Welcome to Wand-making

Class led by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

Moderator: Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Warp 10000
Posts: 7882
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:31 am

Welcome to Wand-making

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Wands are so useful to have. You can balance them on your finger, stir the soup with them, poke at an animal chasing you! (Don't use them to start a fire, though, because odd things happen when wands are burned ...)

Or you can use them to focus the intent of your magic. Are you a young witch or wizard and don't have a wand yet? Are you wanting to have your very own first wand? Or maybe you had a wand and need another -- because you broke your wand beating it on the dashboard of a flying Ford Anglia? Or perhaps sat on it and snapped your wand as you lost a buttock? Maybe you want to have a spare wand, one to put behind each ear ......

If you are wanting to have your very own wand, one close and personal for you, you are in the correct place!

Wand-Making is specifically written and designed for you to create a wand for yourself. It contains information that will help you to understand this subtle branch of magic and how it impacts upon your wizarding abilities.

We have an award too! Image

The Award of the Cherrywood Wand makes a lovely addition to your other treasures.

All the lessons and assignments are up now. To receive a QUILL for this class, you must earn no less than 150 out of the possible 300 points available and complete the Term Exam. **

Each assignment is due at the end of its month except for the Term Exam, e.g., Assignment 1 is due at the end of February, Assignment 2 is due at the end of March, Assignment 3 is due at the end of April, Assignment 4 is due at the end of May and the Term Exam is due by June 15th.

If you need an extension for any of the Assignments, please ask for one before its due date. Send me an email to the class address specifying for which assignment you want an extension.
I post the names of folks who sent in their homeworks in this forum. If you sent in your homework and don't see your name (and homework(s) submitted) in here within a couple of days, send me an HOL Message!

Note the first: If for accessibility reasons you can't complete an assignment, please just let me know and an alternative can be worked out.
Note the second: If you do send in a late homework, without having asked for an extension, and it is accepted, there will be a points deduction for it being late.

For those who wonder where all the 300 possible points may be earned -- there will be an introduction topic in here where more points may be earned and, also, people who send in all the homeworks and Term exam receive bonus points.
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris

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