Secret Elf 2022 Intro

Moderators: Amy Smith, Prof. Alexander Brighton

Prof. Alexander Brighton
Posts: 291
Joined: Sat Aug 08, 2015 11:52 pm

Secret Elf 2022 Intro

Post by Prof. Alexander Brighton »

Welcome to this year's Secret Elf Gift Exchange!

I can’t wait to see the joy that this activity gives everyone. For all the new students who aren’t familiar with the Secret Elf Gift Exchange: It’s become a tradition on HOL over the last few years. It’s a fun activity that gets HOLers together by giving and receiving gifts from each other. Of course, it can’t be physical gifts. These gifts can be something you created, movie/TV Show/song suggestions, beans, recipes, baking ideas, and so on.

Here is the timeline for the gift exchange:

December 4th: Sign ups open
December 11th: Sign ups close
December 12th: Partners will be matched
December 31st: Gifts due date

Everyone who signs up to participate will be assigned someone to send a gift to from the list of fellow participants. But don’t worry, we will match everyone up according to what you want to receive and what you feel comfortable to give. This is called Secret Elf, so to protect that aspect, someone won’t be making a gift for the person who is creating a gift for them.

Participants are allowed to give beans as gifts by sending them to either Amy Smith or myself and we will pass them along. You can then take a screenshot and send it to the email for confirmation. But keep in mind, beans take no effort so in order to be awarded full points, you will need to send in something more along with the beans.

You can earn 30 house points for fully participating.

All gifts can be sent to

Once the gifts are sent to that email, we will distribute them to the correct participants in order to keep the secrecy going.

If there are any problems with accessibility, please let us know and we can provide alternatives.

I can’t wait to see some old and new faces this year for the gift exchange. I hope you all have fun. Now head on over and sign up!!!

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