Discussion 2: Toads

Class led by Prof. Gustavo Flores

Moderator: Prof. Gustavo Flores

Prof. Gustavo Flores
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Discussion 2: Toads

Post by Prof. Gustavo Flores »

For this month's discussion, please answer the following:

Why do you think toads are among the least popular pets at Hogwarts?

There is no right or wrong answer, just please explain the reasons behind your wishes. At least 100 words for full marks.
Alexandra Rosier
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Re: Discussion 2: Toads

Post by Alexandra Rosier »

In my personal view, toads are often overlooked as pets at Hogwarts for several key reasons. Firstly, they lack the practicality and interactivity offered by creatures like owls or cats. Owls serve as invaluable messengers, while cats provide companionship and protection. Toads, however, don't offer the same level of utility or emotional connection for most people.
Another contributing factor to their lower popularity is their appearance, which might not be conventionally attractive to many students. In a world where aesthetics play a role, toads' warty, unconventional appearance can be a drawback.

Furthermore, toads typically lack standout magical abilities that make other creatures more intriguing as pets. Some magical beings possess extraordinary powers, like phoenixes with their healing abilities or kneazles with their knack for detecting deception. Toads don't bring such exceptional qualities to the table.
Tradition also plays a significant role, with owls and cats having a long-established reputation as preferred wizarding pets. This tradition tends to influence students' choices.

Despite these reasons, individuals like myself may have a soft spot for toads due to their mystical allure and unique associations with potion-making and transformation. Nonetheless, it's crucial to acknowledge that this fascination may be niche, and not all students share it.
Lastly, the care and maintenance of toads can be more intricate compared to owls or cats, potentially discouraging some students.

In summary, while toads have their own charm and significance, they often stand as less popular pet choices at Hogwarts. Personal preferences vary, and some, including myself, may appreciate their unique qualities but still don't want them as pets. However, on the whole, toads tend to be among the less favored pets due to the factors outlined above.
"He is half of my soul, as the poets say.”
― Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
Katherine Laurier
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Re: Discussion 2: Toads

Post by Katherine Laurier »

Toads are uncommon pets at Hogwarts for multiple possible reasons. One could be toads require a lot of specific needs and care, which are different from the more common pets like dogs and cats, and some people cannot provide what they need, so they decide not to get them anymore, which is a good choice in this case because if you know that you cannot give the animal what it needs, then simply don’t get it. There are requirements, like specialized diets and homes, and other care and knowledge the owner has to be aware of that the toad needs to survive and thrive properly when kept by a person. This is a huge factor a person usually considers before getting a pet - whether or not they can take care of it, and because of the very specific requirements of a toad, they decide not to get one.

Another is because, to be frank, a lot of people just don’t like them or are afraid of them because of how they look and because of the long-running superstitions, like how you would get warts if you touch a toad and a lot more. This has affected many people’s perspective on frogs and influenced their decision on what pet to keep for Hogwarts, because generally, today, people are sadly disgusted by frogs due to their appearance or because of popular belief.

Besides that, many students would usually want a pet that they could interact with, talk to, play with, cuddle with, and more, and since a toad is… a toad, there is a lack of possible interactions, which can be unappealing to a lot, which is why they prefer other pets more than this.
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