Exam - "MIRROR ESSAYS" - Spring 2022

Class led by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Moderator: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Exam - "MIRROR ESSAYS" - Spring 2022

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

"Ten Scrolls” / 1000 words (60 points)

Please submit all work to hiddenpowers[at]mugglestudies.org with the subject “Exam – Your HOL Name”

Your task for this Examination is to write a Reflective Essay on this past semester. Each of the four Powers (Faith, Hope, Courage, and Love for Part I, or Peace, Wisdom, Understanding, and Familiarity for Part II) must be incorporated in one fashion or another with a minimum of 125 words apiece. The other 500 words may be spread out as you please across each of the energies and/or within an introduction and inclusion, etc. Returning members from Part II are also welcome to incorporate thoughts and correlations from the modules over Part I of this class should you so wish.

Perhaps there will be a general theme or through-line to your composition with some primary topic or theory you’d like to delve into. Maybe each area will be entirely different, or you’ll compare and contrast one thing against another. You could write about what has impacted you the most overall in one or many sections, or discuss what has come up for you over the course of our months together within all the different Modules and across any interactions you’ve shared with me and your classmates.

Has any part of your life been drawn into a greater sense of harmony and balance, or have you thought of any new ways of approaching how that might happen? Feel encouraged to include how other experiences here at HOL (past or present) or in other parts of your offline world might be incorporated, or if your perspective(s) on anything has changed over time.

Trust that whatever is internally craving to be worked into the mix will let you know. In many ways, if you’re tuned inward and listening with an open mind and heart, the Essay will mostly write itself! So long as you conduct yourself under HOL guideline then there are no accidents, coincidences, or mistakes here. If you wish to share your Essay, go ahead and below. In any case, I hope you’ll have some fun with it!
Deputy Headmaster | Deputy Head of Ravenclaw
"⁠—Starry, starry night. Paint your palette blue & grey."

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