Task 5: Creative Cartography

Moderators: Prof. Sky Alton, Prof. Kendra Givens, Arianna Stonewater, Prof. Rorey Padfoot

Prof. Sky Alton
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Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

As you pass yet another table, a breeze knocks a pile of parchment off the edge. You reach down to snag a few sheets before you accidentally step on them. They appear to be maps of the castle with a few important locations marked, though you don’t think nearly enough things have been labelled to stop folks getting lost.

Hogwarts students in years gone by probably wished for a map (marauder’s or not) to stop them falling afoul of the trick stairs and to nudge them toward a convenient shortcut or too. Newer students: wouldn’t it be great to document your discoveries as you explore the school? Older students and professors: wouldn’t it be great to help a new student by adding your insights and advice to some of these maps?

You can do this task one of several ways: you can find yourself an outline or blueprint of Hogwarts like the one below and annotate it with helpful (or not so helpful) notes, you can draw a rough sketch map of the castle and do the same or you can describe what annotations you’d make and where (providing it’s in more than 80 words). Try to have fun with it, these additions don’t need to be strictly practical (they also don't have to be HOL specific, though if you'd like to weave in HOL knowledge, please feel free). Remember, if you make a graphic: upload it to an image hosting site and ensure it is no more than 600 by 600 pixels before posting.

Possible Outline:
(click for larger image)

To earn 5 house points, please post your customised maps below by 11:59 PM HOL-time on September 30th!

(Full credit to the original creator of the image)
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Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

For larger picture, click here.

...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Image shows the map with various observations, diagrams, smears etc on the parchment.
Across the top, from left to right and then clockwise-ish and spiralling in. By Training Grounds Tower (upper left corner) - WATCH OUT FOR THE DRAGONS HERE - Hagrid got a pet and it escaped. * Ron got lost here once. He followed a hinkypunk. *
By Bell Towers - Beware the Ides and Mandrakes of March * By Greenhouses - GUESS who SAW SOMEONE HERE in the GREENhouse * Central Tower - that's where George trapped the boggart * GO JABBERWOCK! * picture of book laying open * Arrow pointing to Caretaker's Office - X in it and 'abandon hope all who enter' * Arrow pointing to Great Staircase Tower - "Fastest time from top to bottom is 2 minutes and 32 seconds * The Quad is renamed - The Lobster Quadrille * Clock Tower - DING DONG * By Owlery - sketch of 'something' with wings and underneath a sketch of broostick with WHOOOSH written above it * Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower - Fred locked the teacher out of here once. He was on probation for 6 weeks.

click for larger image
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Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

The area just to the left of the viaduct should be marked with the colour green and some indication to show that this is where the Slytherin dungeons are: after all, this is the best place to see the lake! Similarly, I would mark the clock tower with blue and the central tower with red to reflect Ravenclaw and Gryffindor respectively. Looking at the hallway right off the Great Hall, I would have to mark that yellow because that would likely be where the Hufflepuff common room would be situated. Outside the castle I would make a notch every 50 feet on the perimeter to mark distances so that Quidditch players could time the speed of their flight.

Let's see: other things I could do? In the Dark Tower I'd add three spiders, one for each of the Unforgivable Curses, to reflect where I am teaching my newest class on that subject. I'd place the Slytherin house pets, Basil and Brabas, in the hospital wing where they serve to comfort members of my House who are in pain and in need of support and comfort. And why not have a few owls flying in and out of the Owlery as well?
Anna Westbrook
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Anna Westbrook »

I’m still discovering the castle, but I have found many interesting places already. One thing for sure is that each map should be marked in colors describing where the house common rooms are located because it’s quite easy to get lost! I would mark them in bold and in their house colors.
Also, anytime you approach the big girl’s bathroom on the main floor near the side of the castle, AVOID IT! There’s a ghost that lives in there and she cries an awful lot. The other students call her Moaning Myrtle. I would avoid it at all costs. There are so many bathrooms throughout the castle to visit and I would take a trip over there.
I would also highlight where my specific classes are and the best paths to get to them. For example, Puzzles 101 is right next to Ravenclaw Tower! I would easily go down the tower, take a left and it’s the first door on the right. BUT always remember to come 10 minutes early because my professor expects punctuality. 

Lastly, write down the best times to go to the Great Hall for breakfast. It’s more fun to go with others, but to not have it be too crowded. Best path to go is opposite of Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom, down the stairs, near Gryffindor Tower. Leave at 8:00a sharp! That way when you get there, it’ll be the perfect time!
Raevia Ward
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Raevia Ward »

It's my second week here but this is what I've seen so far:


Excuse my ugly handwriting, I jotted them down while I explored the castle most of the time...
If the image is not working, here is the link:
Brianna Caedmon
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Brianna Caedmon »

Hello! I am skilled in finding the best napping spots!

Here is my annotated NapMap!

February Fortescue
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by February Fortescue »


Link to larger image:

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Prof. Kendra Givens
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Prof. Kendra Givens »

Emily Spencer
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Emily Spencer »

“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”
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Iverian Gnash
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Iverian Gnash »

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Gail Allen
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Gail Allen »

Prof. Polaris Black
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Prof. Polaris Black »

A "Cassie Sig" is priceless - thank you so much!
Arianna Stonewater
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Re: Task 5: Creative Cartography

Post by Arianna Stonewater »

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