ian were ever getting more involved.

I do not think the child is Rory and Amy's child, and I am quite sure the doctor's death will be prevented. After all, the doctor was about 200 years older when he died...and I doubt Matt Smith is on BBC contract that long. (If he is, YAY! Well done BBC!)

I would not want Rose coming back. She came back already and now her storyline is over. Though... I would not mind if she had a few Rose Tyler Adventures.
My doctor says I have a malformed public duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fiber and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes.
Finn Cullen
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Post by Finn Cullen »

Oh quite.

The shipping has only really been an issue since 2005 when a decision was made on the part of the production team to try to grab more of a female audience - hence the whole Rose debacle and the increasingly smoochy Doctors. In the original run of the show the relationship was always more "Mentor/Pupil" than "Huggy/Kissy" though there were hints of shippery between companions. Ian and Barbara as Ronja mentioned, and later on Ben and Polly, plus there were a few hints that Jamie McCrimmon (a name the Doc 10 used in the Victorian Werewolf adventure) and Victoria Waterfield were sweet on each other. Later on Captain Mike Yates definitely had a thing for Jo Grant which went unreciprocated alas, as she remained steadfastly immune to romantic plots until she met an Ecologist in "The Green Death" who whisked her away to South America.... but Doc 3's reaction to that news suggests that he may have been more than fond of her himself.

So the shippery was there, but it was never made overt. In some cases romance only appeared in order that a companion could leave the TARDIS with some justification. That started with Doctor 1's granddaughter Susan who fell in love with an anti-Dalek resistance fighter in 22nd century Earth and the Doctor basically kicked her off the TARDIS so she could be with him like she wanted rather than staying with the Doctor out of loyalty.

But it was all quite low key and in the background. That changed when Russell T Davies took over the tenure. He was quite upfront about the fact that he identified as a kid far more with the companion than with the Doctor so that was why he made Rose such an Uber-Companion (in the first couple of seasons she solved more problems than the Doctor, was more empathic than the Doctor, made more right guesses than the Doctor and destroyed every Dalek in the universe, plus Captain Jack loved her, plus the Doctor loved her, plus Mickey Smith loved her... Russell T Davies can write a self-insert Mary Sue as well as any twelve year old girl on it seems) and the shippery kicked off in no uncertain terms.
Last edited by Finn Cullen on Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
No. Just no.
Aislynn Anvengis
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Post by Aislynn Anvengis »

Been awhile since anyone wrote in here, but hello!

I'm new, but not that new to HOL and I'm glad there are other Whovians here! :)

I'm really excited for Series 6 pt.2. I'm a huge fan of Steven Moffat's writing. I had seen a few episodes of Doctor Who over the past few years, but didn't really get into it until I saw "Time of the Angles/Flesh and Stone". Great concept and I had to know more about River Song. So, went back to the beginning of "New Who", watched it through and I'm thoroughly hooked!

New episodes in just a few weeks! :)
Eloise Renard
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Post by Eloise Renard »

I love Doctor Who.
I can't remember when I started watching it properly, probably some time during Tennant's episodes, but we now have most of the 9 & 10 on DVD, and my nan obsessively watches them. She's probably a bigger fan than me, but she absolutely despises Matt Smith and refuses to buy the DVDs for his seasons, even though I think he's probably better than the other two.
Don't get me wrong, I do love them, but I just kind of love Smith more. There's a quote Moffat gave in an interview or something that I saw floating around somewhere, which kind of sums up exactly why I prefer him.

QUOTE "His Doctor is, in the nicest possible way, completely unhinged. You think he might just forget to diffuse the bomb because he saw a nice butterfly."[/quote]
Katie Tate
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Post by Katie Tate »

So who's seen the most recent epi, The God Complex? Thoughts below :D

What did you all think of the whole thing?! First of all, I LIKED Rita! She was smart and the Doctor really liked her and... I wish she hadn't died. Anywho. I also thought it was super duper creepy how weird their faces got when they were "possessed," if you can call it that. OH! And those dummies in the room with Joe. Too many creepy doll-like things for this season.

What do you all think was behind the Doctor's door? I've heard it being said that it was himself, but I don't know that it's true or not.

About Amy and Rory leaving. I mean, obviously it can't be true, otherwise BBC would've made some whole big deal about it. Besides, I think I saw something that said Karen and Arthur were staying for Season 7... Or maybe Matt said that. Not sure. Not gonna lie, I don't mind them leaving. I love Rory, but Amy's just... eh. She's good, but I think two seasons is long enough.

:D I liked the episode, overall!
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