Founders: Quills & Awards

Class led by Prof. Cosmo B. Mott

Moderator: Prof. Cosmo B. Mott

Prof. Alaia Logan
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Founders: Quills & Awards

Post by Prof. Alaia Logan »

Okay my lovelies, all work that was handed in this term has been graded, and had points awarded. Quills have also been awarded for those who handed in 3 of the 4 assignments, the final exam AND earned more than 120 points.

If you believe you are missing points or quills please let me know via class e-mail, HOL PM or on irc as soon as possible. I will be closing the class sometime on the 15th and passing/failing everyone at that point, so you need to poke me about any errors before that time.

Now, to the fun part.....the awards ceremony.

The Order of the Founders Award
This award is given to the highest points earner(s) from each house. And the winners are:

Gryffindor - Erika Delacour
Hufflepuff - Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
Ravenclaw - Ellie Warhol and Scarlet Irisa
Slytherin - Maxwell Shadow

Teachers Pet Award
This award is given to those who handed in every single piece of work (4 assignments, 4 extra credits, the exam, and the term project) regardless of points earned. And the winners are:

Scarlet Irisa
Erika Delacour
Kaiwa Alexandra
Marie Campbell
Maxwell Shadow
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black

The Sparkly Shiny Pretty Award
Yes, it's a silly name. I was tired. Anyway, this award is given out very rarely, and only to those who have managed to really impress/amuse me with their work during the term. We have two winners this term, and they are:

Maxwell Shadow and Kaiwa Alexandra

Awards will appear on your profiles sometime in the next day or so, once our lovely head master has uploaded them onto the site (I may have left it until the last minute.....oops).

Thank you to everyone who participated in the class this term, I really appreciate the effort you all put in to your work.
Last edited by Prof. Alaia Logan on Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Kaiwa Alexandra
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Post by Kaiwa Alexandra »

YAY Sparkly Shiny Pretty awards! *licks Professor Logan*
I had so much fun in your class, thank you! :D

And congrats to other awards receivers too
(but you know I don't share stage >_>) *runs*
Maxwell Shadow
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Post by Maxwell Shadow »

Thanks so much Professor, I enjoyed the class and getting awards at the end is a lovely bonus. You've got to love a bit of sparkle! :D

Well done everyone
Slytherin forever
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Thanks, Professor Alaia!

Not only is this a fun class, I get awards for having fun too!

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