November – Department of Magical Transportation


Moderators: Prof. Maxim Trevelyan, Arianna Stonewater

Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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November – Department of Magical Transportation

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Located on the sixth level of the Ministry of Magic, this department is responsible for many types of magical travel in the wizarding world, whether be it floo network, broomstick travel, portkey control or issuing Apparition licenses.

Some of the department’s most famous creations are the Hogwarts Express and the Knight Bus, transportations that are utilized by many witches and wizards daily. Well, at least the latter.

Your job is to make up a new way of magical transportation. You can either describe it in 100 words OR make a graphic (600x600 or less) and explain it in one or two sentences.

Post your magical transport below for 15 Hoots and beans by November 30th 11:59 pm HOL time.
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Amaryllis Storm
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Re: November – Department of Magical Transportation

Post by Amaryllis Storm »

My idea is a take on the Acme black hole. Using a patented potion that is poured into a mold to become a flat solid black disk, this disk is then enchanted with a long list of various charms for movement, safety, and comfortability, such as the notice-me-not, and force field warding.

The end product is a disk that when you stand on it and chant the activation spell with a destination a cylinder force field will envelop you and you will sink down into the ground using the disk as a platform and be transported to the area you call. You will appear in the safest area as close to your destination as possible, A notice-me-not charm ensures your arrival would not be noted if a mundane should happen to be peering into the area. A time delay feature is also included to allow a holding pattern is it not safe to arrive in the areas, as well as a return feature if the danger lasts longer than a few minutes.

Lastly, transportation can be customized it can be as personal as one person or as large as a group. This makes it safer for pregnant mothers and very young children to travel, as well as those who are sick and can be endangered by traveling by apparition or floo, and less stressful than traveling by portkey or the bus and eliminates the possibility of getting lost or splinched.
Bane of the Ra'zac
Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
Nimbus 1000
Posts: 2110
Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:35 pm

Re: November – Department of Magical Transportation

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Hoots and beans go to Amaryllis Storm!
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
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