HOL Goals 2023/2024

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Emily Spencer
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HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Emily Spencer »

The Gold Spirit Award was begun several years ago as part of something known as HOL Appreciation Month. It’s designed to help motivate you to fulfill your personal goals for the school year, however big or small, whatever they might be. Anyone is welcome, be they student, postgraduate, or professor. Read the criteria below and then have a think about what you’d like to achieve for yourself this year. Once you’re done, post your goals as a reply to this thread and get to work on them. You may earn a shiny award at year’s end!

You must make at least 3 goals, though we’d like 4 or 5.
They must be goals we can check and verify in some way. If you want to collect a certain amount of beans or the like, you’ll need to send me a screenshot of you having the right amount.
One goal must be how many house points you’d like to earn (either overall or in particular classes)
One goal must be related to classes (number of quills you want to earn, number of OWLs you want to complete, number of classes you want to teach/assist)
You must achieve (or get very close) to at least 3 of your goals to qualify for an award
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Anne-Marie Gagne

Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Anne-Marie Gagne »

First goal is that I want to get 10 quills again this year. I didn't expect to last year but now that I did it I want to see if I can do it again.

Second, I want to try and get a full 300 points in at least one of my classes.

Third, overall I want to aim for getting at least 2000 points from classes. I managed it last year but I want to see if I can do it again this year.

Fourth, and thinking of a non-class related goal is harder than it should be (but its the Ravenclaw in me), but I want to submit at least twice to the HOwLer this year.
Janne Halla
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Janne Halla »

  • Get at least 3200 points.
  • Submit to every issue of The HOwLer.
  • Submit at least twice in the Art and Library departments.
  • Help host at least two Gryffindor activities.
  • Get all 10 quills.
Emily Spencer
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Emily Spencer »

My goals for this upcoming school year are:
  • Earn at least 2000 house points
  • Earn 10 quills
  • Pass all OWLS
  • Host at least 2 HOL-wide events
  • Contribute at least twice to the HOwler
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who’s going to stop me.”
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Amy Darvill
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Amy Darvill »

My goals for this year are...
  • Pass six OWLS
  • Pass 10 classes this year
  • Earn 3,00 points
  • Write the Class for Next Term
  • Host 1 HOL-Wide Event
  • Contribute to the Howler at least once
Silvana Mandeville
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Silvana Mandeville »

My goals this year are:
- Pass 10 classes
- Pass at least 8 O.W.L.s
- Earn at least 3000 house points
- Earn 10 quills
- Host 1 HOL-wide event
Adeline Morior
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Adeline Morior »

My Goals:

Earn at the least 5 quills.
Earn at the least 1500 points.
Pass all my classes taken for both terms.
Successfully Complete my PiT.
Participate in at least one Library and Art department events.


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Prof. Sirius Fudge
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Prof. Sirius Fudge »

This year, I hope to:

1. Earn at least 1500 points.
2. Increase my classes taught to 2 or more in the spring term.
3. Co-organize at least 1 HOL-wide activity.
4. Participate in at least one activity of every house.
5. Increase my HOL Forum posts to 600 (now 503).

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Louis Walles
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Louis Walles »

1. Earn at least 2 OWLS
2. Earn at least 600 points.
3. Earn at least 20 diamonds.
4. Pass at least 3 classes
5. Have at least 25 students in total in all my classes.
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Harry Walles
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Harry Walles »

1. Have at least 30 students in total.
2. Pass at least 5 classes in total
3. Earn at least 500 points.
4. Earn at least 3 awards in the school year.
5. Get at least 1k diamonds.
Ereshkigal Csintalan
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Ereshkigal Csintalan »

My goals for this year are:

1. Earn at least 290 points in each of my classes
2. Earn all 10 Quills for the year
3. Submit something to the HOwler twice
4. Submit at least 2 things to the Library Department
5. Submit 1 thing to the Art Department (as Art is not my strong point so I would like to improve this)
Lex Green
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Lex Green »

My goals for the year are:
1. Earn at least 2500 house points
2. Pass and earn quills in 10 classes
3. Submit to at least two issues of the HOwLer
4. Pass at least one class with a 300
5. Successfully teach both of my classes for both terms
A huge thank you to my secret elf for the sig!
Magnus Alexander
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Magnus Alexander »

My goal is to be a Pokemon master and become a Sailor Scout BUTTTTT I'd also love to...

1. Earn the maximum amount of quills for the year. I believe I can earn 10.
2. Earn the most points for my house (Slytherin) or at least top 10.
3. Participate in all Library and Art Projects for the year.
4. Earn at least 3 awards this year.
February Fortescue
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by February Fortescue »

My biggest goal is to (finally!) complete my collection of Gilderoy Lockhart books, and my 5 goals on HOL are:

1. Earn all 10 quills
2. Earn at least 2000 points
3. Pass at least 6 OWLS
4. Submit at least 2 columns to HOWLER
5. Assist in at least 1 class
superb sig by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

  • Earn at least 2 quills
  • Earn at least 1000 points
  • Make at least 3 submissions to the Art and Library Departments combined
  • Make at least 1 submission to the Howler
Keeping my goals modest for the first year so that I can get a better feel of my capabilities and level-up my goals the next year.
1st Yr. Gryffindor with an aptitude for Charms, PotionsDADA | Aspiring Auror
Mia Fountain
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Mia Fountain »

1. Earn at least 3000 points.
2. Earn 300 points in at least 5 classes.
3. Pass 10 classes this year.
4. Pass at least 10 OWLS.
5. Participate in at least 3 HOL activities.
Aquaria Sandalwood
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Aquaria Sandalwood »

My goals this year are to:

1) Earn 10 quills
2) Earn at least 2000 House Points
3) Submit at least 2 times to both the Library and Art Departments
4) Participate in an activity for every house
5) Successfully complete PiT
Katherine Laurier
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Katherine Laurier »

My goals for this year are:
1. Earn all 10 quills.
2. Have the max points in at least 2 classes.
3. Earn at least 2,800 points.
4. Submit to the Howler at least twice.
5. Submit to the Art and Library department at least once each.
6. Complete my PiT successfully. :D
Caius Magnusson
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Caius Magnusson »

My goals this term are quite similar to the ones I had last year!

1. Get a total of 10 quills.
2. Get 300 points for every class I take (600 points for full year classes).
3. Get a total of 50 awards.
4. Grade all work received in my current ongoing course in a timely fashion.
5. Write my next class (on Genetics of Magic).
Kenz Eternal
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Re: HOL Goals 2023/2024

Post by Kenz Eternal »

I’d like to pass three of my five classes.

I’d like to participate in one event per month in the Hufflepuff group.

I’d like to complete and pass at least one exam.

I’d like to participate in Quidditch at least once.

I’d like to win one award by the end of the year? Maybe? We’ll see.
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