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Spring 2018 Introductions

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:29 pm
by Shiloh Adlar
If you choose to complete the Introduction portion of your first assignment (worth 10 points), also include the following information.

1. Why did you choose to take this class?
2. What are you hoping to learn during the course of the term?
3. Did you have any knowledge of Greek mythology before signing up?
4. What about myths of other cultures such as Roman, Norse or Japanese?
5. What is your opinion on the color pink?

Welcome everyone! I am Shiloh Adlar, sixth year Ravenclaw, and I am your student teacher for this course. On HOL, I am Co-Captain of RQT, a Ravenclaw Prefect, student teacher for Quidditch - The Wizarding Way and Muggle Studies for Beginners, and I also currently assist Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, and Kennilworthy's Kitchen. In RL, I am in my second year of college studying Biochemistry and Cell Biology along with Policy Studies. I had originally wanted to major or minor in Classical Studies as I loved the classes I took in high school that allowed me to learn about ancient Greece and Rome but changed my course of direction when I decided I wanted to get my Masters of Public Health. I began making comparisons between Greek myth and the Harry Potter universe a few years ago, but I had never dived head first into it until recently. Researching for this class really allowed me to explore the area, and I hope you will find it as intriguing as I have.

Re: Spring 2018 Introductions

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:22 pm
by Liona Cho
Hello everyone ,,,, :D

My name is Liona Cho and I'm a Slytherin 2nd year. I've been on HOL for 2 years almost 2,5 years to be exact. ). I'm currently enrolled in 5 classes and I am enjoying all of them so far.

1. Why did you choose to take this class? I chose this class because this year, I want to learn something new that I’ve interested for so I found this class and because I just know a little about Greek and its myth, I want to know more about it.
2. What are you hoping to learn during the course of the term? I'm hoping to learn something about Greek Mythology, its phenomena and tragedies and hope I can take the value from that stories.
3. Did you have any knowledge of Greek mythology before signing up? No, to be exact. I’ve just read some stories about Greek Myth when I was in high school and I adored the stories.
4. What about myths of other cultures such as Roman, Norse or Japanese? For Roman and Norse, I don’t know anything about that but Japanese, yeah…, I’ve read some of its myth and it was quite interesting.
5. What is your opinion on the color pink? I like color pink, especially baby pink but I prefer Blue, because blue is my favorite color :D

Well, that's all my Spring introduction for this class, thank you for letting me join this class... :D

Re: Spring 2018 Introductions

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:18 pm
by Astaria Rivers
Hello, I am Astaria, but please call me Asta. I am a third year Hufflepuff, should be fourth but forgot about HOL last year when I started my first year of grad school in RL where I study social work. I love quidditch but unfortunately cannot play on HQT due to the game times. I do clinical stuff on the weekends. On HOL, I am also currently taking Quidditch-The Wizarding Way and Word Magic, and I am waiting to be confirmed for Dueling 101 and Advanced Care of Magical Creatures.

1. Why did you choose to take this class? I decided to take this class because I am interested in mythology, and it looked fun.
2. What are you hoping to learn during the course of the term? I am hoping to get a basic idea of Greek myth, but I also like how it is going to be compared to the HP universe. I'm excited to see the connections that you bring into it.
3. Did you have any knowledge of Greek mythology before signing up? I had some knowledge due to watching some Greek plays and also reading Oedipus a while back. I also saw the Percy Jackson movies if those count.
4. What about myths of other cultures such as Roman, Norse or Japanese? I know a little of Chinese and Japanese mythology, and I would be interested in learning more.
5. What is your opinion on the color pink? Pink is a nice color if it is a soft pink, but I'm more inclined to shades of purple.

Re: Spring 2018 Introductions

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 1:58 pm
by Gail Allen
Hi, I am Gail Allen, and I am a second year Ravenclaw. I have always absolutely loved mythologies, so seeing that there was on on Greek Mythology I kind of had to take it. So far it's proving very interesting and I don't regret for a moment that I decided to take it!
Other classes I am taking this term are: Fantastic Worlds and Where to Find Them, Gobbledegook, The Her in Hero and lastly Word Magic.

Loving mythologies it probably comes as no surprise that I already know some Greek myths and have at least a loose grasp on the major gods and goddesses. I don't know that much about the Roman mythology though I know that is is rather closely related to the Greek. The mythology I know best is Norse mythology, which I also took a class on last year that I really enjoyed.
In this class I hope to learn even more about Greek mythology and perhaps some more about some of the plays that I don't know well at all. That's what partly attracted me in the very first lesson.

As for pink... I don't think there is a better colour honestly.

Re: Spring 2018 Introductions

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 9:05 pm
by Trinity Anne Silvers
Hi, I'm Trinity Anne Silvers. I'm a 1st year Hufflepuff. I'm currently taking Ancient Alchemy, Ancient Runes, Basic Runes, Healing Herbology and, of course, Magical Greek Mythology. I chose to take this class because I have a love for all mythologies. I'm not sure what I hope to get out of the class, since I've been studying mythology for at least 20 years, therefore I have plenty of prior knowledge before signing up, not just with Greek mythology, but also Roman and Norse. As for the color pink, I can easily leave it. Blue is better. ;)