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Welcome to the Summer Poetry Festival

Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2023 11:56 am
by Prof. Sky Alton
Brightly coloured tents have been set up on the sloping lawn in front of the castle and you can hear someone declaiming their love in perfect iambic pentameter. The effect is a little spoiled by the fact that Peeves is floating nearby screeching very rude limericks at the top of his lungs….

Welcome to the Summer Poetry Festival!

The Hogwarts grounds are playing host to a celebration of all things poetry. Whether you’re a poetry fan, don’t know that much about it or didn't really enjoy studying it in school, I hope you’ll stick around and see what’s on offer.

Every week we’ll be hosting a discussion about a particular poem. We’ve also got poetry themed tasks aplenty, including research, creative and puzzles.

The lovely Emily is also organising some poetic trivia, so be sure to check back regularly for new questions.

The activity will run for 6 weeks, with 2 new tasks, 1 discussion and new trivia questions released every week. The final due date for everything is the 20th of August.

If you have difficulty with a particular task for accessibility reasons, just drop me a PM and I’ll work with you to find an alternative that suits you better.

All tasks/discussions are worth 20 beans. There’s also a beautiful award up for grabs for everyone who completes at least 12 out of the 18 tasks/discussions!

That’s enough pontificating from me, onto the poetry!

Re: Welcome to the Summer Poetry Festival

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:15 pm
by Prof. Tarma Amelia Black
We will be posting our Week 6 activities very soon! It will be our last set of things for you to do in our Summer Poetry Festival.

Remember that the final due date for everything is the 20th of August. Why not go check that you have everything from Weeks 1 through 5 done already instead of last minute cramming?

Enjoy! :)

Re: Welcome to the Summer Poetry Festival

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:23 pm
by Prof. Sky Alton
You have just over 24 hours to join in on the poetic pandemonium! Everything is due tomorrow (the 20th of August) by 23:59 HOL-time.

Re: Welcome to the Summer Poetry Festival

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2023 8:51 pm
by Prof. Sky Alton
Thank you to everyone who took part in our celebration of everything poetry!

The beans everyone earned are as followed. If you spot anything wrong, please let me know and I'll look into it (and a big thank you to Tarma for double-checking my slightly dazed and confused maths)

Adeline Morior: 40
Amy Smith: (+6 for trivia)
Anne-Marie Gagne: 256
Aurelia West: (+20 for trivia)
Dibyarup James Potter: 220 (+20 for trivia)
Elizabeth Hermione: 20
Emily Spencer: 4
Janne Halla: 360 (+30 for trivia)
Kat Montana: 4
Katherine Laurier: 64 (+10 for trivia)
Kendra Givens: 20
Lex Green: 128 (+30 for trivia)
Prof. Sindor Aloyarc: 40
Prof. Tarma Amelia Black: 24
Rose Dove: 32 (+10 for trivia)

Big congratulations to Anne-Marie Gagne and Janne Halla who completed more than 12 of the main tasks and have earned themselves our Summer Poetry Festival Attendee award. Huge thanks to Tarma again for the lovely graphic, inspired by a line from a A Midsummer Night's Dream!

Now, I have to dash off to find a missing copy of Sonnets of a Sorcerer that seems to have vanished from its display case before someone opens it and finds themselves stuck communicating in verse for the rest of their life. Poetry may be wonderful but you can have too much of a good thing!

Re: Welcome to the Summer Poetry Festival

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 10:47 am
by Janne Halla
Thank you for the activity! :)