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Lou Trix
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Post by Lou Trix »

Hey! Happy that this topic is up :)

I'm Lou, 15, living in France. My favorite pass time is definitely reading the Harry Potter books, or watching AVPM and AVPs (A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel :P )
I really enjoy having time to myself, though I wouldn't say no to a party ;)
I'm new here, a Ravenclaw firstie, and would really like to make some friends! So feel free to introduce yourself !
Lou Trix
Janelle Daniels
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Post by Janelle Daniels »

I'm Janelle a 21 year old from New Zealand and a new ickle firstie of the Ravenclaw variety. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people who share my love of all things Harry Potter and other interests of course. Feel free to send a message or anything would love to meet some of you out there :)
Pezzie Wolfe
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Post by Pezzie Wolfe »

It's been 7 years since I last posted in this post. I would not know where to find my original post. But I think it's time to re-introduce myself to those coming into HOL. You have found a great place here at HOL Virtual Hogwarts. I've been around 7 years. I know I'm still at 4th year. But I don't mind. I know I transformed into a professor for a year or two. Then back to student.

I've made a lot of dear friends that I will continue to stay in touch with for long time to come. So stick around new folks, you will be glad you did.

Anyway, I'm Pezzie Wolfe. I'm a 4th year. I'm a Hufflepuff. (Used to be in Gryffindor till I realized it made sense to be a Hufflepuff again as that's where I was sorted into anyway) Was in Gryffindor when I was professor. OK, I like chatting with friends and others on IRC. I like getting involved with activities around Hufflepuff and HOL PPC (Pen Pal Club) Which if you're looking to meet other folks from other houses, that is the club to be in! I try not to cause too much trouble around HOL. *innocent grins*

My HOL Pet is a black cat named Midnight. (a girl) aww I just realized my character cat is 7 years old. ;) I enjoy crafting, making graphics and reading.

In RL...I'm pretty much Pezzie like. I would tell you my real age, but that's for me to know. ;) I'm no spring chicken yo. OK I still act it. but don't go thinking I'm in my 50s...I'm not. LOL I'm forever young! I'm a good, loyal pal. I don't bite so feel free to say hi!

Welcome to all the new folks passing by. Hope you enjoy HOL! :D
Sig Tag by Pezzie. I Love NKOTB :wub:
HOL Member since August 2003 | Here's to 20 Years at HOL!
Astra Holt
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Post by Astra Holt »

Hi, all!

Hey, Pezzie, nice to meet you! :lol:

I'm Astra, seventh year and proud of it! I tend to finish what I start, and when I enrolled in HoL, I knew I meant to attend for the whole seven years (and possibly beyond!) I'm in Ravenclaw, which is no surprise to anyone who knows me--I mean, I enrolled in a seven year school, all excited about learning new magical things!

Welcome to the newcomers, welcome back to the returning students, let's have lots of fun together here where we all belong!
"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -G. Marx
Esme Warren
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Post by Esme Warren »

Hello there!
My name is Esme and I'm a newbie to HOL and I'm a first year Ravenclaw! I'm really looking forward to getting to people and taking classes etc here.

In real life I'm a 20 year old student from England studying English at University. I love reading, music, films and animals (I'm also a huge Ugly Betty and Doctor Who Geek!).
Feanen Ashling
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Post by Feanen Ashling »

Hello, I'm Feanen Ashling. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

In real life I'm at university in England, studying Creative Writing. Obviously, I love writing and reading - I also sing and play a little guitar... and draw a bit too...!
Merlin Brown
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Post by Merlin Brown »

Hallo!!! I am Merlin BRown and I am a Slytherin first year!! I live in Indonesia... im here with my best friend Bee Percival Kent Obe kent and Arya White<i call him grandpa..haha>

I definetly want to make friends here, add me n PM me in hol and hol chat any time... see u in class and any activity :) :) :)
Geneva Masen
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Post by Geneva Masen »

Hi, I'm Geneva Masen and a first year Hufflepuff. I'm really looking forward to taking classes and meeting new people. Feel free to send me an owl if you're interested. My parents are very muggle and don't really understand the Wizarding World, so I'd like to share it with someone.

In real life I'm a 19-year-old student. My major is Psychology and my minor is Literature and Writing. I love reading and writing (obvoiusly), swimming, surfing, spending time with friends, listening to music, and going on the internet. I only read the harry Potter series last year, but I'm crazy about them. My favorite character is Hermione because she is so strong, smart, and kind. My second favorite is Remus Lupin. Who couldn't like a guy that is compssionate, optimistic, and always gives out chocolate!

It's nice to have a place where I can learn all about magic!
Shane Lee
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Post by Shane Lee »

What's up. I'm Shane. If you want to get to know me, come talk.

edited - removal of netspeak etc
Last edited by Shane Lee on Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lauren Ashel
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Post by Lauren Ashel »

Hi!!!! I am Lauren Ashel!! From the US of A. yeah I'm new... obviously :} Gryffindor, as stated in my signiature... sort of. :} Yeah. So that's me and this is my Awesome smiley :} Oh and Good Eats rocks, and Vampires do not sparkle. :}
Do you like my signature? Lol I don't know what to put here! :}
Bebinn Eszes
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Post by Bebinn Eszes »

