Interschool Triwizard Tournament Results

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Warp 10000
Posts: 7882
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:31 am

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Hi Everyone!

We are having a party in #Triwizard_Tournament on IRC.

at 2 pm HOL time on Sunday, April 17th.

That is 6 am Pacific Time, 9 am Eastern Time and 8 am for Professor Ulol.

(The amazing and talented Professor Cosmo B. Mott very kindly gave me a link so folks could see conveniently the time of the party where they live here.)

Please come and find out the final standings of our very very very difficult TriWizard Tournament.

Bring pizza and butterbeer! (Oh, and for the early morning people, like me, bring some doughnuts!)

After we have that party, we'll be posting in here the results of this first TriWizard Tournament.

*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
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Prof. Ulol Kimil
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Post by Prof. Ulol Kimil »

Bring some coffee too for the cranky people ;)
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Prof. Zoki Phantom
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Post by Prof. Zoki Phantom »

And bring some food with you as well, puhleeease. I just got off the bus after a 5 hours travel, I'm hungry. :lol:
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Warp 10000
Posts: 7882
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:31 am

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

LOG from #TWT -- the party/ceremony and all that :

* EvelynLionn ( has joined #TWT
* HerHattress ( has joined #TWT
* VermouthHolmes ( has joined #TWT
* HelenaGlaedr ( has joined #TWT
* KatEveSmith ( has joined #TWT
* Phantom (~zoki_phan@ has joined #TWT
<Phantom> ooooh pretty
<HerHattress> shiny.
* ChrisStarling sets mode: +o EvelynLionn
<@ChrisStarling> :D
<@EvelynLionn> :D
* Iorek (~prof.kimi@ has joined #TWT
* ArwenVecernica ( has joined #TWT
* Aurelium ( has joined #TWT
* Dean (~den_deyan@ has joined #twt
* ChrisStarling sets mode: +o Phantom
* DeeDee ( has joined #TWT
* Scarlett ( has joined #TWT
<DeeDee> є^є :(Iorek) є^є
<Iorek> ~®~ hush ~®~
<DeeDee> є^є I WIN! є^є
<DeeDee> є^є LOSAH є^є
<Aurelium> lol
<Aurelium> shush Dee
<DeeDee> є^є no є^є
<@Phantom> O_O MIDORK
<Aurelium> you'll scare the non-holers
<@Phantom> <<
* DeeDee kicks the kitty
<Aurelium> ..
* AmeliaF ( has joined #twt
* ChrisStarling sets mode: +o Iorek
<@Phantom> (but that's good, then all the food and drinks will be for us :D)
<@Tarma> if you are 'here', would you please leave the other room?
<@Iorek> ~®~ HA! ~®~
<@Tarma> so we know OH NO YOU GAVE HIM OPS
<@Iorek> ~®~ I got @ ~®~
<@Tarma> we are DOOMED
<@Tarma> D:
<@Phantom> :O
* @Tarma cries
<@Iorek> ~®~ crying baby ~®~
<@Phantom> see, the world is going upside down, Ulol gets ops and I don't
<@ChrisStarling> xO that wasn't good?
<@Iorek> ~®~ ... ~®~
* SelenaESmithova (~SelenaEna@ has joined #TWT
<@Iorek> ~®~ loser... you got ops too ~®~
<@Phantom> not at all!
<@ChrisStarling> Phantom, you have op xD
<@Phantom> oh
<@Phantom> OH
<DeeDee> є^є >> є^є
<DeeDee> є^є LOSER є^є
<DeeDee> є^є zodork є^є
<@Iorek> ~®~ *shakes head* ~®~
<@Phantom> I didn't see that >>
* ChrisStarling sets mode: +o SelenaESmithova
<@Phantom> shush
<@EvelynLionn> xDD
<DeeDee> є^є great now that he has ops є^є
<DeeDee> є^є zodork will break teh room є^є
<@Iorek> ~®~ as usual ~®~
* @Phantom breaks Dee's mouth so she doesn't talk anymore >>
<@Iorek> ~®~ how did you manage to break such a huge mouth? ~®~
* JohnWerewolf () has joined #TWT
