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Class Introduction!

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:00 pm
by Adaleine Shuster
This is the place to post your class introduction assignments! Have fun getting to know each other!

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:33 am
by Janie Peterson
One of my most cherished memories with my family was my 13th birthday. We had a luau with all of my new friends and some of my old ones (we had just moved houses). I was ecstatic and everyone was wearing grass skirts and Hawaiian flowers in their hair. We all hung out in the pool and took a ton of great pictures. We even did the "how low can you go" game with the stick and everything. It was such a fun experience!

I joined HOL wayyyy back when. I think it was like 2011 or something? (I went and checked. It was January 6, 2011.) I am still a third year though because every time I focus on the site, real life comes and sweeps me away again. Although I am on and off and sometimes I take a long hiatus, I always manage to find my way back. I love taking classes here and earning house points for Ravenclaw. Go Ravenclaw!! :wub: I'm taking this class because the lessons looked so interesting and fun!

One interesting fact about me is that I love the cold more than I like the heat! I can't wait for snow season.

Another family that would be nice to read about in this class would be the Lovegood family! I've always been curious about Luna and her family.

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:31 am
by Morag McQueen
Hi there, nice to meet you all!

My name is Morag McQueen, I'm a 6th year (forever it seems) Ravenclaw. I joined HOL about... 12-13 years ago? The first 5 years or so I sailed through HOL schooling, then real life started getting a bit more real and I kept drifting in and out of HOL. Now I'm back and want to get all my OWLs besides finishing 10 classes this year (or less if I get a full-year class too).

No longer living at home, I enjoy holidays with my family (parents) especially. I like spending time with them, enjoy their company and want to savour it as long as possible as you never know when may be the last time. Depending on where we go on holidays, the activities differ a bit, but for me it's so much about what we're doing as much as that we're doing it together.

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 3:09 am
by Iverian Gnash
Hello! I'm Ivey, a second-year Gryffindor Prefect *adjusts badge* :lol:

*looks at questions list* I guess I'll take these one by one. So, first question is what do I like doing here. Well, a lot. There's always a multitude of HOL activities to complete and you're never bored with everything there is to do. I'm also always on IRC hanging out.

Next question, why did I take this class. Well, mostly cause Adaleine's been working on it for a while and I was interested to see what she's been up to. :D

Another family you'd like to see studied in this class in future years: Hmm, maybe the Gaunts since there's quite a bit to talk about there.

One interesting fact about me: Arg, there are quite a few I normally use. Well, up till last year I was homeschooled, never set a foot inside a classroom till summer 2018 when I started at the uni :lol:

A memorable moment with my family: There have been so many. We went road-tripping all through the west of the U.S. last year. I got really homesick, but had a ton of fun camping and meeting some interesting people. We went all the way up to Washington and then drove the whole way home. Another time, my aunt brought my sister and me to N.Y.C. and we saw The Lion King on Broadway after eating at Serendipity. That was a lot of fun.

Yup, so that pretty much wraps it up. I hope to have a great term with everyone :D

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:10 pm
by Prof. Alexander Brighton
Hello. My name is Alexander Brighton, but you can call me Alex. I'm a fourth year Ravenclaw Prefect :D. I joined HOL in August of 2015. My favorite thing to do in HOL is taking fun classes and I also like to check the forums for any new topics and participate as much as I can in all the different activities and my prefect duties. I took this class because I want to learn more about the different families from Harry potter, it looks really interesting and a fun class. another family that I would like to see added to the class would be either the Malfoys or Riddles.

One memorable moment, not so great for everyone at the time, but really funny now. A few years ago, my family rented a house in a resort in Florida. We flew to Florida and didn't land until after midnight. By the time we got our suitcases and everyone together and got a taxi to the resort, it was around 2 am. We were exhausted. we stopped by for the key and they gave us a card key to get into the house. So we went to the house we were renting and there was no place to slide a card in. We were trying to figure out where the card goes, trying to put it in many different ways. A couple of us were getting mad, but the rest of us were so exhausted that we were laughing. My dad went back to where we got the key and they helped us get in, but we had to go pick up the correct key the next day (or later that day). In the same vacation, my aunt was trying to call to order pizza and she hit a wrong number, she hit 91 and the police showed up.

