Yuletide Rpg

Prof. Rachel Selenia
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Post by Prof. Rachel Selenia »

OOC: As Yuletide was an important time for the Hobbits to celebrate, we will have a roleplaying game taking place in the Shire! The rules are simple - be nice to everyone, be realistic (no supernatural powers or something like that), and HAVE FUN!! /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
God-modding (i.e. deciding and writing what other characters are doing and saying) is allowed within reasonable limits! Don't make up things about other characters that the particular character would never do or say! Stay within the limits of the characters. That said, let's go and party!


The short day quickly darkened and stars twinkled in the almost black sky. The trees around the large field where the party took place were filled with lights in different colours, and the night was filled with singing voices, laughter and people enjoying themselves. There were no empty places around the many tables, where Hobbits and their guests ate and drank as long as there was food and drink. Those who waited for their turns at the tables were dancing and singing. Children were playing around or listening to stories told by older Hobbits.

At the end of a table Rachel sat with her friends, enjoying a large piece of apple pie.
"This is a little bit different from the last time we were here," she said, referring to the Society's last Middle-earth trip.
"Yes, I think we should go here every time the Hobbits are having a party!" Venefica said, helping herself to more mushrooms.
"Oh no, not every time. The next time we're going to Middle-earth for a party, we'll visit the Elves!" Rachel grinned. "Still, this party is not bad..."
Rachel took another bite of her apple pie, then turned from the table and said,
"Let's go and dance a little, what do you say?" She didn't wait for an answer, but ran off to the group of dancing Hobbits in the middle of the party field, laughing all the way there.
Rachel Selenia || Hufflepuff || Professor Emeritus
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Tarma, drumming up on the little stage area with the other musicians, saw Rachel come running over. She grinned and picked up the beat a little bit, encouraging the other musicians to make things a bit more lively. Her hands tapped quickly on the drum; on the side for the sharper sounds and in the middle for deeper booming noises. Soon she would give her place to another and dance -- after eating something of course!

A woman on the stage took a deep breath and started to sing. The song, a celebration of Yuletide, presents and mathoms, good food and good drink and good friends, was a favourite of the Hobbits and soon many of the folks watching the dancers were singing (or humming) along with her.
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"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Venefica vom Lehn
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Post by Venefica vom Lehn »

Laughing for no particular reason except the joy she felt, vene quickly munched her last mushrooms (for now! You didn't think she'd leave the eating there, did you? She is part-Hobbit, after all!) and ran after Rachel. The laughing was a bit difficult, seeing that she did have her mouth still nearly full, but she managed.
Once she reached the open space between all the benches and tables, she took a moment to find the beat of the music, and then she started to dance. At first just clapping the rythm with her hands on her hips, but then she closed her eyes for a moment, took a breath, and her feet seemed to become alive. They moved without her having the time to tell them what to do, and after a few minutes, her arms and whole body, which before had been nearly passive, joined in, too.
When the song was over, she clapped wildly, too much out of breath to cheer in any other way. A glance over to the stage - yupp, Tarma was sitting there at the drums, her face as well glowing with the joy of the music. Somewhere on the dancing space to her right vene saw Rachel, but before she could make up her mind whether or not to look for other people she knew, the music started again, and she couldn't help herself but to dance.
Maybe life is like rain. Alive if you let it be; lousy and depressing if you don't.
Taken from 50% Chance of Lightning by Cristina Salat.

~ venefica vom Lehn ~ Staff-member of the HOLTolkienSociety ~ Hufflepuff Seventh Year ~

Nothing has ever felt so right and natural and true and good.
Taken from Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden.
Venefica vom Lehn
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Post by Venefica vom Lehn »

Vene sat down at the table again, her plate full with loads of food: bread, different vegetables and rather many mushrooms.
She picked up her fork and pondered for a moment what she should eat first, finally deciding to go for the mushrooms. A very good decision, she thought a second later as the wonderful taste filled her mouth.
The air was filled with the sound of the music, the Hobbits around her talking and the laughter that always rang up from some corner of the field. Overhead, the stars were coming out one by one, she could see them through the branches of the Party Tree. It's so wonderful here, she thought.
Maybe life is like rain. Alive if you let it be; lousy and depressing if you don't.
Taken from 50% Chance of Lightning by Cristina Salat.