<DeeDee> є^є that never works yo є^є
* LarrieLarstonova () has joined #TWT
<@Tarma> Larrie!!!
<@Tarma> <333
<@EvelynLionn> Hello, Larrie!
<@ChrisStarling> welcome, welcome! XD
<HelenaGlaedr> Hello :D
<LarrieLarstonova> hi everyone! :D
<@Phantom> lol
<@Phantom> I have special skills
* Apsalar ( has joined #TWT
<Apsalar> fail Dean, FAIL.
<@Iorek> ~®~ lol ~®~
<Dean> <_<
* Dean hides
<@Iorek> ~®~ Dean is in trouble again? ~®~
<Dean> psh
<Apsalar> I just clicked the channel he gave me...whichh was the WRONG ONE to start D:<
* Asky ( has joined #TWT
<Dean> hehehe
<Dean> :D
<@Iorek> ~®~ Asky!!! ~®~
<@Tarma> Asky :)
* Scarlett ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Asky> Hi Tarma and Ulol
<DeeDee> є^є oh hey there Fellow PBTer є^є
<Asky> Hi Dee
<@Phantom> loool
<Dean> because i didnt know that we shouldnt join the other chan
<Dean> <_<
<@Phantom> doing SQL again this year, Dee?
<DeeDee> є^є of course we are є^є
<Apsalar> oh lord, again? >__>
<DeeDee> є^є cause we will be the BOMB є^є
<Apsalar> LOL
<Apsalar> Zozo!
<@Phantom> \o/
<@Phantom> Amy! <3
<Asky> I bought food, pizza and coffee
<HerHattress> Mmmmm
<HerHattress> pizzaaaa
<@Iorek> ~®~ we already hired Amy and Mari and Asky ~®~
<@Phantom> mmmm coffeeee
* @Iorek attacks the food
<@Phantom> Mari sucks
<Asky> you did? first I heard of it ;)
<@Phantom> just sayin'
<@Phantom> >>
<Apsalar> no you didn't >_>
<HerHattress> it's totally true, Zoki
<HerHattress> she does. <<
<@Iorek> ~®~ just did a minute ago? ~®~
<@Tarma> waiting for the last champion?
<@EvelynLionn> (Can you all, please, tell me your full HOL names?)
<@Tarma> to show up?
<@Tarma> Tarma Amelia Black
<Asky> I am Askeron Kyle
<HerHattress> Kadina Tigano
<@Phantom> <--- Zoki Phantom
<Apsalar> technically I think if I WAS going to play this year, er, I already said someone gets my first consideration >>
* Apsalar is now known as Maya
<@Tarma> oh, that is nice, Maya :)
* Iorek is now known as UlolKimil
<Maya> <- Maya Winters. But Ill be vaguely useful for once <_<
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ :(DeeDee) ~®~
* Tarma is now known as TarmaBlack
<Maya> don't think I even bother regging this anymore LOL
<Aurelium> < Tara Aurelium
<@EvelynLionn> Thanks.
<Dean> < Dean Fuaddy ^^
<Maya> ...nuh, you're ALICE. Not Tara, that confuses me >_>
<@TarmaBlack> i've not seen you as Maya in ? years?
<Aurelium> lolol
* KatEveSmith ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<Maya> a while....SC meeting maybe >_> which is...yeah, years *g*
* Aurelium is now known as Tara
<Tara> woooo this hasnt deregged yet \o/
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ lol ~®~
<HerHattress> lol!
<Maya> [this is weird Alice >_>]
<Tara> [ikr]
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ lol ~®~
<Tara> I've used this nick for... a year. ish. tops. >_>
<@TarmaBlack> gee, all these folks with their 'real' names :O
<Maya> I don't know if it'll be MORE confusing that I end up calling 50% of people a different name to their HOL name or not XDDD
<HerHattress> I'm afraid that uh.
<Tara> after that I switched to Aurelium XD
<HerHattress> I won't be renicking today <_<
<HerHattress> it's a day of celebration in wonderland.
<HerHattress> so.
<HerHattress> >_>
<Tara> lolol
* JohannaMoon ( has joined #TWT
<@ChrisStarling> so many people <3
<ArwenVecernica> hy sister :D
<Asky> so you want me again Dee for sql do you?
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ we do ~®~
* Phantom is now known as ZokiPhantom
<Asky> hello Dee you changed your voice ;)
<@ZokiPhantom> (definitely not regged, and will never be >>)
<@TarmaBlack> um,
<@TarmaBlack> is jenny IN here?
<HerHattress> nope.
