The last book you read...

Non Harry Potter Book Discussion

Moderator: Prefects

Gail Allen
Cleansweep One
Posts: 718
Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:53 pm
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The last book you read...

Post by Gail Allen »

If you were suddenly inside the last book you read, what would happen to you?

I would be resigning from my post while two countries went to war over a newly emerged island, sitting on a giant bubble of gas. I might also get to travel in a "Going-Under-the-Water-Safely Device" if I was really lucky.

Can you guess what book I read last? Write your guess below along with a description of the last book you read for the following person to guess.

Make sure that the books you describe follow HOL rules.
Also, be warned that this topic may contain spoilers for books you have not already read.


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