An interesting fact about me is that I love all animals, especially dogs. I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 gerbils, and a bunch of fish.

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:39 pm
by Arianna Stonewater
Hi everyone! I'm Arianna, and I'm a fifth year Slytherin Prefect. Fifth year really snuck up on me! If you aren't already aware, I love puzzles and crafts! I decided to take this class as it looked like it would be a fun break for me while I'm working on my O.W.L.s! In the future I'd love to learn more about the Longbottoms or the Lovegoods!

IRL I am a freelance theatre technician, part-time bookkeeper for my CPA friend, and a stay at home mom! My daughter, Edrea (we call her Ed), is both the light of my life and the bane of my existence!

An interesting thing about me is i have a huge family!!! Not only do I have 1 twin, 5 step, 1 half, and 2 in-law sisters (yes, ALL GIRLS!) but my dad has 5 older sisters who all have at least 2 kids (and several of those have their own kids now too!) but my mom's sister has two kids, and my step dad has 4 brothers who all have kids. Family reunions are super crazy but I wouldn't change it for the world!

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2019 2:12 am
by Phoenix Hale
Hi everyone, I'm Phoenix Hale!

My most memorable memory with my family was at a family reunion when I was four. We were at my late Great-Aunt's house somewhere in the Northeast, and I was super excited because it was the first time I would be swimming somewhere other than a public pool. I was able to meet two of my cousins, who introduced me to all of my great aunt's many pinball machines, but eventually right before dessert was served they got tired of babysitting their baby cousin. I was the only one left in the pool as all the adults mingled around it, and I decided I would tiptoe my way towards the deep end. I ended up slipping and I didn't know how to swim that well. At one point I saw my body, my hair specifically beneath the water, as my consciousness went somewhere high above until a shark grabbed me. Turned out the shark was my dad who saw his daughter underneath the water still as death, after feeling an unexplainable tug on his shirt. I was eventually deemed okay and wanted to immediately go back into the water, to my parents' chagrin. And it's all my relatives will talk about when everyone gets together.

I joined HOL a little over a week ago, and I'm loving it so far! I love the Slytherin dungeons and the discussions down there as well as the forum RP-ing I've seen on the main site. I'm SUPER excited to learn more about the Black family, I find them absolutely fascinating. I love reading fanfic takes on Walburga Black and Narcissa Black. Eventually, I would love to see the Malfoy family explored. I want to learn more about Abraxas Malfoy and how he could have shaped Lucius, I know there are fandom takes that he was a jokester.

Fun fact about me: I'm mixed race. It's interesting for me to think about what my ancestors would think of me if I time travelled to see them, since miscegenation has only recently become legal.

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:02 am
by Silver Myst
My name is Silver Myst. I just joined at the beginning of this month. I love to do the classes as I love to read. I also like to look in the forums for interesting conversations. I decided to take this class basically because I like to learn about the history of all the wizarding families. A family I would love in the future is Lunas. One interesting thing about me is that I am very interested in snakes. I held one in 3rd grade and fell in love with them. Another is that same year I got to meet, my favorite author.

The most memorable thing with my family is probably our Christmases. The whole family is together and shenanigans happen. My family is big on gag gifts (not mean or crude) just presenting them in ways that are unique and makes you work for it. So there is always something funny that happens every year.

Re: Class Introduction!

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:51 pm
by Brooke Fallhunter
Hello everybody!

My name is Brooke Fallhunter, and I am a second year Gryffindor. I joined HOL in the middle of December of 2018. Some of my favorite things to do on HOL are going on IRC, meeting new people, and participating in activities. My favorite memories on HOL are most likely meeting all of my amazing friends. I decided to take this class because I wanted to learn more about wizarding families and this class was perfect! One of my favorite memories was that when I was younger, I went to the beach with my close family friends and my family. We had an amazing time there going to amusement parks, seeing tourist sights, and of course, spending time together.