Hello HOL! I'm Bebinn Eszes, otherwise known as BB or very occasionally Bebs by mean people that shall not be named. >.> I live in the United States with my big brother, my parents, and my dog. I love the universe and that's enough for me!
Constance Rigley
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Post by Constance Rigley »

Hi everyone! :3 I'm Constance, but you can call me Connie if you want~
I'm absolutely addicted to reading XD I can't go anywhere without a book!
I'm a first year Ravenlaw and I'm super stoked to make friends here~ :D
I live in the middle of nowhere in the US... which is lame. :/
And in real life, I'm turning 21 this month (olddddddd) and I'm going to start college next fall. x_x Was going to this fall, but stuff got weird. XD I'm debating between history, fashion design, and writing. x_x
Um.... I'm obsessed with cats and hating Twilight! :D
I'm super-nice so don't be afraid to talk to me :3

Mandy Meyer
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Post by Mandy Meyer »

Hi everyone! I'm Mandy. I'm 21 years old and I am a Gryffindor first year. I joined HOL around the end of July. I wanted to see if there was a virtual Hogwarts and yay I found one. I am really excited about starting classes on here. I currently go to Florida Gulf Coast University and am a second semester Junior. I also am a figure skater. My dream is to go to the olympics and win the gold. I also love video games and I love to read, as well as watch tv. Well, I guess that's about it about me.

Thanks for reading. :)
Follow your Dreams!!!
Roxanne Weatherby
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Post by Roxanne Weatherby »

Hello, lovelies!

I happen to be Roxanne Weatherby. A first year Hufflepuff. In real life, I am a seventeen year old who is off to start college. I wish myself the best of luck. I'll probably need it. I like church, reading, procrastination, Harry Potter, and so much more. I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Until my antics catch up to me,

"Yes. Probably the work of that infamous Hogwarts jaguar."
Chandrika Sundari
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Post by Chandrika Sundari »

Hello Everyone,

I'm Chandrika Sundari, a First Year Ravenclaw. I am very much looking for to starting classes soon.

In real life I'm 27 and from the U.S. though I'm living in Singapore now. I love to read and play video games. I also enjoy history, Star Wars, and living in a new country with my husband and two adorable cats.

Pleased to meet you all!
Celeste Cordelia
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Post by Celeste Cordelia »

Hiya guys!:)

I'm Celeste, a first year eagle. I'm looking forward to taking magical lessons and making new friends here.

In real life, I'm a 16 year old from India. I enjoy reading, music and star gazing.I also love to play pranks on everyone ;) .

Hoping to meet you all,
Liliana Llewellyn
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Post by Liliana Llewellyn »

Hi there! I'm Liliana, and I'm a Gryffindor first-year. I was born and raised in Texas, but I go to school in Los Angeles, California now. I enjoy acting and theatre, procrastinating on my schoolwork, and going to Disneyland every chance I get.

I've been obsessed with everything Harry Potter since I first picked up a book about ten years ago, and discovering this website was the best thing that's happened to me all month. I'm currently trying to convince my friends to roadtrip from California to Florida with me so I can visit the Wizarding World, but no luck yet. I've been playing Quidditch at school for two years now and I'm actually in charge of organizing this year's competition, which I'm really excited about. :-) Oh, and I have a tendency to quote A Very Potter Musical. A lot.

Anyway, looking forward to finding out more about HOL! Can't wait to start taking classes!
Adelaide Basil
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Post by Adelaide Basil »

Hello, I'm Adelaide Basil. You can also call me Addie. I'm a first year Slytherin...YEAHHHH SNAKES! Outside of HOL, I'm 19, and a college student in the US, majoring in communications. I've loved Harry potter since I read the first one in third grade, and I still think the whole Wizarding World is amazing. Recently, I went to the park at Universal and ran around like a little kid on Christmas morning. :D At HOL I'm hoping to take some fun classes, make friends, and maybe put all the Potter trivia taking up space in my brain to good use in Quidditch!

Other than Harry potter, my interests include reading in general, fashion, art, cooking, interior design, music, movies, journalism, and learning languages and cultures from all over the world. I don't watch TV much, but when do, I mostly watch SyFy, BBC America, the History Channel, or the Travel Channel, though I also like The Colbert Report, Dexter, and Gilmore Girls. I like to make friends, so PM me if you want!
my pygmy puff's name is colin.
Aureanna Vrath
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Post by Aureanna Vrath »

Hey there!

My name is Aureanna Vrath, and I'm a first-year Ravenclaw. In real life, I'm from Oklahoma in the USA. I absolutely love music, writing, and reading (pretty much the arts in general). I am a definite Harry Potter fan, and I'm super addicted to AVPM/AVPS. I'm looking forward to meeting some other HOLer's, so message me! Trust me, I won't bite. =D

"When I rule the world, I'll plant flowers."
"When I rule the world, I'll plant flowers." ;)
Juliya Tass
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Post by Juliya Tass »

Hi everybody! My name is Juliya Tass, and I'm a first year Ravenclaw.
In real life I am a 21 year old who lives in SC, but I am wanting to leave this horrible state as soon as possible. I love talking to people and making new friends. I'm not a shy person at all. I'm rather outgoing and I love doing everything to my full potential. I love music. I play many instruments and I am wanting to learn more. Besides Harry Potter, I love Doctor Who, writing, reading dancing, anime, marching band, color guard, photography, film (I'm wanting to be a music video director.), and ninjas.

I'm excited to not only start learning, but to meet new people.
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