<Maya> we're all procrastinating doing something productive on a Sunday *nod* <_<
<HerHattress> She's not on irc at all.
* KatelynAuster ( has joined #TWT
<@ChrisStarling> :o
<LarrieLarstonova> Katelyyyn :))
<@EvelynLionn> Hello! :D
<HerHattress> I can't do anything on Sundays. Everything here is closed.
<Maya> I saw a channel to join..I clicked :D Much better than the housework I was going to be doing otherwise >>
* ChrisStarling sets mode: +v HelenaGlaedr
* ChrisStarling sets mode: +v LarrieLarstonova
<@ChrisStarling> ^,^
<KatelynAuster> I?ve found it! Oh yes!
<Tara> lol
<AmeliaF> oh, sorry I was AFK
<AmeliaF> what happened? >_>
*@ChrisStarling:@#TWT* hey, are we going to wait for Jenny? :> (she isn't here yet :>)
<KatelynAuster> Larriiiie! :D
*@ZokiPhantom:@#TWT* Well, I'm not sure if she can even make this? Did she let us know she's coming?
<+LarrieLarstonova> hehe, Katelyn :DD
* PrincessKheldar ( has joined #TWT
<PrincessKheldar> *LICKS TARMA*
<@TarmaBlack> EEEUUUUU
<@TarmaBlack> that MUST be Cassie
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ *pokes Tarma* ~®~
<@TarmaBlack> OUCH
<PrincessKheldar> lol the one and only
* @TarmaBlack wipes off slobber
* HerHattress giggles
* Maya sits on Mari.
*@ChrisStarling:@#TWT* hmmm :I are her assistents here?
*@ZokiPhantom:@#TWT* In that case, I say we start without her? She'll found out the results afterward anyway :)
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ where is Sam? ~®~
<HerHattress> asleep?
* PrincessKheldar squishes Amy
<Tara> sleeping?
*@ZokiPhantom:@#TWT* Yup, Tara is her #1 Assistant
<PrincessKheldar> am i supposed to be all formal now? i'm rather fond of this nick
*@UlolKimil:@#TWT* yes you did
*@ChrisStarling:@#TWT* okay, so, we'll start without her :I
*@ZokiPhantom:@#TWT* *nods*
*@UlolKimil:@#TWT* *nods*
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ yay ~®~
<VermouthHolmes> woohoo
<+HelenaGlaedr> xD
<Tara> ohh exciting
* Dean drum rolls
<@ChrisStarling> ARE YOU READY?!?
<VermouthHolmes> xD
<@ZokiPhantom> you could say so
<@ZokiPhantom> >>
<Tara> yes
<@TarmaBlack> YES!!!
* Maya ( Quit (Ping timeout)
<@TarmaBlack> ha ha
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ *drum rolls* ~®~
* Maya ( has joined #TWT
* Tara does that
<Maya> [14:24:03] * PrincessKheldar squishes Amy
<KatelynAuster> *polk*
<Maya> [14:24:46] * Disconnected
<Maya> *glare*
<Tara> LOL
<HerHattress> ...LOL
<@ChrisStarling> LARRIE LARSTONOVA!!!!!!
* Dean claps hand
<PrincessKheldar> >___>
* Tara clapclaps
<HerHattress> Congrats Larrie! :)
<@TarmaBlack> YAY LARRIE!!!!!!!
<JohnWerewolf> Larrie is not red :D
<@SelenaESmithova> Congratulations
<VermouthHolmes> *clap clap clap*
<PrincessKheldar> congrats XD
<+LarrieLarstonova> hehe, thanks guys :))
<@ChrisStarling> CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! <3
<VermouthHolmes> congrats!!
<@ZokiPhantom> Congrats Larrie!!! :D
<@ZokiPhantom> and LOL Amy
<@EvelynLionn> Congrats!
<KatelynAuster> Larriiie! :)
<@TarmaBlack> Larrie, you gained so much in that last TASK
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ CONGRATS LARRIE ~®~
<+HelenaGlaedr> congratulations :D
<JohnWerewolf> congratulations, anyway :))
<@TarmaBlack> it was incredibly AWESOME, your contribution
<+LarrieLarstonova> Tarma, really? looking forward to see that :)
<+HelenaGlaedr> :)
<Maya> congratulations ^^
<@TarmaBlack> yes yes we will post the results afterwards
<@ChrisStarling> you had the most point in the last task! <3 It was really wonderfull
<Tara> will we get to see the submissions for the voldy thing? XD
<Tara> 'cause I'm super curious about theirs
<@ZokiPhantom> It was my favorite :D