~ venefica vom Lehn ~ Staff-member of the HOLTolkienSociety ~ Hufflepuff Seventh Year ~

Nothing has ever felt so right and natural and true and good.
Taken from Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Tarma came over to the tables, her plate laden with, yes, you guessed it, mushrooms.

"Hi Vene!" she said, joyously, sitting down in a free spot across from her friend. "Did you see that they have mushrooms cooked in spices, as well as in butter? They were just put out! I was drumming, but I could smell them even from the music platform, so figured I better get some before they disappeared." She grinned, and bit into one, and sighed with bliss.

The aroma of the spiced mushrooms wafted up from Tarma's plate and over to Vene.
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Venefica vom Lehn
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Post by Venefica vom Lehn »

"Spiced mushrooms?" Vene looked at Tarma, her hand with the fully laden fork halfway to her mouth. It did not stay fully laden for long, though, for when she made to put it into her mouth, half of it fell down onto her plate and some even rolled around and over the edge of the table. Hectically searching for the lost food, vene said: "I didn't know that. But they do smell wonderful!" She sat up again and finally managed to put the food in her mouth. She chewed thoughtfully, then gulped everything down and sprang up: "I guess I'd better go and get some of those spiced mushrooms before they are all gone! Thanks, Tarma!"
Maybe life is like rain. Alive if you let it be; lousy and depressing if you don't.
Taken from 50% Chance of Lightning by Cristina Salat.

~ venefica vom Lehn ~ Staff-member of the HOLTolkienSociety ~ Hufflepuff Seventh Year ~

Nothing has ever felt so right and natural and true and good.
Taken from Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden.
Eliza Ithil
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Post by Eliza Ithil »

OOC: I haven't done this in a while. I hope it's ok and not egotistical of me to put myself into Tarma's story!

Eliza was already more joyous than she could remember being and she couldn't help but laugh. She was late as usual (having spent a great deal longer than the others getting ready). She knew her friends were there but couldn't find them immediately, so she grabbed a pint and some fruits. She looked unrecognizable in her country frock of Yuletide greens and her hair tied back in a braid. She had just begun her search for her friends when she saw Tarma on stage having the time of her life. The quickness of the sound, the lights and the cheers, filled Eliza with such spontaneity that she practically ran towards the stage. She'd never been a performer or liked any public display at all, but suddenly she found herself standing in front of the crowd. Out of body experience- maybe. A result of some internal fascination, she remembered the words of a popular piece and began to sing. Terror must have been in her eyes but the beat and the joy (and maybe the wine) left no trace of fear in her voice. The members of the band quickly identified the piece and chimed in perfectly. Everyone danced and cheered.
As she finished- she chose a short one for a reason- she finally saw Tarma way down below, enjoying delicious mushrooms. She quickly bowed and practically jumped off stage. An elderly Gaffer, pipe held ceremoniously in his hand, took her place and the crowd cheered emphatically.
She waited a moment in the shadows for her heart to quiet, then headed to see Tarma and Vene.
Thanks to Jacenta, owner of Sig N Av Palace, for this amazing signature and av!
Wand: 8 3/4 inches, willow, griffin tail feather
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Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

OOC: You did perfect, Eliza. That's why the opening was there, for someone to 'be' that person. *G*

Tarma hadn't recognized the singer when up on the stage. She noticed, though, a familiar way of walking and carriage to the singer as she came towards where Tarma was sitting and eating mushrooms.

"Those were lovely songs" she said, chewing and swallowing the last of a mouthful. "Have you found the spiced mushrooms yet? I think Vene is going and getting some, but I'm sure there are some left."

Tarma thought she might guess who it was, but if it was Eliza, she sure looked a lot different all dressed up like that!
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Eliza Ithil
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Post by Eliza Ithil »

Eliza laughed good heartedly as Tarma spoke amazingly through a mouthful of mushrooms.
"They do smell delicious!" Eliza laughed. "Where do ya get 'em?
Tarma, occupied with chewing and enjoying the delicious taste, motioned over to a corner of the green where stood a large (but low of course) white tent. Pale pink winter flowers decorated the outside. Through the flaps Eliza could see at least two dozen eager hobbits waiting in line.
"Looking at that line, I'm not sure there'll be any at all. But I'll see if I can find Vene and get something to drink. Be right back."
Eliza passed one of the many beer counters where newcomers gladly helped themselves and frequent visitors returned, swaying a little. She dodged two lads wrestling and an angry mother in pursuit.
When she reached the tent, she looked around the outside but saw no sign of Vene. "Maybe she's inside already", she thought.
Thanks to Jacenta, owner of Sig N Av Palace, for this amazing signature and av!
Wand: 8 3/4 inches, willow, griffin tail feather
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Prof. Ruben Orion
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Post by Prof. Ruben Orion »

When Eliza entered the tent she found Prof. Ruben in a white apron, serving Vene a pile of mushrooms.
"Professor!" Eliza said. "I was wondering where you'd be."
Prof. Ruben smiled. "I wish I was outside! I don't know why I accepted to help in the kitchens!" he said angrily. "I think I have already served three tons of mushrooms this evening. But I heard you singing outside. You were awesome."
Eliza blushed a little bit.
"Vene, wait until you're at the table. Forks and knives are there for a reason you know?" Prof. Ruben commented. "Yes, Eliza, I knew it was you. I never forget a good voice. You could be great if you took some lessons." He nodded.
"Come on with us, Professor!" asked Tarma. "You promised you would play something with me!"
Prof. Ruben looked at the huge mushroom line and thought for a moment, but then he smiled. "Well, I deserve some fun too, right?" He blinked. "Rosie?!" he called to a little hobbit that was standing just outside the tent.

Prof. Ruben and Tarma headed to join the other musicians.
"What are you playing?" Tarma asked.
"You know my favourite is the piano but I don't think it'll be apropriate. I brought a bagpipe with me. I was hoping you could help me through a live irish dance?"
Just when Tarma was about to answer an enourmous noise made them cover their ears. When they looked to the sky they realised that the first fireworks had been launched. A figure of the Two Trees of Valinor was now drawn in golden and silver fire balls against the dark sky. Everyone laughed and clapped. Only then did they realise that it had not been a successful launch and that the mushroom tent behind them was on fire. Eliza was probably there still...
Eliza Ithil
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Post by Eliza Ithil »

OOC: Prof, you put me in a place of real heroics. "The tent fell and Eliza- with Heruclean strength- saves a dozen hobbit children from certain doom!!" *Trumpet* I better not get too into myself here.

IC: Eliza watched as Tarma dragged a very excited Prof Orion across the field. Turning she saw the chef less than happy. "I'm losing all my helpers!" she cried, spying the ever growing line at the tent entrance.
Eliza sighed, remembering her New Year's resolution to do (at least) a good deed a day. "Can I help at all?" she asked.
The cook looked up, smiled and handed her a clean white apron. She didn't know how to cook the mushrooms perfectly so she set out serving them to the hungry costumers. Through the clinking of plates and the whooshes of steam, Eliza could discern a few loud cracks- the first of the fireworks! She could see sparkles through the roof of the tent and heard the people screaming and clapping. Then she heard a entirely different scream. In a blast of gold and silver, one side of the canvas roof became a long tongue of flame. Smoke from the fire and the steam off the mushroom pans choked her as she tried to get around the table. She could hear the canvas ripping, but there were so many people at the entrance trying to get out! "Who designed this stupid tent?!" she pondered a moment. Then she heard a splitting sound; the wooden beam supporting the roof splintered. Her knees buckled and she fell forward as some great beam knocked her unconscious.
Last edited by Eliza Ithil on Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks to Jacenta, owner of Sig N Av Palace, for this amazing signature and av!
Wand: 8 3/4 inches, willow, griffin tail feather
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Venefica vom Lehn
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Post by Venefica vom Lehn »

OOC: Oh my! Such excitement at a Hobbit party, and just when I was getting my food! /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
By the way, it's great to see all of you joining in! *happy*

