Who Are You Taking To The Ball?

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Silvana Mandeville
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Who Are You Taking To The Ball?

Post by Silvana Mandeville »

Out of all the characters in the Harry Potter universe, if you had to choose one as your dance partner, who would you take to the ball and why?

As for me, I’d love to go with Draco Malfoy, simply because he’s one of my favorite characters. Or maybe one of the Weasley twins! I can’t imagine getting bored at an event with them, especially with the mischievous pranks they’d likely pull. I’d love to be part of the chaos, watching all the shocked faces around the room.

Yes, I know I’ve posted this before on an activity, but I never got around to answering it, and I’m sure many others didn’t either! So why not give it another try?
Mia Fountain
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Re: Who Are You Taking To The Ball?

Post by Mia Fountain »

If I were the type of person to go to a ball, I would likely take Neville Longbottom. He is polite and soft spoken. I dislike crowds and loud activities, and I don't think Neville is the type of person that would become upset if we hung out at a table a bit away from the dance floor, instead of being in the middle of everything.
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Who Are You Taking To The Ball?

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

I'm so tempted to say Delphini - at least my head canon (alternate universe!) version of her where she found her Hogwarts letter one night in very late August, Apparated out of Euphemia Rowle's place (and just outside Diagon Alley) via pure anger/accidental magic, and found her way to her closest living family, Andromeda Black Tonks and her grandson Teddy - as they were shopping for books... in this universe she'd likely be four years ahead of - and three and a half years older than - my character.

But out of canon versions of characters don't count, do they? I'd then be tempted to say Bellatrix - except that she's not only a full half century older than my character... but died before he was born! We don't know a lot of gorgeous canon Slytherin women born around the turn of the millennium... Victoire is both taken and not a Slytherin, for example - well, let's go with Delphini anyway! She's a suitable age and temperament for my character (not counting her pining after a father who never loved her), very pretty and charismatic... I just need to find a way to charm the Rowle influence off of her!
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