A Terms Worth of the Hufflepuff House Spirit Awards

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A Terms Worth of the Hufflepuff House Spirit Awards

Post by Felicia »

It was one of those gorgeous summer days. The perfect day to be by the ocean. The sky was a light blue color, the sun, a golden yellow beating down on the beach goers  and a sprinkling of clouds floating carelessly around, shading those beach goers occasionally to give them a little relief from the heat of the sun.  

Felicia was out in the water, lounging on an inflatable tube just enjoying the last day of her vacation when a thought popped into her head. The House Spirit Awards. Her eye opened wide when she remembered seeing a piece of parchment, really a number of sheets of parchment somewhere on her desk that she was supposed to look at before she headed out on her vacation. With one lunge, Felicia splashed into the water and started towards the beach.  She walked over to her beach set up  where  a small beach chair, towels and her beach bag  sat.   She reached into the beach bag and pulled out her wand. With one flick her chair closed up and  the towels folded themselves. She slung the beach bag over her shoulder and with a flick of her wand the chair and towels disappeared. With another flick of her wand a  portal was created letting her   walk through the circular blazing light, to her office. "Where is that parchment?" she said, brandishing her wand with one hand , "I know I put it somewhere before I went off to the Bahamas!"

"There it is!" she relievedly sighed, taking a seat at her desk and extracted the parchment from underneath a pile of books.  She unfolded it, to read --

Welcome to the Sett, home of the Badgers!  We are delighted to give out Hufflepuff awards, all kinds of them and to people of HOL Hogwarts.

First off, we have the Bright Badger awards. This award goes to the Badger who brought into our House the most points in any given month.

Bright Badger

February - Katelin Ross
March- Jodie Smith
April - Katelin Ross
May - Harry Walles
June - Skylar Peyton

The Scholarly Badger award is somewhat different, acknowledging the highest points earning Badger of their year or group for the Term.

Scholarly Badger

1st year - Skylar Peyton
2nd year - Harry Walles
3rd year - Amy Darvill
4th year - Selenophilia Moon
7th year - Jellicle Moon

Post Graduate - Katelin Ross

The Professor who earns the most points in the term is given a different kind of award -

Bright Badger - Professor Edition - Professor Tarma Amelia Black

Diamonds are the gemstones for Hufflepuff - check out The Hufflepuff Hourglass

We have many activities in the Sett through the summer and school year which earn Diamonds.  The people who earn the most Diamonds get awards!  The Diamond count is kept from July through June each year - Diamond Count 2021-2022

This year, to no one's surprise, Harry Walles again claims the Diamond Hoarder Specialist Award, having accumulated an astonishing 11,584 Diamonds. Next up is Louis Walles, gathering 9,783 into his hoard and earning the Diamond Hoarder Extraordinaire Award. Professor Tarma Amelia Black, with 7,800 Diamonds in her  bag of holding, gets the Diamond Hoarder Award.

Special mention goes to Astor Arensin, Aurelia West, Emily Spencer, Jodie Smith, Mia Fountain, Professor Felicia Hartwick and Professor Will Lestrange, who all earned over 2,000 diamonds last year!  


Sometimes a person stands out for things that they do which are not especially for one thing or another, but has a cumulative effect of getting our attention.  Harry Walles teaches some classes .. and there are favorable comments about them from various people! One person wrote: "Last term, 2 of my 5 classes were taught by him, and they were some of my all time favorites in quite some time. I have found a few more classes of his to take. Is there an award that would fit awesome newish student teacher with great new classes?"  

We searched and found the Not a Llama Award -- which is delightedly given to Harry Walles!  Well done, Harry.  

We had a Badger join HOL last February and fling herself into both Sett activities and also into HOL-wide activities. Playing Quidditch, helping present our Secrets of Dumbledore activity, and earning over 2,000 Diamonds in just one Term, Jodie Smith has earned our Ickle Firstie Award.   

We also had a visitor to Sett who came in and joined in many of our activities, making herself right at home with us Badger. She joined in Sept of 2021 and has earned 1,606 worth of Diamonds, that's about 200 diamonds per month.  So to Cole Thronheart, I would like to award the Badger Sett-er Award. 

That was all good, but ... something else was needed. Fels took another sip of water. "Ah, yes!" and her wand inscribed some more words onto the parch. 

There are two more very important awards to give:

Head of Hufflepuff Award of Appreciation -  Eve Roake for her constant activities in the Huffle Kitchen, the Badger Library and in Eve's Corner. Each month she gives us puzzles, discussions and a place to come relax and join in some fun with our Badgers and visitors  from the other Houses.

I also give this award to Harry Walles for his monthly creative corner called the Creative Club. Each month he gives us a place to come and work on jigsaw puzzles of our choosing. If that wasn't enough, he gives us The Musical Wizards and gives us a bit of information about some talented artists.

Note:  Did you receive an award, and have no idea what it is?  Go here -  Hufflepuff Award Descriptions - and read all about it!  

Now that she finalized a terms worth of awards, Felicia posted the parchment to the usual places, and then made her way to her sleeping chambers to sadly unpack from her vacation.

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