<+LarrieLarstonova> the last task was the only one that was exactly how I wished :D
<+LarrieLarstonova> wow, really? thank you so much! :))
<@ChrisStarling> OKAY, TO THE SECOND PLACE ...
* Dean drum rolls some more
<@TarmaBlack> *waits*
@ZokiPhantom> ME
<@ZokiPhantom> >>
<Dean> oh
<Dean> not yet
<Dean> <<
<VermouthHolmes> (cmooon! xd)
<Tara> lol
<@ZokiPhantom> haha xD
<+HelenaGlaedr> xD
<HerHattress> XD
<@TarmaBlack> *WAITS*
<@ChrisStarling> HELENA GLAEDR!!!
<Dean> [20:30:47] <@ZokiPhantom> ME
<+HelenaGlaedr> :D
<Dean> [20:30:48] <Dean> CONGRATS!
<@ZokiPhantom> w00t!
<@TarmaBlack> YAY HELENA!!!!!
<VermouthHolmes> yaaay, bravooooo!!!!
<@EvelynLionn> Congratulations!! <3
<HerHattress> Congrats!!
<+LarrieLarstonova> congratulations, helena! :)
<@ChrisStarling> CONGRATULATIONS!! <3
<@ZokiPhantom> Congrats Helena! :)
<Tara> woo! grats Helena!
<@ZokiPhantom> and thanks Dean! XD
<+HelenaGlaedr> thanks :)
<VermouthHolmes> bravo bravo bravo <3 <3 <3
<Dean> lol Zoki >>
<KatelynAuster> Congratulations, Helena :)
<@ChrisStarling> :D
<+HelenaGlaedr> xDD
<VermouthHolmes> :D
<Dean> didnt mean to xD
<@ZokiPhantom> I would have won if I participated. *cooough*
<HerHattress> lol
<@EvelynLionn> xD
<@TarmaBlack> (ha)
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ CONGRATS HELENA!!! ~®~
<+HelenaGlaedr> :D
<@SelenaESmithova> congratulations
<@TarmaBlack> Helena, YOUR last task, I got GOOSEBUMPS
<+HelenaGlaedr> xDD
<VermouthHolmes> (oh no who could it be XD)
<Dean> pick me! pick me!
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ not Zoki ~®~
<@ChrisStarling> JENNY LUPIN!!!!
<Tara> woooooo!
<Asky> yay
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ~®~
<@EvelynLionn> Congrats!! :D
<Dean> WOOOOTTT!!!
<@ChrisStarling> CONGRATULATIONS!!! <3
<@TarmaBlack> yay JENNY! (who is SLEEPING, the turkey)
<KatelynAuster> Congratulations!
<VermouthHolmes> congrats to the winner! xD
<@ZokiPhantom> \o/
<@ChrisStarling> xDDD
<Asky> shes sleeping
<@TarmaBlack> but thank you TARA
<@ZokiPhantom> it's basically me! In a female form
<@SelenaESmithova> Congratulations :-)
<@ZokiPhantom> << >>
<@TarmaBlack> for being her assistant :D
<@ChrisStarling> Dean and Zoki you aren't even in the top 5! xD
<@ChrisStarling> jk jk
<Asky> congrats Jenny
<+HelenaGlaedr> congratulations :DD
<Dean> lol ikr xD
<+LarrieLarstonova> Congrats! :D
<@TarmaBlack> so what do the winners get from their schools?
<Tara> lols
<@ZokiPhantom> lol
<Dean> Congrats the organizers!
<@ChrisStarling> you all were really great! <3
<@TarmaBlack> ULOL!!!!
<@ChrisStarling> XDDDD
<@EvelynLionn> Yes! We have geniouses here! :E
<@ZokiPhantom> great job surviving people, it was really hard :D
<Maya> we give Jenny lots of responsibility?
<@TarmaBlack> you tell Tara what she and Jenny get!
<Asky> yes the organizers have worked hard
<Maya> and positions? and chores? >_>
* Tara kicks Amy
<Tara> :D
<@ZokiPhantom> and my homework?
<@ZokiPhantom> <_<
<Maya> due to her awesome skillz?
<Maya> oh and mine *nod* <_<
<Maya> Alice can have mine :D
<@TarmaBlack> we tried to make it NOT BORING for the champions :D
<HerHattress> lol!
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ Jenny and Tara get ONE bean and a purdy award ~®~
<@TarmaBlack> :O
<Asky> skinflint
<@ChrisStarling> haha xD
<@TarmaBlack> i thought you said that they would get minus points!
<@TarmaBlack> because Ravenclaw doesn't need any more points
<Tara> I'm honoured >_>
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ oh, and ethernal fame and all that jazz ~®~
<Asky> no they dont Tarma, you are right
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ ah yes ~®~
<@TarmaBlack> *nods*
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ Jenny gets 100 points and Tara gets 10,000 ~®~
