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Welcome, travelers!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:03 pm
by Elena Galatas
Another year, another new semester.

Welcome to Societies in Ruin!

Feel free to introduce yourself and let us know a bit about yourself! You can also just chill and get to know your fellow classmates! I promise no one from HOL bites (not too hard at least >.>), and I've never met a group of more accepting people than the people in HOL.

So settle in and enjoy your time here! Talk about the dystopian novels we'll be diving in to this semester or even suggest some others that you found interesting! If I find enough other novels and worlds to explore, I could even make another class when I have time! :wub:

Re: Welcome, travelers!

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 8:09 pm
by Elena Galatas
First and foremost, I should introduce myself. You can read my introduction from the old introductions post if you'd like but I'm basically writing the same thing here ha.

First thing you should know about me? I hate introductions. I'm so freaking awkward, and I never know what to say about myself lmao. ANYWAY. My name is Elena Galatas. I'm a seventh year Ravenclaw, and I've been one for...a while now. >.> I just don't want to graduate, okay? Don't judge me. Plus, me and essays do not get along well so who knows when I'll ever actually graduate. :lol:

Honestly, I'm not around as much as I used to be because of work, but I tend to use gifs a lot when I'm talking. I'll try to refrain from doing so here, though. I'm supposed to be professional and all teachery so...yeah. I'll do my best, but I make no promises XD.

Before they closed Quidditch for the season to reimagine it for HOL, I used to be a member of the Ravenclaw quidditch team! I'm 33 years old; I know I'm old don't remind me rofl. I have an 8 year old German Shephard/Lab mix named Remus and a 4 year old, black Bombay cat named Daenerys; both of them are rescues that I've had from infancy (Remus was about 3 months old, rescued from a puppy mill, Dany was bout 2-3 month old when she showed up just before winter on my back porch; I waited a while before bringing her into the house, in case she had a home and just got out, but we're pretty sure she was abandoned by her previous owners).

I work full-time as a customer service representative for Aetna Medicare. At the moment, I live in the central time zone, but ultimately I hope to relocate to England or the Scottish Highlands. More realistically, though, I'll end up back home in Florida lol. I don't generally sleep a whole lot during the days that I work, but I tend to catch up on sleep on my weekends when I am off. If I disappear for a day or two, I'm probably sleeping lmao.

On a hobbies and interests level, I'm a massive Harry Potter fan, but I also obsess about many other things. All things Marvel, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Bridgerton, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time (Killian Jones and Colin O'Donoghue in particular), and Star Wars to name a few; I also like comic books (I'm currently reading through the Harley Quinn Rebirth series). Pretty much, most nerdy things you can think of? I'm into it. I also read a lot, and I think dystopian literature is one of my favorite genres. Thus why I decided to finally stop being lazy and actually make this class. I'm working on a few more classes, one centrally focusing on The Hunger Games, another on Once Upon A Time, but it's probably going to be a while before either of those really come to fruition.

Okay! I think that's enough about me, though. You can always ask questions if you'd like to know more though. ^.^

Re: Welcome, travelers!

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2022 10:31 pm
by Elena Galatas
Welcome my darlings brave adventurers!

It's time for another semester of exploring these dystopian societies. Please remember to be careful in your travels, especially around the fourth month (lesson) in our travels as some of those dangers can be quite lethal.

As always, if you need me I'm around! Just shoot me a message on HOL or in the class email, and I'll respond.

Have fun!
Elena Galatas

Re: Welcome, travelers!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:31 am
by Elena Galatas
Welcome brave travelers!

And we're back for another semester of traversing through some of our favorite dystopian societies. As always, I implore you to exercise caution in your travels, especially as you near the borders of the Glade as some of the dangers lurking around there can be quite lethal.

As always, if you need me I'm around! Just shoot me a message here on the forum (while the HOL messaging system is down) or even in the class email, and I'll respond.

Have fun! Be safe!

Re: Welcome, travelers!

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 4:01 am
by Elena Galatas
Welcome brave travelers!

I'm more or less going to just repeat what I said last semester because...well, I am feeling a lit lazy right now lol. But even with that being said, I'm happy to say that we're back for another exciting semester of traversing through some of our favorite dystopian societies. Per my usual warnings that only some of you have a tendency to listen to, I implore you to exercise caution in your travels, especially as you near the borders of the Glade as some of the dangers lurking around there can be quite lethal.

If you need me I'm around! Normally, I'd say shoot me a message in the forum (and you're still welcome to do that as I do get notifications on my phone), you are more likely to get a response if you email me at! If there's anything I can do for you, please just let me know. :D

Happy travels, my darlings! Be safe!