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What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:02 pm
by Evie Figg
Besides HOL of course, and without sharing personal information what websites do you visit everyday?

For me, it's a balance between Tumblr and Instagram. I always have those two tabs open!

I follow mostly aesthetic blogs on tumblr, and food accounts on instagram. I actually have 5 different tumblr blogs for all different aesthetics! :lol:

What about you? What website(s) do you frequent?

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:12 am
by February Fortescue
Facebook. I'm a co-admin on a fanpage of my favorite "alternative" rock guitarist. Scary thing is, he reads the page. I got to meet him twice this summer. He knows who i am now. <<<swoons>>>

I'm creating a website for a church so i practically live on Weebly.

and, of course, HOL.

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 10:39 pm
by Lex Green
For me, it's the series of wordle games I do, HOL and my spreadsheets - the first thing I do on my laptop everyday is go through these things!

I play the classic wordle, the mini crossword, connections, spotle & swiftle each day (spotle is guessing a Spotify artist and swiftle is guessing a Taylor Swift song)

I have a bunch of spreadsheets, including a couple that get updated daily, so I always sort out those first thing as well

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:33 pm
by Adeline Morior
I would probably say YouTube, Pinterest and Facebook. Other than HOL of course. I spend most of my time with physical projects so I love to put something on in the background, catch up on news and work on inspiration boards.

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 5:39 am
by Reyyan Azkendra
I think it's instagram and telegram. scrolling reels is what I'm addicted to xD

Other than that... my college web. Well, I took my assignment there. So, I have to open it every day to keep track of assignments and grades (but that website makes me sick, really!). :wacko:

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:03 am
by Hiya Debnath
I am not much of a social media user being an introvert and a nerd who only feels refreshed in the company of like-minded friends. I can usually be found on Harry Potter related platforms and websites or in strategic games involving multiple players. However, I may also be found on Facebook from time to time, watching reels and videos purely for entertainment, especially when I am tired, and viewing posts in fan pages.

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:26 am
by Dibyarup James Potter
My favourite website to visit every day are:

- GMail (Yes, I check my mailbox hundreds of times a day and I love it because there's always something new and important for me to take a look at.)
- Other Harry Potter related websites
- LeetCode
- YouTube
- Coursera
- edX
- LinkedIn

Yes, I am totally a nerd, almost always studying online. LOL! :P

Re: What's your favourite website to visit everyday?

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:22 pm
by Harry Walles
Other than HOL, I often go to Twitter (or X now that it changed the name) and BBC news as I like to keep informed about everything that is going on in the world!

I also daily visit the instagram account of HMV to see if anyone famous is coming to the HMV shop to sign albums.