November – Department of Mysteries


Moderators: Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, Arianna Stonewater

Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Nimbus 1000
Posts: 2110
Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:35 pm

November – Department of Mysteries

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Definitely the most, well, mysterious of the Ministry departments, Department of Mysteries' sole task is to carry out confidential research, a rather broad spectrum of activities. Very few people outside the department know what goes on in it, but they do study love, space, time, thought, death and other things. It is also a home to the Hall of Prophecy and storage space for Time Turners.

You are an intern in the Department of Mysteries. Write a story, journal entry or something of the sort about the adventures during your internship there. Do so in 150 words or more and abide by all HOL rules.

For 20 Hoots and 20 beans, post your story as a reply to this thread by November 30th 11:59 pm HOL time at the latest.
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Amaryllis Storm
No broom
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Re: November – Department of Mysteries

Post by Amaryllis Storm »

Today's was my first day starting as an unspeakable apprentice! I was so excited and ready to take on the world. This week I was assigned to the Space Department. That's right space, as in the outer space!

The goal of the department twofold, searching for existing life and finding a way to create a colony (using magic) on another planet before the Muggles do.

I was tasked to read all the prior information of the failed attempts made before. Being a Muggleborn, I already knew that simply apparating to the moon without taking necessary caution would end badly, but unfortunately for a few unlucky test subject, they learned the hard way!

But just the idea of being one of the first to live on an established magical colony on another world has my blood fired up to succeed!

Honestly, before I get too carried away with myself, I better hit the Muggle library and research more about the conditions of space and some of our nearer planets. Now that I think about it, would our Magic still work away from planet Earth? Something to discuss with my Mentor in the morning.
Bane of the Ra'zac
Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Nimbus 1000
Posts: 2110
Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:35 pm

Re: November – Department of Mysteries

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Hoots and beans go to Amaryllis Storm!
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
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