A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far far away. No, wait. Way back in 2018, when Sky Alton presented Flash Fiction as an activity, she wrote, "flash fictions are stories that pride themselves on being short, really short. Providing it has a beginning, middle and an end, even a sentence can tell a story. A typical example is this one by Augusto Monterroso:
"When he woke up, the Dinosaur was still there.
Basically, each week we'll give you three random items. You create a tiny story of 30 to 50 words with them.
Again, from our previous posts, "Your story can be funny, serious or completely random: from a simple 'this is how the day started' to finding out that the butler really did do it - in a galaxy far, far away! Write about anything you like -- but you need to include all 3 items and have a beginning, middle and end in your story."
You must use the words (or a variant of the words, change of tense, make plural, etc.) provided for that week (no going back and using previous ones). Remember to keep the HOL rules in mind when creating your stories. Also, remember to put the number of words used after your story! (Make sure you have 30 - 50 words; you can do it! Please remember to write the number of words after your creation, as the sample shows.)
You’ll earn 15 beans per story!
Note: there are several word counters available online - The Word Counter, Word Counter, WORDCounter - so you can check out the number of words in your creation.
Have fun! We always look forward to reading your stories.