Virtual Reality Gaming - The OASIS

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Shiloh Adlar
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Virtual Reality Gaming - The OASIS

Post by Shiloh Adlar »

Question. Am I the only one who would love to experience a game like this with a full haptic suit and a virtual reality headset to be able to fully immerse myself in another world? I don't think I would be addicted to it like it can become for some people I'm sure, but just the experience of it would be really awesome to have. There are other games that exist that are similar to the OASIS in Ready Player One within other books and movies and shows. Some of the ones I can think of are .hack, Otherworld, V-World and OZ.

Are there any games out that I'm not aware of yet that you might say are similar to this technology already? I know VR is becoming a thing and they even have it for phones now to play games on it. It scares me a little bit with how real things are beginning to be described, but I can't help but be fascinated by the technology at the same time.
Shiloh Adlar, Seventh Year
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Gail Allen
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Re: Virtual Reality Gaming - The OASIS

Post by Gail Allen »

I am not aware of any that exist other than the ones you already mentioned, but I would love to try a game that is fully immersive like you describe. It does have its pitfalls of course, but I can also see a lot of potential in it. If for instance you have to move in Reality to move in the game, it would mean a generally healthier population because you would need to move to play instead of sitting still as you do today. So I would really like to see that at least. And with a suit that lets you feel things from the game, I think that would be great, though there would have to be moderation of course; I wouldn't want to leave my gaming session with loads of bruises or worse.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Virtual Reality Gaming - The OASIS

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

If it was set up like OASIS, yes, I'd definitely want to have that haptic suit -- but I'd want the rig that Og has, in Ready Player One. The rig would allow me to do things in the room which emulate what is happening in OASIS.

I would also, again, want it to be as OASIS is set up, and the Sixers (a corporate entity) cannot take control of it, period.
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Silas Hipolito Crist
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Re: Virtual Reality Gaming - The OASIS

Post by Silas Hipolito Crist »

I have absolutely watched this movie about OASIS and after ending the movie started dreaming about living in such a virtual world. It seems like a perfect idea, altough it should be also meant for talking and other stuff, not just fighting over everything.

As Tarma I would join in OASIS only if there would not be any group such Sixers, who were destroying the meaning of OASIS and effecting on other players in really bad way.

So yeah, OASIS would be great if someone intelligent and careful would control it in a right way, so everyone would have chance to have fun.
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