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Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 8:10 pm
by Cecilia Sykes

The Y makes a long I sound like in the word sigh.

I hope that was helpful :)

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:28 am
by Simelírië Tindómiel
My name is Simelírië Tindómiel.

It is pronounced like:

SI = as in See.
Me = as in May without the "y".
Lí = like Lee.
RI = as in RIng.
Ë = Like the "e" in Hey!.


= as in Teen.
DÓ = as in DOctor.
MI = as in Me.
EL = as in ELephant.


It's really not as hard as it looks. :P

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 2:36 am
by Leif Svennson
My name is Ash Wiseth. The pronunciation of "Ash" is the same as for the word "ash" (a as in cat, then sh as in shore). The pronunciation of "Wiseth" is a bit less intuitive: "Vee-set" (but it still is not too bad, at least in my opinion :P ).

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:25 am
by Lorie Ellison
LO (lengthen the 'o' part a bit)
RIE (pronounce only the 'ri' part)
E (pronounced as 'eh')
LI (as in Lee)
SON (pronounce it like 'won')

should be easy enough :)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:57 am
by Artemisia Delacroix

simple enough :)

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:57 am
by Nephele Faunus
{Nephele} = neh-FEH-lee

{Faunus} = FAWN-us (fawn rhymes with dawn)

But you can always call me Nellie!

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:55 am
by Prof. Alexander Brighton
I think mine is pretty straight forward, not quite sure how to explain it.

Alexander- A (aaaa)
lex (same pronunciation as Lex Luther)
and (sounds like the word, and)
der (as in the word, cylinDER)
Put it together and it's Alexander.

Brighton- Bright (sounds like the word, bright)
On (sounds like the word on)
Put it together and it's Brighton.

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 3:06 pm
by Elphias Knightley
People mispronouncing my name is no oddity, so I'll gladly explain:

Elphias = elf-eye-us
Knightley = night-lee

Elphias Knightley. Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue. My good friends and my family do tend to call me 'Elphie' to embarrass me, though. Feel free to call me what you wish!

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 8:56 am
by Arlynn Cassidy
I think my names pretty easy but here it is anyway.
Ar as in the letter or the pirate sound.
Lynn as in the name.
R Lynn
Cass as in the name.
I as in igwana.
And dy as in dee.
Cass I dee
All together its R lynn Cass I dee.

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:01 pm
by Cliodna Levebre
Mine is:

Cli : Klee (rhymes like Flee)
Od : oud (rhymes like Our)
Na : Na

Le : Lee
Veb : Veb (rhymes like Pet)
Re : Reh (rhymes like Meh)

Klee(y)oudna Leevebreh

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:54 pm
by Arianna Stonewater
Mine is pretty easy, but just in case:




Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 9:32 pm
by Edythe Weasley
My name is easy enough to pronounce.

Just think Edith (Ed - seed without the 's', and Ith- as spelled)


Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:00 am
by Eleni Oresteia
I'm not good at phonetics but...



Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 1:47 am
by Katya Snow
Kaa (like the snake from the jungle book)

Tea (like the drink! yum!)

Ya (sort of like Rah, or Hah, or, uhm. Aha?)

Snow (like that evil fluffy stuff that brings cold and colds and... why did i choose this to be my last name? i HATE winter!)

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 4:57 pm
by Ivorie Windton
Mines pretty easy.

Ivorie is pronounced just like Ivory (Eye-Vor-ee)
Windton is pronounced (Wind-Ton)

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 6:25 am
by Prof. Zenix James
Well, it has been a while since I've done this, so here's a new round for the new school year.

My first name is pronounced Zee-Nix. Last name is pretty simple...James. :D

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2017 9:10 am
by Sachiko Murata

My first name is Sachiko (幸子), which means "happiness":
➝ Sa: The A is short, pronounced like in the words At and After. ➝ Sah
➝ chi: The CH is sharp, with a pronunciation similar to iTCHy. The I is short, but similar to the vowel sound in mEEt. ➝ tchee
➝ ko: This is the stressed syllable. The O is, once again, short. It is similar to the one in Owe. ➝ KOH

My last name is Murata (村田), which means "a village's rice paddy":

➝ Mu: The U is short. Its pronunciation is similar to that in in rUle. ➝ Muu
➝ ra: I don't think the English language has the R sound which is necessary to pronounce my surname correctly. An approximation would be the rolled sound in beTTer. The A is the same as in SAchiko. ➝ rrah
➝ ta: This is the stressed syllable. The A is also the same as in SAchiko. ➝ TAH

• Sachiko ➝ Sah-tchee-KOH
• Murata ➝ Muu-rrah-TAH

PHEW, this was much harder than I thought it would be!

My apologies in advance if this isn't 100% correct: I wrote it with the American Standard Pronunciation in mind. However, I might have a slight accent which makes it difficult to accurately hear and pronounce some English words and sounds. :wacko:


• If you're still curious, writing 幸子村田 on Google Translate and selecting the voice option will allow you to hear the proper pronunciation of my name!


• In Japan, your family name comes before your given name. As such, my name would be Murata Sachiko, instead of Sachiko Murata.

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 3:54 am
by Austin Ollivander Black
Austin pronounced AWs-tin

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:00 am
by Marie Dark
Austin Ollivander Black wrote:Austin pronounced AWs-tin
Ummmm that's pretty short there Awe- sss-tin.....hahaha but a man who gets straight to the point... lol ❤

Re: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:04 am
by Marie Dark
Greetings and Salutations Everyone!

My name is pronounced like

MA == or Maw --and RIE == Ree
DARK == well as in Dark night... not sure how to break that down... hmmm :rolleyes: