How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Non Harry Potter Book Discussion

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Nicole Calendar
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Post by Nicole Calendar »

I read too many books to keep track. This past week I have read two.
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Layla Wolf
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Post by Layla Wolf »

to be honest, i'm not sure. I know I've read about 3 so far.
Kira Tanith
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Post by Kira Tanith »

Ten or more.
I love to read.
I have absolutely no idea how many. This year I want to keep track of how many I read.
Ashley Forog
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Post by Ashley Forog »

I read like maybe 10 books. But I read NON - Interesting books like 1 page a week. Or I can read a REALLY interesting books like what, 3 times a day? So it matters on the book /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

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Malacai Micheals
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Post by Malacai Micheals »

I actually read like 34 books a year. I am reading every chance i get.
Malacai Micheals
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Katherine Riddle
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Post by Katherine Riddle »

Ayahzy Nahki wrote:QUOTE (Ayahzy Nahki @ Sep 26 2006, 04:35 PM) I read way more than the average person. I read about 200-300 books per year. I can't help it. What with the library, and there's about 3000 books in my house. I'm running out of shelves!
I do the same thing. My personal library has about 1000 books, and that's not including my parents' and sister's books or those that all of us read. And, of course, there is the public library three miles from my house and the school library. My mom kept track of my reading in sixth grade, and I read about four hundred books that year, but I was homeschooled then, and we didn't count books that I read twice in the year's time. Since then...well, probably about five hundred per year.

It's probably because I read quickly, too, but also because I read about a book and a half a day, maybe more or less, depending. I read the first six Harry Potter books in four days the first time I read them, and I remembered most of what happened.

So...a lot of books. Ten to twelve each week, and more if I'm on holiday or have less homework. Reading is my favorite hobby.

And I can tell you for certain--reading a lot does increase your chance of doing well on the PSAT and SAT. I haven't taken the latter yet, but I took the PSAT last year in 10th grade and again this year in 11th grade, and my scores were really high, especially in the reading and writing sections.

Silvia Chang
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Post by Silvia Chang »

I read alot of books per year, may be 300 or 400?
I really like to read. 400 if you count those 10 paged books that my mom wants me to read. /happy.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="^_^" border="0" alt="happy.gif" />
.::Silvia Chang::.
Annastasia Bee
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Post by Annastasia Bee »

I read between 5 and 6 a year and its all for my own personal pleasure I read more if i was to add all the stories i read my child but im only counting mine:D.
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Anna Darcy
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Post by Anna Darcy »

I go to borders every weekend, and buy at least 4 books. If people know wat to get me for presents they give me a book voucher. You cant go wrong with a book!
I don't think I like it when people buy me books. I mean dont get me wrong, I love it when they do, but I prefer to get a voucher and get them myself. Books are very personal in my opinion.

Akil Thutmose
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Post by Akil Thutmose »

Though I've never really counted them, I'm sure I read atleast 50 books a year. It often depends, however, on the size of the books and other conditions going on in my life.

For example, I get a lot of reading done when I'm waiting to start work (don't drive -- often get to work 6 hours before I'm supposed to begin), but I've been working more day shifts lately.
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it is too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
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Zend Avesta

Post by Zend Avesta »

more than 10 definitive book. My Work every day relate to Many book..
maybe 200 / 300 or more...
Midnight Slater
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Post by Midnight Slater »

I read a stupid amount of books.
I'm a self confessed read-a-holic.

I tend to walk in the library and pick books off the shelves at random.
Some are good, some are bad, and some I wonder how in the world they even got published.
Midnight Slater

Josh Kortos
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Post by Josh Kortos »

i don't actually read BOOKS that much. i mainly read comics or really short books like 2-50 pages long and big fonts when i'm bored. but sometimes i read books like the series of unfortunate event and harry potter books.
Prof. Gwyd Aerlyn
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Post by Prof. Gwyd Aerlyn »

I'd say at least 24. I always have a book in my hand. That's probably why my house is so messy. /dry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="<_<" border="0" alt="dry.gif" />
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Mairead Falcourt
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Post by Mairead Falcourt »

I am fourteen and have most likely read over 1500 books since I was 3 years of age. I got in trouble in kindergarten four reading a third grade book! I am homeschooled however now and read a book almost every day. I read Harry Potter OotP in 4 days!
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Jenna Hathaway
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Post by Jenna Hathaway »

Countless I think. I can finish a novel in a few days if I have a lot of free time, and I shop for new books every few weeks. I can't have nothing new to read even for a day, so usually I buy new books before I run out of my current new ones. /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
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Scarlett Gabryella
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Post by Scarlett Gabryella »

I am trying to read as much as i can because my english teacher told me it increases our vocabulary.

I love learning new words and annoying people who i know don't know what it means.

Expecially when i put it in the wrong context and see them jsut agree haha

Oh im wiked.
/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
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Falay Marker
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Post by Falay Marker »

I usually read about a book a week, so that make 52 books a year, though, often, I reread things that I've already read. Like I read all the Harry Potter books about twice a year, just so I never forget anything, and I reread Dragonflight I don't know how many times. And I've written plenty of short stories, so my depth of writing and reading is pretty big, at least, in my opinion.
Valerie Whitney
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Post by Valerie Whitney »

I read less now than I did in high school. I used to get 4 or 5 books from the library and read them in a week. I don't have time like that anymore. I'm down to about 2, maybe 3 on a good week. If I have a full day I can read a whole book (I did that the HP 6). If not it may take about 2 or 3 days.
Amelly Blackwood
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Post by Amelly Blackwood »

Well, to be honest, I'm not really sure. I read no book unless it's normal or small print, and only if its mostly 300 page + . I average 2-4 of these in a week, depending on how actively I read, if I really want to I can read a whole weekend non stop and add another book to the week. I make a point to read every week. That would mean about...200 + books one average a year.

I LOVE BOOKS! /laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":lol:" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" />
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