Care Of Magical Creatures Graduation

Class led by Prof. Ryan Granger

Moderator: Prof. Ryan Granger

Prof. Ryan Granger
Posts: 295
Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:02 pm
Location: Ravenclaw Common Room, that or lost.

Post by Prof. Ryan Granger »

Congratulations to all who graduated this term!

From the house of Gryffindor:

Kaiwa Alexandra
Destri Weasley
Ginnie Granger

From the house of Slytherin:

Maxwell Shadow

From the house of Hufflepuff:

Alex Sparks
Sophia Wolfe

From the house of Ravenclaw:

Rinoa Heartilly
Caroline Abbott
Allyson Celestra
Alexander Jackson
Cynthia Aitana
Emilia Lockhart

For the End of Term Awards:

The Bright Chimaera Award-

Kaiwa Alexandra
Maxwell Shadow

The Great Nundu Catcher-

Kaiwa Alexandra
Rinoa Heartilly
Maxwell Shadow
Alex Sparks

Golden Lethifold-

Kaiwa Alexandra
Rinoa Heartilly
Caroline Abbott

Maxwell Shadow

Great Job Everyone! I hope to see you all in Adv. Care of Magical Creatures or in another class! You have all been wonderful students and I will greatly miss you! This may have been my best graduation rate ever! Until next term.
Prof. Ryan Granger | Ravenclaw Head of House | Most Likely Lost

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