Vene was standing right outside the food-tent. The mushrooms smelled far too good for her to wait till she came back to the table to eat them, so she decided to try them right away.
She saw Tarma and Ruben leave the tent, but just grinned in answer to Ruben's comment. He had no idea how much she wanted those mushrooms now... How they were just calling to her to be eaten, for her to feel them on her tongue and to let that taste fill her mouth... Closing her eyes, she bit into one. Wow. Food surely was great!
A loud cracking noise awoke her from her reverie. The fireworks had begun! She stood there, watching them as if in trance, for a moment even forgetting the mushrooms on her plate.
But then there was another loud noise, directly behind her, and screams came from the tent. "Fire, fire!" she heard someone yell, and then she saw the first flames starting to dance among the cloth and the wood of which the tent was constructed. Hobbits were hurrying out of the tent, too many of them trying at the same time and thus blocking the entrance. And suddenly there was also the cracking noise of wood coming apart, and it looked as if part of the tent were breaking down.
Oh no. It's like... but... At first no real thought would form in her mind, the scene had changed all too quickly, but then she managed to pull herself together and started thinking rationally. They are in there, they want to get out. So we need another exit. And with that vene went towards the tent and started drawing the wooden pegs out of the ground which helped secure the walls of the tent. After about half a minute she got enough loose to roll the canvas up a bit, and with the help of some shouting attracted the attention of some of the Hobbits inside. They got her idea and followed this new exit outside.
It was only then that vene saw Eliza, lying on the ground and showing no sign of getting up by herself soon...
Maybe life is like rain. Alive if you let it be; lousy and depressing if you don't.
Taken from 50% Chance of Lightning by Cristina Salat.

~ venefica vom Lehn ~ Staff-member of the HOLTolkienSociety ~ Hufflepuff Seventh Year ~

Nothing has ever felt so right and natural and true and good.
Taken from Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden.
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
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Post by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black »

Tarma followed Vene and was helping to move back the tent walls, after a few moments of stunned nonmovement. This wasn't supposed to happen!

The fire was still confined to one part of the tent, she saw, looking inside this way, but then she saw Eliza and all thoughts of the fire disappeared in the eve of this larger problem.

"Come on, vene! Let's get Eliza!" she cried, and, looking around for a large stick or pole, something to lever the wooden roof beam away from her friend, she saw a long stout looking staff. 'That will do' she said to herself and running over, grabbed it and went back to where Eliza was lying. Carefully inserting it under the beam, which fortunately didn't seem to be crushing Eliza, she was able with much effort, to budge it upwards a couple of inches. Maybe that would be enough to free Eliza? She didn't know, but that was all she could get it raised by herself.
*Avatar & Siggy by Cheeky XVIx!Cosmo* ... Siggy image by Susan Seddon Boulet *** Avatar from Leverage
"You have the inborn natural right to remain silent. Don't think about it, don't talk about it, shuush ....... STILL." ~ Xaris
Prof. Ruben Orion
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Post by Prof. Ruben Orion »

"It's not enough, Ms. Black. You'll have to lift it a little bit more." said the old chef who managed to escape the fire with only some bruises. "The tent is still on fire. We need to get out of here now!"
"I... can't... do it." Tarma said and she fell to the ground as if all the strenght had abandoned her.
"Mr. Pholley, please help her and take her outside." said Prof. Ruben who had just entered the tent. "Everyone, I need you to leave this tent, now! vene, I'm going to need your help."
The chef helped a very pale Tarma out of the tent and Prof. Ruben and vene were left alone with the motionless Eliza.
"One of us will have to lift it and the other will have to drag her." he told vene. "We have to do this now. We have no more time."
vene nodded but she remained quiet, as if she needed all her attention to focuse on that very task. Prof. Ruben placed himself where Tarma had been and started to lift the beam.
"It's... so... heavy..." he whispered.
vene's look crossed the professor's and, on that moment, they understood that they would not be able to that alone. The air was now very hot and the flames were dangerously close. They were both sweating under their warm winter clothes. When vene saw the professor's terrified eyes as the flames neared Eliza's dress, vene nodded and shouted as loud as she could.
"HELP! Someone help us!"
Last edited by Prof. Ruben Orion on Thu Jan 11, 2007 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Eliza Ithil
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Post by Eliza Ithil »

