Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Dragons, broomsticks, flying saucers, the Hogwarts Express, apparition - there is such a wide variety of different modes of transportation found in books. Which particular mode of transportation do you most wish was real? In which book or books is this kind of transportation found? What kinds of limits does it have, if any? Tell us what you would most like to use as a form of transportation.

You will earn 5 team points and 10 Beans for telling us what you would most like to use as a form of transportation. Final posting date is August 23rd. Be sure to have at least 80 words in your post, please.
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Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

Quite a difficult choice, since all modes of transportation that I know of have some sort of drawbacks to them that I would make me swear off of them. However, I think I would prefer to travel with a TARDIS the most (despite me not being that big of a fan of Doctor Who in general). It is a ship that travels in space and time, but most important, it is bigger on the inside than its outside might imply. As far as I understand from the canon, TARDIS is semi-telepathic and can provide you with anything you need, especially in regard to rooms. That means you have infinite possibilities for comform, entertainment all in a one, blue-box-shaped ship. TARDIS primarily comes from the TV show Doctor Who, but the show has been subject to many novelizations.
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Carrie Warts
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Carrie Warts »

Oh man, so many ways. Starting with the Flu powders to transport you from one place to another by just saying where you want to appear. Could also be just appearing because you were granted a license to appear anywhere you want or even the brooms and carriages could work too but I think some people would be very reckless with these means from Harry Potter.
I would say I'd love if there were portals to travel, like in the book I'm reading now from Stephen King called The Dark Tower they use special portal designed to take you to any place in the world and to other world with a 4 digit coordinates. These portals are located in different part of the world and can be access by anyone who knows where they are.
Flu powders will make it much easier than having to find portals but not all of us have fireplaces *lol*
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Emerald Wolvenhowl
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Emerald Wolvenhowl »

At first I thought maybe using floo powder would be great. Then it dawned on me that it would be a little bit limiting because you need a fireplace to depart from and a fireplace to arrive at your destination. So now I have decided I would love to apparate because there are not any limits, unless you happen to always suffer severely with apparition travel sickness or underage. I could travel local but I could also travel to anywhere in the world more quickly and more conveniently than flying in a Muggle plane ( and more much economical too) . Plus, I could make a quick escape should I need to leave in a hurry :D if I couldn't apparate due to a sickness issue then it would be pretty cool to have a TARDIS like Dr Who provided it had a lot of creature comforts.
Amy Smith
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Amy Smith »

I would probably prefer a wyvern as my mode of transport(from the throne of glass series).Wyvern's are basically a bipedal dragon with a tail often ending in a diamond- or arrow-shaped tip. I find them very cool and they are pretty strong and fast. There are few wyvern's who actually understood you and you them.But not all of them can understand you. Maybe the wyvern's might even help me to scare away the death eaters. Instead of this I would like if there were a portal to transport as Carrie said.
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Prof. Sindor Aloyarc »

In one of the books I'm currently reading ("Howl's Moving Castle") there is a means of transportation used called Seven-League Boots. It is described that with each step the person utilizing these boots —which are able to be worn over one's regular footwear— travels 10.5 miles at once in the direction they're moving for a whopping 21 mile total for each full stride of both feet forward.

While incredibly useful when needing to gain a great deal of distance in a short period of time, this method, as demonstrated in the book, can be challenging should you not be pointed in the correct direction when you take your step(s), or if you loose your balance and take a second step (or third, or fourth!) unintentionally. Otherwise, I think this could be a really interesting and fun way to get somewhere and I'd love to give it a go!
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Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Prof. Scarlet Leslie-Lewis »

I would want to be able to ride on any creature that can fly like a hippogriff or Pegasus, but preferably a dragon. It'll be an awesome experience to see everything from above. This method of transportation is entirely dependent on the magical creature, of course. They have to be able to trust their rider. Maybe I'll get lucky and run into a friendly dragon like Kazul from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles. More likely, though, I'd have to work to earn the dragon's approval, such as the dragon riders in Joust by Mercedes Lackey. (Also, if the Millennium Falcon ever turns up, I'll definitely go for a ride!)
Louis Walles
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Louis Walles »

One of my favourite methods of transport was and always will is a time machine! I would love to have it and although many people say it’s impossible to build one - maybe some day it would be possible! I would also like a machine which would transport me to any place I would like. This teleport would have its main entrance at your home and if you walk inside and pick a localisation- it would drop you there right away!
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Isa Vestal
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Re: Book Bout - Fictional modes of transportation

Post by Isa Vestal »

Aww, everyone’s answers are so awesome! I’d totally go for the TARDIS or a Wyvern but for my own answer, I’m going to go full Star Wars nerd here and say I’d like to have a spaceship akin to a Star Destroyer. Not only would it provide transportation, it would also be an optimal place to sleep, hold social events (seriously, space ship dance party sounds like something I’d 10/10 go to), and hold daily activities. It would also be incredibly fast and span far beyond the places a normal transport could travel. Of course, it’s size would be a bit big for me but, luckily, I’m a people-person so I’d have fun docking with several hundred other passengers on the vessel. However, one big drawback to a Star Destroyer would be that I would be unable to land on Earth without making many people suspicious. Furthermore, even docking on other planets could prove more difficult due to the larger size of the ships. I can’t even start to imagine how much it would cost to repair damages or clean the ship either! On second thought, a spaceship like the Millennium Falcon might be better. It would be much smaller and cozier than a Star Destroyer and would require far less maintenance though I’d have to give up the cruise-ship type amount of passengers the Star Destroyer could hold.

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