Flash Fiction Round 4

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

We of Book Club love this delightful brain-boggling and word counting activity -- Flash Fiction.

A long, long, time ago, in a galaxy far far away. No, wait. Way back in 2018, when Sky Alton presented Flash Fiction as an activity, she wrote, "flash fictions are stories that pride themselves on being short, really short. Providing it has a beginning, middle and an end, even a sentence can tell a story. A typical example is this one by Augusto Monterroso:
When he woke up, the Dinosaur was still there.

Basically, each week we'll give you three random items. You create a tiny story of 30 to 50 words with them.

Again, from our previous posts, "Your story can be funny, serious or completely random: from a simple 'this is how the day started' to finding out that the butler really did do it - in a galaxy far, far away! Write about anything you like -- but you need to include all 3 items and have a beginning, middle and end in your story."

You must use the words (or a variant of the words, change of tense, make plural, etc.) provided for that week (no going back and using previous ones). Remember to keep the HOL rules in mind when creating your stories. Also, remember to put the number of words used after your story! (Make sure you have 30 - 50 words; you can do it! Please remember to write the number of words after your creation, as the sample shows.)

You’ll earn 15 beans per story!

Note: there are several word counters available online - The Word Counter, Word Counter, WORDCounter - so you can check out the number of words in your creation.

Have fun! We always look forward to reading your stories. :)
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

I know I've used this before, but what Emily wrote is so delightful that I'm using it again as our first prompt.

Our first prompt is a repeat of a favorite of mine (yes, I'm into dinosaurs) ....

Write me a story with these!

rug, mittens, velociraptor
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Emily Spencer had responded with:

I watched in awe as the velociraptor ran around in circles on my rug. Suddenly, it darted under my bed with a loud screech. Before I could say anything, out it popped again, dragging my lost mittens behind it.


I assume the returned screech meant

"You're welcome." (48 words)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now it's your turn!
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
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Prof. Amy Lupin
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Prof. Amy Lupin »

I heard a screech. I glanced at the dated rug as I rushed towards the living room window. I ought to replace it sometime. The thought went out my head as quickly as it entered. An odd sight greeted me. A velociraptor of all things… only it was wearing mittens.

(50 words)
Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

On a cold winter's night, Shanaya sat on a cosy rug, pulling on her woollen mittens. Suddenly, a velociraptor peeked through the window, its eyes filled with curiosity. She blinked in surprise, but smiled, thinking, "Just another day with my friendly, time-travelling, neighbourhood dinosaur." (44 words)
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River Fenwick
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by River Fenwick »

Excited feet patter on across the rugs as Christmas finally arrives. The children remain in their velociraptor pajamas from coming straight from their beds, wasting no time tearing at the wrapping paper. Afterward, they thoughtfully presented me with a surprise gift: a pair of mittens! (45 words)
Emily Spencer
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Emily Spencer »

I lay sprawled on the rug reading a book about velociraptors while listening to the soothing cadence of the rain falling. My daughter came in and plopped her sodden mittens right on my book. So much for solitude!
41 words
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Silvana Mandeville
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Silvana Mandeville »

I woke up to find my little niece's mittens-wrapped hands holding the velociraptor figurines I brought, making them fight each other, while the rest of the dinosaurs were spread out on the red rug in our living room.

38 words
Janne Halla
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Janne Halla »

On a chilly night, Kaija sat on the rug by the fireplace, mittens warming her hands. She heard a noise behind her and turned around. To her surprise, a tiny velociraptor wearing a knitted scarf waddled into the room, nuzzled her leg, and curled up beside her for warmth.

[49 words]
Alexandra Starling
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Alexandra Starling »

As the wind howled outside, Haz crept closer to the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket matching the colour of the rug.
"Do you think a velociraptor could play out in a cold like that?" he mused aloud.
His mother grinned. "Only if it had a nice pair of mittens!"

(49 words)
Viviana Kingston
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Viviana Kingston »

Liya sat on her fluffy rug as she crocheted a pair of mittens. With the sound of scratching at the door and clicking on the floor, she knew her velociraptor friend was growing impatient.

[34 words]
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Ivy Grey
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Ivy Grey »

As I sat on the warm rug, shuffling through piles of paper, I heard a muffled sound from outside. I put on my mittens and took a step outside, into the cold winter snow. There, buried partially in the frost was an adorable velociraptor, whining in pain!
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Felicia »

A shadow flew across my window. I rushed to the door, nearly tripping over the rug as normal. I grabbed my mittens from the table as I stumbled to the door. Pulling the door open I stood on the steps and looked up. A velociraptor soared above. “We’re in trouble!” (50 words)
Silverr Granger
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Silverr Granger »

I was minding my own business, reading a book, when I heard a yelp. I look over and see my cat Mittens chasing a velociraptor around my brand-new rug! Oddly enough, that wasn't the first strange thing I had seen today. I don't even think it made the top 3.

50 words.
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Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

“Here we were worried about Bridezilla,” Sherri says, stumbling over a rug while exiting to the balcony, “how ‘bout Velociraptor Groom?
“Classic Carl,” wheezes Moira, still out of breath from dancing in unseasonably warm weather.
“What? A small, carnivorous dinosaur?”
Moira laughs agreeably, fanning herself with mittens.
“You said it.” (50 words)
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Nicely done, folks! ^_^ Beans are sent!

Next are: backpack, fairy, speech

She shouldered her backpack and turned to wave to the people who she loved, and was (for the moment) leaving. Some looked worried, some happy. Harry burst into a farewell speech, then faltered after the first words.

She smiled and waved again. "I'm off to visit the fairy woods!"

(49 words)
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River Fenwick
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by River Fenwick »

The fairy lights flicker through the woods as they hold a celebration. While they're distracted, I open my backpack and capture one, zipping it shut as fast as possible. I keep it tightly in my hands and flee before the celebration speech ends, and they realize one is missing. (49 words)
Emily Spencer
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Emily Spencer »

After listening to her scathing speech insulting my manners, parentage, and appearance, I stuck the angry little fairy in my backpack and zipped it tightly, leaving just a small air hole, of course. She ranted, raved, and threatened, as expected. I don’t think she likes me much! (47 words)
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Janne Halla
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Janne Halla »

Lost in the woods, Lily opened her backpack, hoping for a map. Instead, a tiny fairy fluttered out. "Need help?" the fairy asked with a grin. After a short, magical speech, the fairy led Lily home, leaving behind shimmering dust and a promise that the adventure always waited for her.

[50 words]
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

The strand of twinkle lights sways in the breeze like a court of fairy friends.
Grabbing water from my backpack, I imagine their queen. A speech delivered to sparkling subjects.
“It’s time to reveal ourselves,” a small but commanding voice tinkles in my ear.
And so it is, I believe. (50 words)
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Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: Flash Fiction Round 4

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

As I unzipped my backpack, a mischievous fairy darted out, sprinkling glitter all over my desk. "Not again!" I groaned. She giggled, and then started giving a speech about how "magic fixes everything," before vanishing into thin air. "Now, where’s my duster?" I thought. (44 words)
2nd Yr. Gryffindor with an aptitude for Charms, PotionsDADA | Aspiring Auror
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