How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Non Harry Potter Book Discussion

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Louis Walles
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Louis Walles »

I would love to say I read a lot but that would be a lie. Now, that I am no longer in university, the amount of books I read regularly has dropped quite a lot. However, I am trying to get back to reading as soon as possible! I would say I am currently reading about 10 books per year.

I am currently reading one book and have plenty waiting for me patiently so let's hope I will improve and go back to reading around 20 books per year!
"He who fights too long against the dragons becomes a dragon himself; and if you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss will gaze into you" ~ Nietzsche

Viviana Kingston
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Viviana Kingston »

Well over fifty a year. It sometimes reaches a hundred, sometimes it gets higher, most of the time it drops because I get busy and have reading slumps, but I try to sign up to me in review teams and such so I read consistently.
- Viviana Kingston
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Tom Harik
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Tom Harik »

I Mainly read around 10-20 books a years depending if a really get into the book. I try and read at least a few hours before i go to bed to chill out with.

I would like to read more but with other activities I'm committed too. I just don't have the time to read more B) B)
Pandora Green
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Pandora Green »

Honestly for me buying new books and actually reading them are two different Hobbys haha.
And since im a big mood reader its either 7 per week or none at all.
So it varies from year to year but the last few years it was around 100 each :)
Hiya Debnath
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Hiya Debnath »

When I am spending a busy year, it can be none or just one. But usually, the number of books I read per year ranges from 2 to 5.
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Marcus Darkwood
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Marcus Darkwood »

I would love to say that I read a lot, but sadly that's not true. I like to read if I take the time to sit down and do so, but I also often chose other activities instead of reading. I still always have a goal of reading at least a book a month, though, so that would be 12 in a year. I'm on almost 3 so far this year, so I'm a bit behind.
Marcus Darkwood ~ Hufflepuff ~ Third Year
Ivy Grey
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Ivy Grey »

I read around 4 books a week. So, it will be 16 books a month and 192 books a year. Let's round off the number. In all, I read 190 books a year. I really love to read, especially fiction and fantasy. The Harry Potter series is one of my all time favourite. Books are like a source of energy for me. I have a full library in my house. I also like to re - read books. The problem is, I have a brilliant memory, if I do say say so myself, and I remember the story plots of most of the books. Nevertheless, I will always love my books. Full time working and no time reading make Ivy a dull girl. :D
Last edited by Ivy Grey on Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hannah Butterfield
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Hannah Butterfield »

I feel like I read a lot. After reading some of these posts, I see that does not seem to be the case. I usually read somewhere between 100-130 books a year. My favorite genre has to be Thriller/Mystery/Horror. My favorite book of these genre is The Silent Patient.
Last edited by Hannah Butterfield on Mon May 13, 2024 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
Galena May
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Re: How Many Books Do You Read Per Year

Post by Galena May »

It depends on how busy a year that is, so I do not have a set book count, but it can range from 2-15 per year. Sometimes, I read a book in three days, sometimes I can't move forward from a particular page in months. It depends on a lot of things actually, but when I am actually reading, I read very fast. I tend to re-read books slowly again only to feel it more deeply or look at the subtle unglorified things that I missed. My book count therefore includes old books as well.
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
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