The Fellowship of the Ring: Chapter VI — Chapter X

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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The Fellowship of the Ring: Chapter VI — Chapter X

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

And we get to the end of the book. We're discussing Chapter VI: LothlorienChapter X: The Breaking of the Fellowship in this topic. Since we are at the end of the book, what called itself to your attention? Was it the story itself? The world in which the story takes place? Or is it that a character (or two or three) caught your notice and you found yourself following them with extra focus?

Image is of Galadriel, mostly just her face, partial shoulders and neck and lovely hair.

Please remember to include spoiler tags where necessary.
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Prof. Gustavo Flores
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Re: The Fellowship of the Ring: Chapter VI — Chapter X

Post by Prof. Gustavo Flores »

So today I finally finished reading the book! And I have to say I’m extremely happy I gave the book a second chance. In my family, my sister is the one who is crazy about Lord of the Rings. She basically forced me to read the books 4 years ago, and while I enjoyed them more than the movies, I still wasn’t too excited about them, I just had a neutral posture: I don’t like them, but I don’t dislike them either.

Reading the first book for a second time was better. I finally learned to appreciate all the details, I got to know the characters more, and in a few words, I simply enjoyed the reading much, much more.

So for this final part I have to say, that I really liked how our fellowship found one last resting place in Lothlorien. Another Elfish landscape that makes me fall in love with Elves all over again! At first, I didn’t like the fact that they were planning to have Gimli entering with his eyes covered. I mean, that is so rude, mean, and it is discrimination, but the way Aragorn solved the issue was genius! He said that Gimli was one of them, so if he wasn’t allowed to look, then no one should look, and that was perfect for me. A good way to solve the conflict, to respect Gimli and not make him feel bad.

I also liked the appearance of Lady Galadriel. Her mirror, also reminded me in a way, of our Harry Potter’s Mirror of Erised. It shows you something but you shouldn’t completely believe what you see. Also, I liked how Galadriel, like Gandalf, wasn’t tempted about getting the Ring. She is wise, she has strong will and knows what’s the best thing to do.

In this part of the story, we are also introduced to the lembas bread and the coats that the Elves gave to the Fellowship. I remember that when I saw the movie for the first time, I really wanted to be an Elf so I could eat lembas and wear those amazing pieces of clothing. I particularly remember the leaf brooch, and how pretty it is. So these three things made me like the Elves more, and it was great to read about it in the book.

And finally, the last part of the book was simply great. In the last pages J.R.R. Tolkien manages to set a final conflict: Boromir falling for the Ring and Frodo escaping, that kept me reading until the very end. The books end in a good way and perfectly sets a continuation.

I’m glad I read this book again! Now I have to borrow the second book from my sister again! I really feel like finishing the trilogy.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: The Fellowship of the Ring: Chapter VI — Chapter X

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Oh, yay. I'm glad you enjoyed it this time around, Gus -- and that you want to finish reading the trilogy.

It's a hard thing to continue reading afterGandalf falls -- even though I know it is not meaning a permanent death and actually he comes back as Gandalf the White. But here we are, outside of the mountains and the Hobbits have experienced the death of a dearly beloved member of their fellowship -- as well as the death of their leader. Here is where Aragorn shows that of which he is made as he assumes leadership for the company. All of the members of the Fellowship, actually, start showing their true colours.

I think it is good to show that they were challenged to come into Lothlorien. It shows that these elves mean business. As you write, Gus, Aragorn's solution is genius. And it's funny "a plague on the stiff neck of Elves!" So we enter Lothlorien and meet Arwen Evenstar's grandmother, Galadriel. The members of the troupe rest and heal -- have good council -- and are given gifts to continue on their way.

But first, and before the parting gifts, Sam and Frodo look into the Mirror of Galadriel. The extreme challenges posed by such an apparently simple object. Sam is torn apart, seeing what is happening in the Shire. Frodo ... encounters evil of a sort that he'd never thought possible. And Galadriel is, herself, tested and passes the test. And will remain Galadriel.

Some of the writing in here is so lyrical.

I loved the part of the giving of the gifts. Then the Fellowship tries out their boats and they see a great ship in the shape of a swan and the elves and Fellowship gather for a last feast.

It's sort of incredible to me that the last part of the book, a mere 20 pages or so, has so much action and story and feeling packed into it. Here is the trip down the river, here is Boromir's attempt to take the Ring. Here is where Frodo decides he has to continue on, and by himself ... and Samwise Gamgee knows what Frodo will do and goes to him. The Fellowship breaks up ....

And yes, to read what happens next, I must continue with The Two Towers.
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