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Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 7:55 am
by Alessa Jayde
Hello all,

My name is Alessa Jayde and I just joined HOL today!

I found out about HOL in a post in one of my Facebook Harry Potter groups. We were talking about HEX and someone brought up HOL. Having never heard of HOL before I popped on over and figured I would give it a shot!

The classes I am taking right now besides HOL 101, are the Intro to Divination and Gift of the Nile: Egyptian Mythology.
I chose to enroll in HOL 101 because it seemed like an in depth way to learn my way around the site while also earning house points and beans!
I chose to enroll in Divination because I actually practice divination in real life, have taken real life courses in various forms of divination, as well as routinely perform readings for friends, family and others that request my help.
I chose to enroll in Egyptian Mythology, again, because it is a subject I am familiar with. I study Egyptian mythology as a fun pass time I suppose.. as well as partaking in Kemeticism (Egyptian magical practices). In order to successfully practice Kemeticism you have to have a fundamental understanding of Egyptian mythology (as well as a fair amount of knowledge about Ancient Egyptian culture).

I would like to gain the ability to move around this site with confidence and possibly help other newbies in the future.

I always make sure to carry walnuts around with my in case I see crows or ravens. Corvids really enjoy walnuts and I enjoy feeding them. I hope some day to make friends with one and have them visit me at home, but alas, so far this has not happened to me.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:44 am
by John Ahrens
I found out about HOL by looking for Hogwarts simulations on Google. I have enrolled for this class (HOL 101), History of Magic 1576, and Defense Against the Dark Arts 1509 and have been confirmed for the former two. I picked this class because it would introduce me to this site even better than just exploring the site alone. I picked the other two courses because they personally interest me because I want a career involving those subjects. In this class, I would like to gain a better understanding of what this site is. One random fact about me is that I am very passionate about the topic of History.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 6:02 pm
by Siobhan Sullivan
Hello. I'm Siobhan Sullivan and am a first year Ravenclaw. I found out about HOL through a friend of mine who is also on the site. I'm really impressed with it and think this will be a great experience. I am currently enrolled in 4 classes: HOL 101 (of course), Mathrmatics: Arithmancy the Muggle Way, A Visit to Hogsmeade, and Earth Magic. I was told to select all but Earth Magic because they were good introductions to not only the site, but also the general format of the classes (though I know each is different in its own way). I chose Earth Magic because I am very much into all things elemental.

What I would like to gain from this class is what I believe I will, based solely on the fact that it teaches students their way around the site and how things sort of work. That is my purpose for enrollment and I believe I will not be disappointed.