<Tara> YAY
<Tara> :D
<@TarmaBlack> WHAT
<@TarmaBlack> D:
<Tara> ravenclaw of the month, here I come!
<@TarmaBlack> aaaiiieeeee!
<@ZokiPhantom> LOL
<Asky> shouldnt that be the other way around?
<@ZokiPhantom> more like top points winner of the month, whole HOL
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ Tara suffered lots thinking of Jenny going BOOM ~®~
<@ZokiPhantom> >>
<HerHattress> lol
<Tara> indeed
<@TarmaBlack> ha!
<Tara> i couldnt sleep at nights
<@TarmaBlack> no WAY
<PrincessKheldar> oh, does Jenny get her pretty trophy?
<HerHattress> loool
<PrincessKheldar> that was prettily drawn? >_>
<PrincessKheldar> <_<
<HerHattress> her pretty trophy that looks nothing like
<HerHattress> a trophy
<HerHattress> <_<
<Tara> loool
<@TarmaBlack> did YOU make it, Cassie???
<PrincessKheldar> ....IT IS SO A TROPHY
<PrincessKheldar> lol
<HerHattress> PSHAW
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ what trophy? ~®~
<PrincessKheldar> i sketched it, yes? XD
<HerHattress> Mari when are you leaving for my show
<Tara> can we see what the champions sent in for the voldy task??
<PrincessKheldar> lol 2:30ish
<HerHattress> ;_;
<@ChrisStarling> no >:D
<@ChrisStarling> jk xD
<HerHattress> are you dressing up all prettylike?
<Tara> :P
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ I am wearing flip flops ~®~
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ that counts as prettylike? ~®~
<HerHattress> i've never seen anyone in Germany wearing flip flops
<@ZokiPhantom> oh, and Cassandra Lobiesk gets 10 awards, just for fun :D
<HerHattress> so I just use mine in the apartment.
<@TarmaBlack> yes, the results will be shown
<PrincessKheldar> ...
<PrincessKheldar> not funny, dude
<@TarmaBlack> and the comments and everything, so it is all seen by all
<Tara> wheeeen
<Tara> i'm curious
<Tara> >_>
<@TarmaBlack> AND this conversation in here is also being posted *G*
<PrincessKheldar> and lols, i'm dressing up uhh...not sure
<PrincessKheldar> probably warmly, Kads
<HerHattress> aw
<HerHattress> it's cold again?
<PrincessKheldar> it might rain and thunderstorm like last night
<HerHattress> oh fail
<@ZokiPhantom> they already got the trophies Mari
<Maya> my loneliness is killing meeeeeee
<@ZokiPhantom> you're so behind
<@ZokiPhantom> "trophies"* >>
<@ChrisStarling> *waves to the readers*
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ but really... thanks for inviting HOL to this amazing tournament ~®~
* +HelenaGlaedr ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
<@ChrisStarling> <3
<@EvelynLionn> :D
<VermouthHolmes> (we had a whole topic about who to invite xD)
* Looking up PrincessKheldar user info...
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ it showed us the worst from Zoki ~®~
<@TarmaBlack> ahahahahaaaaa
<@TarmaBlack> yes, Chris, you and Evelyn and everyone, that is so BRILLIANT!!!
* Tara is now known as L
<PrincessKheldar> oh, lool, my bad, Zoki
<@ZokiPhantom> >___>
<@EvelynLionn> :D
<@ZokiPhantom> Yo, you have yet to see worse
<PrincessKheldar> i, like....slept through most of March
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ so he is now universally known and we don't need to put posters everywhere of WANTED ~®~
<HerHattress> lool
<HerHattress> poor Zoki<333
<@EvelynLionn> We should make this every year :E !
<L> nooo >_>
<@ChrisStarling> now we know how the things work, so the next time we'll be much better ! :DDD
<Maya> ahaha....yes, Alice wants to be the MAIN HOL champion next time though
<L> nooooooooo <_<
<Maya> and have to do all tasks *nod* all by herself.
<@TarmaBlack> ha ha
<@ZokiPhantom> LOL
<Asky> hehe
<@EvelynLionn> Why not? XO
