Beauty and the Beast 2017

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Prof. Arielle Lemoyne
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Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Prof. Arielle Lemoyne »

I went to see the new movie today and I loved it! I'm going to put this all behind spoilers, but I'll just say I definitely recommend it :)

I thought the animation and visual effects were outstanding! I loved how the household characters like Lumiere and Cogsworth looked, and most of the movie was just really great to look at. I think Be Our Guest was my favorite. It reminded me of some of the zaniness of some classic Disney movies, while still fitting in with the more modern style.

Beauty and the Beast was one of my high school musicals, so I know all of the music extremely well... and I was kinda disappointed that so many songs were cut. I didn't like most of the new original songs, and the first one, where little Beast starts singing about a sunny day or whatever completely took me out of the story.

Some of the other changes were cool. The timing in the original, as far as when was the beast cursed and for how long, etc, never seemed to add up, and it made a lot of sense to just have the townspeople be enchanted to forget about him. As much as I love the whole sequence with Belle and the Beast reading together in the original, I thought it was neat to have him actually be into reading to start with. It strengthened the contrast between the beast and Gaston, made it more believable that Belle would like him, and also made his gift of the library to her more meaningful. I actually thought there were a lot of little ways that strengthened the love story between them - not that it was weak in the original, but some of the parallels, like both of their mothers dying, and they both like reading, and the beast wants adventure just as much as she does, really enhanced the story. And the snowball scene was adorable and hilarious.

I thought the ending was quite suspenseful, too! Obviously, we all know what happens, but they made enough slight changes I wasn't sure what was coming and I was totally caught off guard by Gaston shooting the beast. And the conclusion with all the townspeople coming back was really cool, too.

Cody Lewis
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Cody Lewis »

A Beauty and the Beast thread! :D I've been spoiling the soundtrack for myself for the past week or so, it was great to finally hear it all in the theater.

I liked the new songs. Evermore is my absolute favorite. Days In The Sun is beautiful too, but yeah, it seemed a little out of place in the film.

Belle's and the Beast's background stories felt a little forced to me, too. I suppose it was important to strengthen their parallels like you said, but I still feel like, was all of that *really* necessary?

I agree that it was good to have the Beast into reading already, that was something that bothered me in the original. Belle is a bookworm, Beast has this giant library, but he only starts reading because of her? I liked the new version's take on things a lot more.

If for some reason you clicked on this thread without seeing the movie, go see it now! It's wonderful.
Prof. Amy Lupin
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Prof. Amy Lupin »

Unfortunately, it seems as though Beauty and the Beast is only coming to South Africa on 13 April, so it might still be a while before I get to see it. I'm really looking forward to seeing it though (and reading what your thoughts were on it — highlighting the spoiler tags was rather tempting).
Marie Dark
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Marie Dark »

Well, I enjoyed the movie but I didn't finish it only because my daughter wasn't with me to watch it....When My daughter was 3 years old and we watched the animated cartoon, she had to have "Belle's Dress", and so the Grandparents (spoiling my child all the time,) bought her the dress and she didn't take it off for like two weeks.... (mind you, I did wash it while she but all of the songs were the same and I just couldn't get myself to watch it with out her... She's 23 yrs old now and her interests are other films that we spend together watching which I love... I don't care what we watch together so long as its together... I did find the special effects, (aka, CGI effects) were a bit Creepy and less innocent.... Not sure if I wouldn't shoot a talking candle stick or dishes if I hadn't seen it first on this film.... lol But I did enjoy Emma Watson in it and the songs were nice to see and hear...
Resyarrina Elora
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Resyarrina Elora »

I enjoy the movie but honestly said it's not my favorite.

Is that weird that i think the Beast is more charming than the Prince?
Evie Figg
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Evie Figg »

I adored this movie, especially the song "Evermore" from its soundtrack. So beautiful :wub:
Adeline Morior
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Adeline Morior »

Is it weird that I've never seen this movie. I saw a lot of reviews, trailers and making of the movie. Look interesting.

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Galena May
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Re: Beauty and the Beast 2017

Post by Galena May »

I watched Beauty and the Beast, if you are talking about the version with Emma in it. Emma is my favorite so it is no surprise there. I loved the take on the story and Emma suited the role very well, but I think Maleficent was honestly the best that I have already watched. I am yet to watch ' The Little Mermaid', so I must hold any opinions for now on the best.
Galena May, just your average witch, only the fun please.
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