A random fact about me is that I loath popcorn. It's a sensory nightmare.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:31 am
by Lily Pryce
Hi! I'm Lily Pryce, a late sign-up!
I found out about HOL through an obsession with Harry Potter, and google!
I'm taking HOL 101, HOL Exchange Program, and Care of Magical Creatures!
I'm taking them because they looked interesting to me!
I hope to learn how to get around HOL, and learn things I didn't know about.
A random fact is, I love to paint! I tend to paint pictures for my bf's mom, because she thinks they are so sweet, she cried once!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 3:12 am
by Drake Deepshadows
I'm Drake, and I was told of Hogwarts Online by my friend Star Andromeda Black. I am currently only taking Care of Magical Creatures, and Prof. Ryan Granger is the only teacher to respond so far. I love Magic and all things Magical, and creatures are no exception. I did sign up for four other classes, but haven't heard back, so I'm not counting on them yet. This class is also one I'm taking, though I don't yet have it confirmed in my list, despite receiving notice of confirmation or activity. I may be doing this unnecessarily. I chose these classes because they seemed to suit a new student like myself best, and add to my fuel for interest in continuing to attend this school. I like that between my two classes that seem to be functioning, I am learning a great deal about our world already! I enjoy Magic mostly because muggle things break horribly in my possession. Only damaged and at least once repaired/recycled muggle goods don't seem to explode or have issues with me.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sat May 28, 2016 1:29 am
by Selene Blackwell
Hello, my name is Selene Blackwell (ec1076). I found out about HOL through google search, which isn't near as exciting as some of the answers you guys are giving! I am currently enrolled in HOL 101 and Quidditch. I am pending enrollment in a few others. I am having a lot of trouble trying to the the IRC working on my MAC so that's one reason I enrolled in this class was to help get that straightened out. Also the whole points and beans thing confused me at first but I understand it now. Trivia from the books always interested me and I'm relatively good at it so that's why I enrolled in Quidditch was to help learn how to use that modality to play along. I would like to get my IRC working so I can communicate better! One random fact about me is that I actually have my Masters in Nursing but that doesn't stop me from continuing my education in a lot of different areas, including but not limited to, Herbalism, Druidry, Witchcraft, LOTR trivia, HP trivia. I'm one of the biggest LOTR nerds I know.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:50 pm
by Aidan Baker
Hello everyone. My name is Aidan Baker and i am a first year Ravenclaw Student. I found out about HOL a very long time ago, when i was in muggle highschool, but have never actually attempted any classes. This is my first time taking advantage of my wonderful acceptance letter to HOL. I am currently studying: Confronting your bogart, Hol 101, W.O.M.B.A.T, Wand making and Animagus 101. I choose these classes because i believed they would give me the best start in this magical education that i could get. A random fact about myself is that i am also studying at a muggle university in my spare time, attempting to learn muggle psychology in order to get a better understanding of the workings of the non-magical folks minds.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 11:23 pm
by Ainsley Royce
Hey everyone! My name is Ainsley Royce and I am a first year Ravenclaw here on HOL. I actually found this site when I was looking for HP communities to join where I could do more than just take classes. I wanted more of a rounded experience. These are the first classes I am attempting and I am really excited! The classes I am taking this term include HOL 101: Orientation, Poisons and Theory of Charms. I am still unconfirmed in two others (Ancient Runes and Transfiguration) and hoping to receive confirmation within the next few days! I chose these classes out of interest and I believe they would be a good way to ease me into the HOL experience. I chose this one in particular because I am still relatively new to this site and I feel this will help me jump start into the community better and help bring me out of my shy shell. I am a graphic designer and web developer in real life and I am blessed that I absolutely love what I do and it doesn't feel like work at all. I have another degree in Biological Psychology but I wanted to study art and make that my living. I am really excited to be here and happy to finally be a part of classes!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:19 am
by Lucy Tyler
Heya everyone! My name is Lucy Tyler, and I only recently found HOL while googling for knitting instructions, and I came across the HOL knitting class. Unsurprisingly, I'm taking that one this term, as well as HOL 101 (which I'm sure you wouldn't have guessed :P ), as well as Tour of the Common Rooms and Intro to Sign Language. I thought the two intro classes would be good to start with, and I have hearing aids and use some sign language, and thought the sign class looked really interesting. From this class, I'd like to get a better understanding of HOL- it certainly is a big site with a lot to get your head around. A random fact about me is that I can't whistle, and have a permanent bounty out for anyone who can successfully teach me how to do so.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:23 pm
by Kia Brushman
Hi! My name is Kia,I'm a first year Slytherin, and a freshman in college IRL! I found out about HOL through a Harry Potter page on Facebook :)

I am taking:
HOL 101 - to learn more about HOL
Care of Magical Creatures - magical creatures fascinate me, and I'm getting ready for the new movie :P
Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them - same reason ^^
History of Magic - I love History in real life, my major in college is somewhere along the lines of history (probably, not quite sure yet)
Potions for Beginners - my second favorite thing in the Harry Potter world was all the different types of potions and what they all did!

I would like to gain more knowledge of HOL so I don't have to go around asking all my prefects every little question :P

And my favorite author is Maggie Stiefvater!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:39 am
by Blue Ebon
Hi. Blue Ebon here. I am a first year Ravenclaw. Generally when I get into something for the first time, I look for

"101" class. I ment to take one or two classes, but I'm taking Divination 101, Palmistry, Potion 101, and Charms.

As you can see, I can resist anything but temptation. True to being a Ravenclaw, I'm curious about everything!

Before I signed up for this class, I felt lose at HOL. I'm hoping after this class to feel right at home. Still not clear

on signature. Although my mother says differently, my English teachers make me doubt if English is my native

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 2:05 pm
by Gail Allen
My name is Gail Allen, I've very recently joined HOL even though I actually found out about it some years ago when friends spoke of it, but at the time I was just too busy with my education and Real-Life homework to feel I'd be able to give HOL the attention it deserved. So now that I've finished my education and was reminded once again about HOL, I decided to join.

I am overwhelmed with how many amazing classes are on offer! It's crazy to see such dedication from so many people and I'm so excited to be joining the fun. I've chosen to aim high and signed up for five classes:
"HOL 101: An Orientation" - was a pretty easy one to pick and the first I knew I wanted to have. It looks like a good way to learn your way around the place which is what I hope to get out of taking it.
Then I picked "HOL Quidditch" too cause it looks like fun and is another HOL thing.
Then I just finished watching Outlander, so "Through the Stones - Outlander" was also a fairly obvious choice.
The last two were just because they looked interesting - and I had a harder time picking those, because there were so many I'd have liked to take, but I ended up choosing: "Norse Myths and Legends", and "Kennilworthy's Kitchen".

I wear sandals all year round and only own one pair of closed shoes - boots for when it snows, which it does every winter where I live. I change into sandals again when I get inside, despite there being snow outside..

