The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit

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Katherine Evans
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The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit

Post by Katherine Evans »

I've been a fan of these movies since I was very young. Followed all the way through the Hobbit movies and since the animated. They are very near and dear to my heart; just as much as Harry Potter is. I'm just looking for some like minded peoples to discuss with. Who is your favorite character? Least favorite? What was your favorite part, line, quote? Do you prefer Hobbit!Legolas or LotR!Legolas? If you could speak any one language from that world, what would it be?

Tolkien was a literary master. Having only signed away the rights to the trilogy and its sequel, these are likely to be the last of the works we see from that world. And one would only hope they choose not to remake them, as the current ones (LotR more so than the Hobbit if I may so) are cinematic masterpieces than can never be done greater justice.

Marie Dark
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Re: The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit

Post by Marie Dark »

i probably don't qualify to be in this discussion... only because I have only seen the movies... I never read the books and I should.... Even my great Uncle named his dog Frodo and he rescued an Owl which he called Fangorn because of his love for the books.... after he passed away the family fought over who was getting his books and they ended up at a church Rummage Sale... :( it's too bad really because that would have encouraged me more to read them and after that I just didn't want to read them at all because they remind me of my Uncle; but now I'm over the family tiff... I will read them soon... but I really like the "Ents"
Austin Ollivander Black
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Re: The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit

Post by Austin Ollivander Black »

My favorite character was Strider/Aragorn as he was a very versatile character being a ranger he was a survivalist,an herbalist, a tracker,an okay bowman and a great swordsman all in one.
Image RQT 2017/18
Daisy Lafferty
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Re: The Lord of the Rings/Hobbit

Post by Daisy Lafferty »

My favorite character is Legolas. I have only read the first book so far but I'm hoping to get to read the rest of them soon.
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