<Maya> (s'ok Alice is just lazy, and I'm making fun of her >_>)
<@ZokiPhantom> I say we don't do a choosing contest and just put Amy as our Champion
<JohnWerewolf> I think that the next time Tournament can be invited to Hogwartscz :-)
<Maya> (not making fun of the tourney thing, which was awesome XD Just Alice. She totally deserves it lol)
* AmeliaF is now known as AmeliaF|ASoUE
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ we can trade Zoki? ~®~
<HerHattress> Ulol
<HerHattress> I like zoki
<HerHattress> usually.
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ D: ~®~
<Asky> and we didnt lose a single contestant ;)
<@ZokiPhantom> yaye!
<HerHattress> :D
<PrincessKheldar> (Darn)
<PrincessKheldar> >_>
<PrincessKheldar> <_<
<@TarmaBlack> our lovely CassieButterfly is creating a wonderful something for Helena and Larrie !!!!!
<HerHattress> lool
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ well... I didn't need to do what my siggy said ~®~
<@ZokiPhantom> really? Is Aly still alive?
<@ZokiPhantom> sadness
<@ZokiPhantom> <___<
<HerHattress> hahahah
<PrincessKheldar> XD
* @TarmaBlack pokes everyone
<Asky> ouch
<+LarrieLarstonova> hey :D
<L> ow
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ "If she dies can we have her body back?" ~®~
<Asky> yes she is very much still alive Zoki ;)
<Dean> lolol
<@TarmaBlack> Larrie and Helena? what are your NAMES and HOUSES please?
<@ZokiPhantom> *sighs*
<@ZokiPhantom> >>
<@TarmaBlack> well, names , Houses and schools *G*
<@EvelynLionn> (I think Helena isn't here)
<@TarmaBlack> oh oh
<@ChrisStarling> no she's not :I
<+LarrieLarstonova> like Larrie Larstonova, Ravenclaw, :D
<@TarmaBlack> yeah, like that :D
<+LarrieLarstonova> cool :D
<@TarmaBlack> Cassie needs to know for her 'creation'
<@ZokiPhantom> does anyone know her house?
<@ZokiPhantom> her name's Helena Glaedr, we've got that covered
<@ChrisStarling> Helena Glaedr, Gryffindor, Virtualna Bradavicarka! xD
<@TarmaBlack> thank you Chris!
<@ChrisStarling> np ;DDD
<@TarmaBlack> oh ... two gryffindors and one ravenclaw
<@TarmaBlack> :O
<VermouthHolmes> don't forget the c xp
<@EvelynLionn> Hahaha :D
<@ChrisStarling> xDDDD
<@ZokiPhantom> Zoki Phantom, Hufflepuff, HOL Virtual Hogwarts. Make me one too
<@TarmaBlack> :P
<@EvelynLionn> xDD
<@ChrisStarling> haha xD
<@ZokiPhantom> >_>
<HerHattress> lol
<HerHattress> I just solicit her for things
<HerHattress> all the time
<HerHattress> <_<
<@ChrisStarling> you must to deserve one first :I
<@ChrisStarling> have to*
* AmeliaF|ASoUE ( has left #twt
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ indeed ~®~
<PrincessKheldar> go away Zoki
<PrincessKheldar> i don't like you
<PrincessKheldar> :D
<HerHattress> but she loves me.
<PrincessKheldar> although, actually, i might make your a graphic
<PrincessKheldar> it'll be gagalicious
<PrincessKheldar> just to spite you
<HerHattress> :D
* Dean (~den_deyan@ Quit (Quit: <JaLeyah> EAT ME! | <Kirra> I'm Kirra. I misplace pants on top of bookshelves and peanut butter in freezers)
<PrincessKheldar> >_>
<PrincessKheldar> <_<
<HerHattress> lol
<@TarmaBlack> GRAZEEM -- I really really want to thank the people who thought of this, I know we did already, but I would like to say it again -- THANK YOU!!!!
<@TarmaBlack> it is VERY much fun
<@TarmaBlack> thank you, Chris, Evelyn and whoever else I don't know the names of
* @ZokiPhantom (~zoki_phan@ Quit (Quit: * God whines || <God> God is clearly a she <God> God's also Alanis Morisette || <SpreadsheetsOfDoooom> amy you were a great prefect <SpreadsheetsOfDoooom> for those 10 minutes)
<@EvelynLionn> Thank YOU, Tarma :P