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 11:48 pm
by Oliver Strike
My name is Oliver Strike, I'm a first year student. I am a Hufflepuff but am a Gryfindor at heart. I found out about HOL while looking for Harry Potter activities and recipes. I am taking HOL 101 and Poetry Writing. I chose these classes because I thought I needed an introduction to HOL and because I love writing. I am hoping to gain a better and bigger understanding of HOL and to improve and hone my poetry skills and writing skills in general. One random fact about me is that I love Maltesers candy and any chocolate in general!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:27 pm
by Vanessa Hewitt
Hello everyone! My name is Vanessa Hewitt, and I am a first year Hufflepuff. I found out about HOL through my sister, and I'm really excited about all the things I've seen here so far. Aside from this class, I have signed up for An Introduction to Divination, HOL Quidditch, Puzzles 101, and Transfiguration. I picked a range of classes, mainly because I find all these subjects really interesting, but also because I want to learn as much as possible about a variety of HOL's subjects, and of course because I really love puzzles! From this class I hope to gain a better understanding about how HOL works, as I feel a tiny bit lost at the moment. I'm sure this class will help me out in no time! A fun, random fact about myself is that I love untangling earphones. For some reason it makes me feel comforted that earphones are always able to be untangled, no matter how tangled they get in the first place. A strange habit, but something I find very relaxing.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 7:37 pm
by Urban Hawk
Hi, I'm Urban Hawk a first year Gryffindor student. I just recently saw all the Harry Potter movies!! I heard about HOL from a few friends and wanted a place that I could come to explore my imagination. I'm currently only enrolled in "HOL 101: An Orientation". I'm interested to find out what HOL is all about.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 10:12 pm
by Shadow Gaunt
Hello. I am Shadow Gaunt. I am a first year Ravenclaw. I found out about HOL through getting interested in myHogwarts, then searching for Hogwarts online and finding HOL. I am taking 5 classes this term: Ancient Runes, Ballet Academy, Dark Arts, HOL 101, and Puzzles 101.
I picked Ancient Runes as I wanted something "Harry Pottery" but I was also interested in the meaning of runes
I picked Ballet Academy as I do rhythmic gymnastics and thus I am interested in most things gymnastics or dance-related.
I picked Dark Arts as just a fun and interesting class, also to see the Dark Arts from a purely educational point of view.
I picked Puzzles 101 as I am extremely into puzzles, Rubik's cubes, riddles, and such.
I would like to gain lots of information on how HOL operates and how my house operates.
Random Fact: I collect LINDT candy wrappers.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:19 am
by Celeste Rivet
I'm Celeste Rivet and I am an extremely proud Ravenclaw. I distinctly remember the first time I came across HOL, I had been looking up online sites that offered Harry Potter themed rpgs (roleplay groups) that also offered classes similar to what was taught at Hogwarts. In the current school term I am taking An Introduction to Divination, Astronomy, HOL 101: An Orientation, Ancient Runes, and Care of Magical Creatures. I picked these classes because of their similarity to the electives taken by the Hogwarts students, and because I didn't want to infuriate too many of the professors whose classes I had failed to pass last year in case I was unable to pass said classes this year. My reasons for taking the orientation class are different however. Despite being in my second year on HOL, I am completely and utterly lost. I would like to gain some sort of understanding about the main areas of HOL through taking this class. A random fact about myself would be that I am a chocolate addict.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:31 pm
by Katya Snow
Hi there!

My name is Katya Snow! i'm a first year Huffelpuff and this is one of the first classes i've ever taken! i have a bit of an addiction to coffee and more than an unhealthy obsession with Foxes! so far i've been approved for three classes! Hol 101, Wandmaking, and the Hobbit classes! so exciting! i can't wait to learn everything i can about Hol and the amazing wonderful people and programs that keep it running!

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 8:13 pm
by Blue Ebon
Blue Ebon here. This term so far, this is my only class. Last term I took 5 classes for my first term. Big mistake. I choose this class to learn as much as possible about HOL. Of course right now I'd settle for how to get into my common room. One random fact about me is when I'm in a sorting hat of some sort, I sort into Ravenclaw.

Re: HOL 101 Introductions

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 4:08 am
by Rowan Wildsmith
Hi :)

My name is Rowan Wildsmith, I'm a first year Gryffindor on HOL. I found the site after using another Hogwarts website for a while. I'm taking this class, Potions, and Puzzles 101. I'm also hoping to be accepted into the Quidditch class soon. I am taking this class to learn more about HOL (obviously), Puzzles 101 looked interesting because I love puzzles and I'm hooked on my Sudoku app right now! As for potions, it looked like an interesting and very "Hogwarts" class to take. I hope that I will be more familiar with HOL after taking this class. I also hope that I will be more able to interact with others on this site and make some friends.

A random fact about myself is that I also speak Russian!