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Idea Bank

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2022 5:24 pm
by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Fourth Issue of the Year: Light Refreshments

Informative Articles
The history of a particular dish or drink
Historical food crazes (like the Victorian fad for jellies)
The history of afternoon tea
The history of hot chocolate
Foods associated with particular events (like strawberries and cream at Wimbledon)
Popular street food from a country of your choice
Profile a famous chef
Profile a famous restaurant
Scones: jam or cream first?
Molecular gastronomy
The Chemistry Behind Refreshing Beverages
The Rise of Mocktail Mixology
Importance of Water and Hydration
Food alternatives in dishes
The Science Behind Aroma
Cutting-Edge Technologies in Beverage or Food Production
Drinks or food that became popular with social media
Latte art
Fusion Cuisine
Tea ceremonies
Important food or drink Literature/Mythology
The Physics of Carbonated Refreshments

Summer related mythology
Summer Fashion Trends
May's and June's Impactful Historical Moments

Biographies (drawn from May and June Birthdays)
Alan Turing
Anne Frank
Arthur Conan Doyle
Dan Brown
Florence Nightingale
Laverne Cox
Malcolm X
Marilyn Monroe
Michael J. Fox
Miriam Margolyes
Morgan Freeman
Octavia Butler
Patti LaBelle
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Queen Victoria
Sam Smith
Stevie Wonder

Books to Pair with Your Favorite Beverages
Your favorite drink/dish
Coffee vs. Tea
How do you take tea/coffee and why
Which beverages go with which Harry Potter House
Seasonal Refreshment Favorites

Upcoming movies/TV shows/Books/Games (remember to keep them HOL appropriate)
Reviews of movies/TV Shows/Books/Games (remember to keep them HOL appropriate)

News from the Wizarding World
A review of Honeydukes newest sweets
An interview with the chef at The Three Broomsticks
A guide to the best tea blends to use for divination
Wizarding village attempts to make world’s largest cauldron cake
Madam Puddifoot’s top tips for the ideal spring picnic
New pumpkin juice flavors available this summer
Bertie Botts introduce new bean flavors
How Your Wand Wood Reflects Your Beverage Preferences
Best recipes to enjoy when you watch Quidditch World Cup from home
The Three Broomsticks honors Hogwarts' Founders with Signature Drinks

Write for the Howler ad
Art Department ad
Library Department ad
Book Club ad
'Activity' ad (both house specific and HOL wide)

Wizarding Ads
Madam Puddifoot’s midsummer menu
Butterbeer festival at the Leaky Cauldron
Charmsworthy’s Enchanting Chocolates
Supper club at the Three Broomsticks
Florean Fortescue introducing Ice-cream Based drinks

Logic puzzles
Word search
Fallen Letters
Letter Tiles

Remember that you do not have to pick from this list if you have an idea of your own. This is just a source of inspiration.