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Karaoke and Other Fun Activities

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 3:06 am
by Shiloh Adlar
Have any of you ever sung karaoke before whether with family or friends? What about performing in any other fashion? I know some families will have big get togethers and people will take turn singing songs or playing instruments. There are also a lot of places that have karaoke rooms that can be rented and used for parties. I have never done any sort of karaoke before, but I think it would be really fun to do some time. The closest I've come is writing music and making videos for you all on here during Mx HOL. I have thought about maybe performing covers of different songs and uploading at some point, but I have yet to get to that. Perhaps when my birthday comes around in August, I'll do a cover of Taylor Swift's "22" because it would be fitting. We'll see.

Do you like singing karaoke or performing cover songs? Would you ever want to try if you've never done it before?

Re: Karaoke and Other Fun Activities

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 1:10 am
by Adaleine Shuster
I love just using a karaoke machine with some friends and singing. I will sometimes try to sing along to a song I've never heard before(I'm sure you can imagine how that goes!). Everybody calls me the music genius because I know so many songs. I will do Karaoke to almost every song.