January Newsletter


Moderator: Arianna Stonewater

Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Warp 10000
Posts: 7856
Joined: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:31 am

January Newsletter

Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that 2018 is good to you.

House News

Gryffindor is wrapping up its Choose Your Own Adventure which they held in December.

Scarlett Lacarnum is doing an activity in the Roost for Eagles only. As always, Ravenclaw has their debate questions and all Houses are welcome to come give their opinions. The Alte is being published soon. Watch for it! Alte will also be taking submissions (deadline end of January) for its February Issue - the theme is "Time". There'll be Bingo and Drabble Babble challenges as always.

Coming off of a very busy December, with their Yule Ball, Slytherin is continuing on in January with the Harry Potter Read Along. Remember that their Serpentimes is taking submissions until the 15th of January.

Hufflepuff has, as usual, the Department of Huffle Games and Sports (aka Games Tent) which is open to all of HOL Hogwarts. Go see what are being presented as opportunities to earn some Diamonds! I've heard rumours that Fels has come up with a great idea for a February activity ... but you have to wait until February for that!

HOL News

Congratulations to Polaris Black and Sky Alton for being made Head Students. Good luck to both of you!

Battleship team formations have started and soon the action will commence. You can sign up until January 4th! Already there are four teams signed up and there are other teams in the works.

Quidditch House Games are scheduled for January 13th, 14th and 20th. Keep an eye out for Pickup Games. The next one is scheduled for Saturday, January 6 at 10 PM HOL! Also, for those of you who are Snitch oriented, watch out for the singularity of a Winter Snitch Tournament showing up. :)

All the Term classes end soon. Get your homeworks in! Also, teachers, remember to grade and submit points and Quills before the deadline.

Book Club is having their Winter Reading Challenge. Remember, too, that they are hosting the Book Bingo (which lasts through the end of the school year).

Gathering and Games celebrates the New Year on the 21st of January. Sky and Amy have devised evil activities. Amy doesn't like that and told me so. Amy says they are the epitome of goodness like sunshine and rainbows and fluffy unicorns.


Come play here! You earn Hoots for participating in our club activities. As Polaris wrote in the last Newsletter
HOLLERS members earn Hoots for participating in club activities. For each activity, challenge, or something of the kind, Hoots are offered. We keep track of Hoots in a spreadsheet and at the end of each term, the top three earners win the Hoots Award. Periodically, the HOLLERS Award is also given to members who are particularly active participants. Both awards would be found in the Treasures section of "My Profile".

Every month we offer three creative projects, three puzzle challenges and a newsletter. We also schedule longer activities like First o' September at different times throughout the year. There are discussion threads and a scrapbook section where you can meet new people and share your thoughts, works, and experiences.

If you have any questions about anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask.
You can still participate in the First o' September activity and earn loads of Hoots and Beans. There’s no sign-up required, and you can work at your own pace.
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris

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