What Is In A Name?

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Orchid Dust
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Post by Orchid Dust »

I got my name from a flower. I like the Orchid and Lysander was a character from Charlie Bone and Dust came from Moon-Dust. I narrowed it down to Dust because Orchid Moondust doesn't sound good to me.
^^^ made by the lovelie Atrain Volecuz. imy,bbby.

"We take the love we think we deserve."
Jessica Farley
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Post by Jessica Farley »

I just thought of a name and typed it in. I'm not very fond of the last name Farley so I don't know why I did that. LOL!!!!
Amanda Denaro
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Post by Amanda Denaro »

Amanda's my real first name, and I love money. Denaro's the Italian word for money, so...
Jenni Wang
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Post by Jenni Wang »

Jenni Wang's my real name.. haha
Ashlie Lacross
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Post by Ashlie Lacross »

Ashlie is my first name, and Lacross is my fathers mothers last name who I never met because she died when he was 5. We are trying to trace the family without an sucess coz i think she might have changed her last name or something, but I would like to take the name in her memory coz I really like the memory mydad has of her i guess. /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />
Igraine Cirith
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Post by Igraine Cirith »

Igraine is the name of King Arthur's mother and Cirith is on loan to me from someone I adore.
Igraine Cirith
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Arcken Pendragon
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Post by Arcken Pendragon »

Pendragon is the name of Uther, the man who has Arthur with Igraine. But it reminds me of someone I am devoted to. And Arcken is a name I made up years and years ago for some Dark Elf on EverQuest. It deserved better, though.
Arcken Pendragon
First year Slytherin
Abigail Lullaby
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Post by Abigail Lullaby »

My HOL first name comes from a TV series character, Pauley Perrette's in NCIS, Abigail, and I just love the way she looks on the show, and my last name comes from my cat...
Well, her name's Luna, which has nothing to do with a lullaby, but there's a little back story to that : when I was a kid, there was no way I could or would fall asleep, unless I had my cat with me and she's start purring... Made me fall asleep, hence Lullaby!!! /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />

Did that make any sense??
Marite Clements
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Post by Marite Clements »

Hmm... basically I chose Marite because I have a fettish with all names beginning with 'M' (not the people, just the names) Hehe!
And Clements was the last name of the first boy I kissed. Haha, talk about random.

Overall, I think my name is slightly better than the last name I used on forums: Corwyn von Amber. Corwyn is a (male) video game character, and von Amber is just seriously garbled german. I only found out later that amber is actually 'bernstein' in germany.
*Sigh. Ich bin sehr fantasievoll.
*wanders around aimlessly*
It's official: I have no imagination! (the tree sheep stole it)
*gazes blankly at screen*
If only I could think of something to say...
London Madison
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Post by London Madison »

The intials for London Madison is the same intials for my real name.
I got the name London from a character at Disney tv show "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody." Brenda Song plays a character named London Tipton and I just like the name. Also that I want to travel to London in the future. Madison was a pretty name that I like. And when i heard it could be a last name I used it.

The truth, if I had a baby girl i would name her: London Madison as her first name.
Last edited by London Madison on Fri Aug 04, 2006 7:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Archeobald Sluagh
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Post by Archeobald Sluagh »

I have a RPG character called Archibald once. But this isn't a reason I have chosen this name. If you want to know my reasons, you have to go for etymology of this name.

Similar name Archibald means "noble bold" in Teutonic language. It origins in two words - arch (noble, high, supreme - compare archangel or archmage) and bald (bold - like brave, hero, tough). If you change first word by similar (older homonym) - archeo (old, ancient - compare Archeopteryx, archeology) - you get a new name - Archeobald, which means ancient bold (ancient power) or ancient bald (very old man without hair). And this describes me precisely. Understood? /smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" />

My surname has a different origin. Sluagh (pronounced sloo-ah) were a mythical celtic spirits / faeries. They were horrible and dangerous. "Horde of Unforgiving Deaths" they called them. They were shadows in deep forests, terrorizers of naughty children. I have known them first time in RPG Changeling the Dreaming and I love them since that time. Every description of them match my own. So I am Sluagh.
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Anna Marie Giovanni
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Post by Anna Marie Giovanni »

Well I was originally going to go with Mercedes Love Giovanni, which is a name I used before on an RPG. However I wanted something different. Though I still have much love for Mercedes I didn't think she would fit well into a Harry Potter fourm and site.

Then the name Anna came to mind so I typed in Anna. However, that was too short so Marie..a good common middle name came next and I already knew the last name I was going to use.

Anna's parents however, do share the same names as Mercedes did. As for her brother. His first name is Charlie. After the actors who's site I run.
Quilly Potter
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Post by Quilly Potter »

I love to write, and since I write my stuff and my letters to friends still using pen and paper (paper... what's THAT?!), I figured that for HOL, I'd turn my pen into a quill instead and call myself Quilly (both because I'm one who owns a quill, and because of Lilly Potter). The last name I picked... ohhhhhhhhh, I don't now, I have NO IDEA where on Earth I could've picked it up from. No clue.

For the record, I do own a real quill.. .which I don't use because I don't want it to wear out /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
~Quilly Potter.
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Madison Halan
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Post by Madison Halan »

I don't know why I chose Madison Halan. It just kind of popped into my head. Madison sounded very pretty and kind of school girl-ish and then Halan sounded a bit more Poe-ish.
Ron Lupin
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Post by Ron Lupin »

Well, how I got my HOL name isn't really a big story. I play some video games, and I had to make up a name for my character. Since I was going to sign up for HOL soon, I chose names that I could use in HOL. I went from Draco Wood to Daniel Grint to Daniel Weasley, etc. etc. I finally came up with the name Ron Lupin because I wanted part of my name to be a name from the trio and I chose Lupin from one of my favorite teachers. So enough about my name. How did you get yours????

*sits in a comfy chair with butterbeer and caouldron cakes*
Gryffindor First Year ro810 11 inches from a hemlock tree with a hippogriff talon core

Harry Potter, it's what we live for for!!!
Jesse LeFay
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Post by Jesse LeFay »

*helps herself to a cauldron cake*
Well, this is the name I use on another popular HOS forum which to be honest I got bored of. LeFay is the surname of my ancestress Morgana LeFay who was alive in King Arthus and Merlins time said to be a Dark with and I just like the name Jesse.
Memento Mori
unus putesco slytherins regnum munduso
*Love is nothing but an Illusion*
~*Credits to Camille Ritter for the lovely siggy above*~
Ghiffari Knight
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Post by Ghiffari Knight »

I choose this name because ths is my real name and I want to be a knight for my self and my family, so I choose a knight as my last name ...
So here I am .... Ghiffari Knight
Corrine Moseley
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Post by Corrine Moseley »

I picked Corrine because it's such a pretty name. And I had a hard time picking a last name so I just used google to find one, lol. Google solves everything, right?
Camille Ritter
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Post by Camille Ritter »

Camille came from a story that I'm currently in the process of finishing. The main character is actually named Caleb. But the main female character is Camille. Also inspired by the wonderful actress Camilla Bell.

Ritter is derived from non other than the gorgeous angelic-voiced lead singer of The All-American Rejects: Tyson Ritter.
Ryouko Palma
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Post by Ryouko Palma »

My name is so cultural! My first name I picked some time ago, I use it for a lot of stuff, it means 'dragon and tiger' in japanese (at least, I hope it does /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> ) And my surname is from taken from my mother's surname, which also happens to be a european surname (even though my family is Asian) which comes from the Latin for palm...yep, my surname is a tree.
Ryouko Palma
First Year
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