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Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:36 pm
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
What is this all about?

Yes! We have a new endeavour!


Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 11:07 pm
by Prof. Zoki Phantom
*seconds what Tarma said above* :lol:

And I think 2 things need to be stressed out, before people hurt me with all the poking on IRC. >_>'

#1 --- I know that the times of the posting of the tasks might not be the best ones, and yes it gives some people an advantage and a disadvantage to others. But that's why the 3 tasks are posted at different times, to make a difference and to give -everyone- an equal chance to win. Plus, look at it this way --- it's a good training for you because this will be held with two other REAL schools from Slovenia and Czech and I doubt most of you have heard about Slovenia and Czech, but they're on the other side of the world for a good portion of HOL's members, so don't expect the postings to happen at any nice time for you (because their time zones would really freak you out).
Although fun and entertainment is always on the first place, you have to realize that this thing is more than just a contest, it requires responsibility and therefore sacrifices, so if it means that you'll have to get up at 5 am to work on a puzzle, then you'll have to do it. Of course, you can choose to do it a few hours later, which means you might lose a few points, but maybe you'll win without them too? No one knows. But yeah, the timings are done to fit more than one time zone, we're sorry if you're not happy about them, but there's not much that can be done.

#2 --- Don't be scared of the fact that you'll have to deal with puzzles, regardless what kind of puzzles they are. As we already mentioned, points will be cumulative, so yes, you can send in something even if it's not fully correct. You won't get all the points for that one, but at least it will give you the chance to move on and do the next challenge, on which you might score more! This is where you have to prove your courage, confidence, and patience, don't let those puzzles scare you! ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:01 am
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Actually, I didn't say that! I was just quoting Professor Kimil! REALLY!


I'm going to repeat something said in Zoki's BIG post (see it here).

3. Each House of HOL Hogwarts will have a representative in the champion list that we send! So please participate! We want as many people as possible, from all the Houses, to participate in the Triwizard Tournament selection process!

4. We will post the names of everyone from whom we receive a completed Task 1, in the topic of that Task. If your name doesn't show up within a day, poke Zoki! ;)