A strong pungent mix of herbs and smoke slowly entered Eliza's consciousness. Sound was muffled but it was clear that there were many people running and yelling. Her eyes opened slightly and pricks of light danced. 'Owww....' she quietly said. 'My head...' Instinctively she tried to raise her hand to her head, but couldn't move an inch. 'What is going on?' she demanded herself. Her hands were pinned down between split wooden beams.
Eliza heaved a sigh as she began to register everything around her. Then she heard someone right beside her! "We have to do this now. We have no more time" the person said adamantly. It sounded like the Professor. El tried to raise her head but it pained to flex any of her muscles. She tried to remind herself 'Pain is good, it means you're sensible. Pain is good. Ok, pain is not good.' "Owww...."she said again only loud enough that Vene discerned her.
"Eliza! Are you ok?!" she said, bending down.
Eliza turned her head just enough for her to see Vene and the Prof. "Oh yeah, I'm just peachy." She heard herself saying. "Though, I'd appreciate it if you could get this log off me. And my feet are hot. Why are my feet---" Eliza saw some determination in Vene's eyes.
"We're trying to get you out. The beam's too heavy." Vene turned back to the Prof quickly.
Eliza laughed, more to herself. "Yep, take your time. I'm not going anywhere."
Last edited by Eliza Ithil on Fri Jan 12, 2007 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks to Jacenta, owner of Sig N Av Palace, for this amazing signature and av!
Wand: 8 3/4 inches, willow, griffin tail feather
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Venefica vom Lehn
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Post by Venefica vom Lehn »

Eliza laughed. "Yep, take your time. I'm not going anywhere."
No, we won't take our time... We have to hurry! vene was yelling inside, but she tried to remain calm on the outside. Panic wouldn't help them a little bit...
Luckily, Ruben's yells had been heard outside, and now two Hobbit-lads were making their way towards them through the heat and the increasing smoke, trying to make out what was happening.
"We need to get this thing off her", Ruben explained shortly, "but it's too heavy for the two of us."
The Hobbits looked at each other, then at the wooden beam and the fire that was constantly drawing closer. After about two seconds of hesitation, they nodded.
The four of them now took hold of the beam together, and managed to lift it a little bit.
Vene looked at Eliza, who was following all their actions with her eyes.
Maybe life is like rain. Alive if you let it be; lousy and depressing if you don't.
Taken from 50% Chance of Lightning by Cristina Salat.

~ venefica vom Lehn ~ Staff-member of the HOLTolkienSociety ~ Hufflepuff Seventh Year ~

Nothing has ever felt so right and natural and true and good.
Taken from Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden.
Eliza Ithil
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Post by Eliza Ithil »

With the help from the two strong hobbits, Eliza felt the pressure on her back decrease, and she was able to shift slightly, enough to get her other hand beneath her. Using both arms, she helped push the beam up and shift her feet out. In moments, she was free. Her head ached and throbbed when she stood up quickly. Everyone was excited, but, realizing the danger in the tent, quickly pulled one another through the entrance. Tarma, Vene, the Professor, Eliza, and the two hobbits raced as a pack from the now smoke-filled tent. Silence met their ears. Festivites in the encampment had practically ceased when the tent flared up. It appeared, on the further side of the grounds, that a few people had returned to their food and drink, but those within the heat of the flames fell mute with concern and concentration. Stronger hobbits were now making their way to the tent with great pitchers of water; they feared the tall, dry grasses that almost encircled the food tents. One by one, they dumped the pails. The tent was a loss by now, its timbers red and its roof charred black.
As the group waited in silence, the two hobbit lads left Tarma's side and, with a brief farewell, disappeared into the crowd and the darkness. Eliza felt a cold wind biting at her hot skin. She almost laughed at how much she smelled like burnt, spicy mushrooms! She looked at her companions, who stood gratefully well outside the danger zone. She read the support in their eyes as she said "I think we've had enough excitement for one night. Let's find the rest of our party. I think all of us will be eager to leave anyway. These hobbits," she motioned about her, "will no doubt eventually settle back down to their ale; they won't miss us. Are you ready?"
The rest looked among themselves, devising a group answer. As they pondered, Eliza smiled. "And, thanks, you guys, for saving my life", she said gratefully. Someone decide what we should do, Eliza thought as she said this.
Last edited by Eliza Ithil on Wed Jan 24, 2007 3:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thanks to Jacenta, owner of Sig N Av Palace, for this amazing signature and av!
Wand: 8 3/4 inches, willow, griffin tail feather
United States
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