<@TarmaBlack> (and an unofficial thanks to Cosmo Mott who helped to create, unofficially, a couple of the tasks)
* Rue (~zoki_phan@ has joined #TWT
<@TarmaBlack> ha ha
<@TarmaBlack> he came back
<Asky> he did
<Rue> what did I miss? >>
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ Mari sang a song, Zoki ~®~
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ Gaga ~®~
<Rue> (my connection sucks, so don't be surprised if I disappear many times >>)
<Rue> oh God, I missed out the bad stuff
<Rue> :D
<Rue> good* even
<Asky> Tarma thanked everyone who thought of this
* AlexCullen ( has joined #TWT
* Scarlett ( has joined #TWT
<AlexCullen> Wazz up? :D
<@ChrisStarling> welcome, welcome!
<@ChrisStarling> xD
<@EvelynLionn> Hello
<AlexCullen> Tnx, Chris :D
<@ChrisStarling> ;>
* @SelenaESmithova (~SelenaEna@ Quit (Quit: )
<AlexCullen> Tnx, Evelyn ;)
<Asky> I gtg we have visitors
<Rue> have fun Asky!
<@EvelynLionn> Bye!
<Asky> thanks Zoki
<Asky> bye
<@UlolKimil> ~®~ bye Asky ~®~
<Asky> bye Ulol
<@TarmaBlack> brb! making fire
<@ChrisStarling> XD tyt
<Asky> and I shall look forward to the 1 ltr rule again when Dee is answering questions in sql ;)
<Rue> lol
<Asky> that was funny
<Asky> nice to meet you Chris and Evelyn
<Asky> bye
<@EvelynLionn> Nice to meet you too :D
<@EvelynLionn> Have fun!
<AlexCullen> Byr :D
<AlexCullen> * Bye
<Asky> thanks :D
<AlexCullen> Good Luck :)
<@ChrisStarling> :DDD me too! nice to meet you!
<Asky> thanks
<@ChrisStarling> byee :DDD
<Asky> bye :D
<AlexCullen> Bye :D
* Asky ( Quit (Quit: )
<AlexCullen> Wazz Up, Guys?
<@ChrisStarling> sooo how are yoou?
<@ChrisStarling> xD
<@EvelynLionn> I'm very good, thanks! You? :P
<AlexCullen> xD
<AlexCullen> Spooky :D
<@ChrisStarling> me too :DDD
<@ChrisStarling> why? xO
<AlexCullen> xD
<AlexCullen> 'Cause I'm talking to Evelyn and she's Spooky :D
<@ChrisStarling> nothing new xD
<@EvelynLionn> xO ! No, I'm not!
<@EvelynLionn> Chris!
<@EvelynLionn> xDD
<@ChrisStarling> :<> civ civ!
<@ChrisStarling> xD
* Scarlett ( has left #TWT
<AlexCullen> xD
<AlexCullen> True, Chris ;)
<@ChrisStarling> I was joking! D: I don't want her to beat me xD
<AlexCullen> Hehehe, she's not that evil :P
<@ChrisStarling> don't be so sure ??
<AlexCullen> Trust me.
<@ChrisStarling> I don't xD
<AlexCullen> But trust is like a mirror :D
<@EvelynLionn> xO
<AlexCullen> You can fix it if it's broken :D
<@ChrisStarling> haha
<@ChrisStarling> wrong!
<@ChrisStarling> xD
<Rue> hokay, I need to get a nap :)
* Rue (~zoki_phan@ Quit (Quit: * God whines || <God> God is clearly a she <God> God's also Alanis Morisette || <SpreadsheetsOfDoooom> amy you were a great prefect <SpreadsheetsOfDoooom> for those 10 minutes)
<@EvelynLionn> xDD
<AlexCullen> But you still see cracks in that mother[censored by McNish]er reflection ;)
<AlexCullen> True, Chris :P
<AlexCullen> Evelyn, YES or NO?
<@EvelynLionn> OMG, shut up xD
<AlexCullen> Nope :P
<@ChrisStarling> :I don't use bad words xd
<AlexCullen> Wrong answer :P
<AlexCullen> Chris, it's true :D
<@ChrisStarling> what? xD
<AlexCullen> Evelyn, you know that I can be bitchy :D
<@ChrisStarling> we all know that x.x
<@EvelynLionn> Oh, yes, I know!
<AlexCullen> xD
<AlexCullen> I won't be bitchy now :P
<@EvelynLionn> I don't believe you :P
<AlexCullen> :p
<AlexCullen> I can't help you, if you go that way :D
* PrincessKheldar prances off and waves
* PrincessKheldar ( has left #TWT
<@ChrisStarling> oh, Alex you are scaring all the others :I
* @UlolKimil (~prof.kimi@ Quit (Quit: )
Last edited by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black on Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Prof. Kath Snape
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Post by Prof. Kath Snape »


