Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

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Prof. Sky Alton
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Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

Come one, come all and gather round to set out your hopes for HOL 2018-2019!

The Gold Spirit Award was begun as part of HOL Appreciation Month. It’s designed to help motivate you to fulfil your own personal goals for the school year, however big or small, whatever they might be. Anyone is welcome, be they student, post graduate or professor. Read the criteria below and then have a think about what you’d like to achieve for yourself this year. Once you’re done, post your goals as a reply to this thread and get to work on them. You may earn a shiny award at year’s end.

  • You must make at least 3 goals, though we’d like 4 or 5.
  • They must be goals we can check and verify in some way
  • One goal must be how many points you’d like to earn (either overall or in particular classes)
  • One goal must be related to classes (number of quills you want to earn, number of OWLs you want to complete, number of classes you want to teach/assist)
  • You must achieve (or get very close) to at least 3 of your goals to qualify for an award
That’s it, happy goal making! And may the odds be ever in your favour.
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Arianna Stonewater
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Arianna Stonewater »

My goals:

-earn 10 quills
-earn 300 points in at least 3 classes each term
-earn at least 3500 points overall
-help run at least one non-Slytherin activity!
Ivorie Windton
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Ivorie Windton »

- earn 3 quills
- earn 1000 points overall
- Earn 5 awards
- Submit to a house Newspaper 5 times.
- Participate in at least one HOL-wide activity
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Gail Allen
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Gail Allen »

*Earn at least 3500 points
*Earn at least 10 quills
*Submit content to at least 2 House Newspapers
*Teach both in the Fall and Spring Term
*Assist both in the Fall and Spring Term
*Co-host at least one HOLwide event
Silas Hipolito Crist
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Silas Hipolito Crist »

- earn at least 4 quills through whole year
- earn 1000 points overall
- Earn at least 1 award
- Submit to any house newspaper at least once
- Participate in at least one HOL-wide activity
Shiloh Adlar
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Shiloh Adlar »

1. Earn at least 8 quills
2. Earn 2500+ points
3. Assist 3 classes
4. Submit to at least 2 house papers
5. Participate in at least 1 HOL wide activity.
Shiloh Adlar, Seventh Year
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Prof. Maxim Trevelyan
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Prof. Maxim Trevelyan »

  • Earn 3800+ points
  • Earn 8+ quills
  • Teach and assist three classes each in both terms
  • Write two chapters in collaborative book writing
  • Submit to at least one art and library department project, should they be offered
  • Submit at least once to every house newspaper, should they be issued
...also a platonic soulmate and a hot mess of a human being.
Aurelia West
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Aurelia West »

- earn 10 quills
- earn 3000+ points
- complete at least 6 OWLs
- submit to 2 house newspapers
- teach or assist at least one class
Prof. Will Lestrange
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Prof. Will Lestrange »

-earn 3500+ points
-successfully teach an original class
-earn 10 quills
-induct at least one new member into SQT
-complete my collection of OWLs by passing Care of Magical Creatures
-run a successful in-house activity
Pezzie Wolfe
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Pezzie Wolfe »

Pezzie's Goals for the HOL 2018-2019 year
  • Get up to 400 points
  • Get at least one quill per term to graduate from 4th year!
  • Not get lost in the halls.
  • Keep active around my house and HOL
  • Do not let any pixies lose in Hufflepuff orientation.
  • Submit articles to newsletters around HOL
So far no pixies!! Yes!
Last edited by Pezzie Wolfe on Tue Oct 02, 2018 7:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Khaleesia Marie Lilith
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Khaleesia Marie Lilith »

2018-2019 Goals:

~Earn at least 1000 points
~Take and pass at least 5 classes this year
~Be actively involved with The SerpenTimes
~Submit at least one piece to a different house newspaper
~Participate in at least one HOL-wide event/activity
Siobhan Sullivan
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Siobhan Sullivan »

My goals are going to be a bit meager because life gets in the way sometimes and I want to give myself a fighting chance:
  • Earn 1200+ points
  • Earn 4+ Quills
  • Participate in 1+ HOL-wide activity
  • Participate in 1+ Ravenclaw activity
  • Participate in 1+ activity hosted by any house outside of Ravenclaw
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Vanessa Tilley
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Vanessa Tilley »

I can't believe it is already time to start another school year!

I would like to improve of my performance last year so:
-I would like to earn 3000 points
-I want to earn at least 5 quills
-I want to submit something to at least 2 different house papers
-I want to be more active in HOL wide activities, HOLLERS, and Book Club
-To teach a class for at least one semester

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Prof. Rorey Padfoot
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Prof. Rorey Padfoot »

Let's give it a try!

- I want to earn 5 quills
- I'm trying for 2500 points for the year
- Complete 5 classes as a "student"
- Participate in an HOL activity
- cause some mischief
~Prof. Rorey Padfoot~*~Ravenclaw~
Bull J. Johnson
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Bull J. Johnson »

1. Pass My Classes
2. Get a combination of beans, hoots, scales and points that equal to 1500.
3. When the Book Bingo like activity comes out pass it.
Amaryllis Storm
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Amaryllis Storm »

-earn 10 quills
-earn 300 points in each class
-earn at least 3000 points overall
-an article to submit SerpenTimes
Bane of the Ra'zac
Astaria Rivers
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Astaria Rivers »

1. Earn 6 quills
2. Earn 2000 points
3. Participate in at least 1 HOL activity
4. Submit something to a house paper
5. Participate in a HOLLERS activity
Janie Peterson
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Janie Peterson »

1. Finally move on to my third year!
2. Earn over 2,000 house points for the entire year.
3. Earn 4 quills for the year!
Last edited by Janie Peterson on Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Anna Snape
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Anna Snape »

1. Earn at least 2500 house points
2. Earn 10 quills
3. Participate in or help organise at least 1 HOL-wide activity
Iverian Gnash
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Re: Gold Spirit Award 2018-19

Post by Iverian Gnash »

I want to earn 300 points in at least one class.
I want to pass all five of my classes.
I want to submit an article of some sort to Serpentimes magazine this year.
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