The Princess Bride: Chapters 7 - 8

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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The Princess Bride: Chapters 7 - 8

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

The final two sections of The Princess Bride will be discussed in this thread, as well as the overall book itself.

Now that we're drawing to the end of the book, which struck you more, the characters or the plot itself? Was there anything that stood out for you? What did you think of the overall book?


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Prof. Arielle Lemoyne
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Re: The Princess Bride: Chapters 7 - 8

Post by Prof. Arielle Lemoyne »

Final thoughts on Princess Bride!

It was kind of exciting how he kept saying what time it was, and had the time counting down on how much time Westly had left.

I really loved how everyone had their chance to be a hero. Inigo got to defeat the six-fingered man (""His eyes bulged wide, full of horror and pain. It was glorious. If you like that kind of thing."), Westley outsmarted Humperdink, Fezzik got everyone out of the castle, and Buttercup got them past the brutes! I also thought it was a cool connection that Westley talked about how announcing himself as the Dread Pirate Roberts was crucial to defeating the other ships, and then they used the same tactic to get into the castle, and then Buttercup gets them out by forcefully declaring that she is the queen, even though that also is not quite true.

"Love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops." cough drops?? I like cough drops, but I don't think they make my top 20 things in the world list, let alone number one. I guess that's what makes it so comical though!

I wasn't quite sure what to make of the ending, with "they lived happily ever after" and then "okay, the real ending is that they're escaping and the prince is chasing them and they have to heal inigo." I guess the idea is that their story doesn't end, and they continue having adventures?

Overall, I enjoyed the book and I'm glad to have had an excuse to read it!
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: The Princess Bride: Chapters 7 - 8

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

I have no idea of why each reading of this book continues to delight me, more and more. Maybe it is watching the development of the characters, maybe it is a great amusement at how the author talks about editing the book to show only the good parts. Maybe it is the flipping back and forth from the 'original' novel by Morgenstern to Goldman and his personal life to the story of The Princess Bride. I don't know. All I know is that I enjoy reading it.

Also -- in between readings of the book I invariably watch the movie and all the commentary. Each reading enhances the movie and the movie enhances the book. Both the book and the screenplay were written by Goldman so yes, there is the flavour of the entire thing intact. While I miss certain aspects of the book in the movie, in watching the extras and the commentaries, I understand why some things were not put in and/or changed. Budget restrictions were a large part of it. It's difficult now, with all the incredibly wonderful special effects made in movies, to remember that they were not always around. In fact, while much was done before the LoTR movies, special effects took a giant leap forward with Jackson and crew.

The people of the story all have a part of these last two chapters (unless they have already died - goodbye Vizzini! -- and even then he is referenced in these chapters!) Arielle mentions the countdown. THAT was terrible. Still is terrible. I don't know how Westley survived! I don't know how everything ends up -- except I've read Buttercup's Baby so am aware that people survived ... no matter what Goldman says.

One thing about the movie which isn't in the book -- I do really love that scene in the window of Humperdinck's castle, before they all go galloping off on The Whites. Where Westley suggests to Inigo that he become the Dread Pirate Roberts. That is good. It's difficult to continue on, sometimes, when the one purpose which had been keeping you going has been accomplished.

A good read. :)
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