What fantastic and hard work you all put forth :) .



THANKS to all who worked SO HARD to make this event possible (Not Ulol ;) ) !!!
Last edited by Prof. Kath Snape on Mon Apr 18, 2011 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Prof. Kath Snape - Teacher of Potions For Beginners & Advanced Potion Making



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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

In addition to fame and glory, our Champions earned some HOL points too.

While it is too bad that Jenny's points don't count towards the House Cup (being as she is a Professor), we still wanted to acknowledge the TREMENDOUS amount of work and dedication and skill and abilities that she and Tara (whose points DO count boo hiss) had to have to WIN the Triwizard Tournament Cup for HOL Hogwarts (us).


If you were to look at their HOL folders, you'd see this:

2011-04-17 50 HP from Prof. Ulol Kimil HOL Contest
Triwizard Champion Extraordinarie
(for Tara)

2011-04-17 100 HP from Prof. Ulol Kimil HOL Contest
Triwizard Champion Extraordinarie
(for Jenny)

Last edited by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black on Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Prof. Zoki Phantom
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Post by Prof. Zoki Phantom »

Congratulations to all the contest, and of course - special congratulations to our very own Jenny Lupin and Tara Aurelium for bringing the Triwizard Tournament Cup at HOL!!!

Aaand no one told me that the votes of the final task will be public, so erm, don't kill me, I was pretty confident that we'd win by then. *hugs Jenny* <3

I'd also like to mention that if next year this event takes place again, I'd like to see Maya Winters as our Champion and Professor Cassandra Lobiesk as her #1 Champion. I'm sure they'd both appreciate the responsibility and would be happy with all the awards that follow. :lol:
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »


kill him

we'd published every other determination of votes ...

oh wait, don't kill him

he's Hufflepuff

Zoki, you really did earn the title of MOST EVIL.

I just looked at the answers that the Champions had to come up with in order to even get to the final part of Task Three.


*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Prof. Zoki Phantom
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Post by Prof. Zoki Phantom »

You'd seriously take away ALL those house points from the House, Tarma? Such a -bad- badger! *halo*

Oh well, I had to try and reach the scale that was set with the other tasks, and since it was the last task - it obviously needed to be harder! I know that I was definitely cursed a lot of times while the Champions were trying to make their way through the maze, but I think now when they look back it, they can feel PROUD of themselves!! That's at least a small reward for surviving. ;)
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