The Princess Bride: Chapter 6

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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The Princess Bride: Chapter 6

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Chapter 6 of The Princess Bride will be discussed in this thread.

Such a lot of action and plots and story development in this one chapter. What particularly catches your attention? Any people you find to be admirable? What about people who you might be happy despising? What's going on? What are some of the themes that have started to emerge? Share your thoughts below!


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Prof. Arielle Lemoyne
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Re: The Princess Bride: Chapter 6

Post by Prof. Arielle Lemoyne »

This chapter had so much happen!

I marked my favorite parts so let's go from there:

"Stupid, stupid, go wait for Vizzini with Cupid" "Dummy, dummy, go out now and fill your tummy." "dunce dunce, use your brains and do it right for once." These were great. I love Fezzik's love of rhyming.

I was definitely fooled by the "fake-out" where they get married at the beginning of the chapter! But then to go into this whole description about how there might not be a happy ending and some of the wrong people die...very ominous. I'm kind of wondering about these parts that sort of spoil bits of the rest of the story. I guess they just add another layer of fun to it all?

"This isn't Curious George Uses the Potty" - LOL. Favorite line of this chapter.

"Because when she died of murder on their wedding night..." OMG. I don't know how I did not see that coming, but I did not see that coming. OF COURSE it was the Prince who would want her dead. That explains so much. No wonder he didn't care whether or not she loved him. But then he does get super mad at the end when she says she still loves Westly. That's just him trying to cover his own insecurity, I guess?

Overall thoughts:
-Favorite characters: Inigo and Fezzik. I love seeing them work together and I'm convinced they're going to come in and save the day!
-Least favorite: The Prince. And the Count. Both are so selfish and don't care who has to suffer for them to get what they want. The torturer guy is sadistic, but he doesn't seem as purely evil as the others... more of a mad scientist type idk.
-I'm starting to like Buttercup more - It's good to see her starting to piece some things together and realize what's really going on.
-I can't believe that Westly is permanently dead - I'm covinced he's not really dead or he's going to come back to life or something. I need to keep reading to find that out!
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: The Princess Bride: Chapter 6

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

I procrastinated posting here because really, to say what I liked and loved about this chapter would be a virtual retelling of the chapter. No, I don't want to quote all of Princess Bride to you (well, maybe yes I do!) so I'll just skip on some highlights from this chapter.

First off, the good parts version cuts out 44 pages from Morgenstern's class. More Inigo Montoya! He recovers and finds himself at the top of the Cliffs of Insanity. Now how this happens that he's tied to a tree? Oh, we've gone back in time ... okay. And we follow him and Fezzik.

More pages cut out ... yay!? Sometimes I wonder just what would be in those pages though! :D

Here's Westley, being healed so he can be tortured. What is wrong with this picture.

Buttercup WHAT? MARRIED? to HUMPERDINCK? ... massive fake-out! I was fooled by it in the movie so fortunately by the time I read the book I wasn't utterly taken in. But it sure was well done.

Fezzik and Inigo reunited. Fezzik taking care of Inigo ... Fezzik is so good. And honest. I just really like these two.

The book interruption -- the boy, the father ... Westley is KILLED? What? How can that happen. No. "Westley lay dead by the Machine."

And Inigo, with his deep desire for revenge, refuses to accept what is. The man in black would figure out how. So he sets out to find the man in black.
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