Classes FAQ

Discussion About Classes and Projects at HOL
Prof. Sky Alton
Twigger 90
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Classes FAQ

Post by Prof. Sky Alton »

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about classes.
How do I sign up for classes?
Providing classes are open for sign ups, go to the classes tab on the main website. You should see a list of all the classes that are on offer - you can search for a particular subject and filter for classes that are currently accepting new members.
Click on the class you’re interested in. Follow the link that says ‘Class Website’ – that will lead you to (you guessed it) the class’s website. There, you can look through the lessons, assignments and all the other information you need, like the deadlines and requirements to pass.
If you decide you want to sign up, you can return to the classes page. On the panel where you found the link to the class website, there will be a button to sign up for the class.
The teacher will then either approve or reject your request to join the class – this can take a few days, so please be patient.
How many classes can I take?
You can take 5 classes in a single term. This is different for OWL and NEWT students, who can take the exam class on top of their 5 regular classes.
What is the difference between a single term and full year class?
As the name suggests, a one term class lasts for a single term (5 months). A full year class lasts both terms (10 months).
Providing you remain in a full year class after the autumn term, it will take up a slot in your Spring schedule as well, so you’ll only be able to pick 4 new classes in the spring term.
When do the terms start and end?
Autumn term begins on the 1st of September and ends on the 31st of January. Spring term begins on the 1st of February and ends on the 30th of June. There are no classes during July and August.
It’s worth keeping in mind though that class signup is only open until the 20th of December in the autumn term and until the 20th of May in the spring term. You may still be able to sign up for classes after those dates but you will need to message a teacher and politely ask if they can manually add you to their class.
The final homework deadline for classes is usually around the 15th of January for the autumn term and the 15th of June for the spring term. Some classes may be slightly earlier or slightly later than that though, so make sure you double check.
Can I change my mind about a class?
Yes. If you haven’t yet been accepted into the class, you can withdraw your signup yourself from the classes page. If you have been accepted, you’ll need to send a polite message to the professor asking to be dropped. You’ll be free to pick a different class and the dropped one won’t show on your profile.
If you’ve already earned points, the only way you can be dropped from a class is for lack of participation or for not passing it at the end of the term. You cannot sign up for another class if you’ve earned points and the dropped class will show on your profile.
What do I do if my work hasn’t been graded/I haven’t got my points yet?
Grading classwork and awarding points takes time. Some teachers grade and submit points multiple times a month, while others do it less often (sometimes not until the end of term). It’s acceptable to double check with your teacher to make sure they received your assignment but please do not pressure them about when you’ll get your points or quills.
If you’ve received the notification about your points being submitted but they aren’t showing up on your profile, that’s because they haven’t been approved by the Head Office yet. They will show up in a couple of days.
What do I do if I can’t get in contact with my teacher?
Please be patient. Teachers are unpaid volunteers and they can’t always be on HOL every day to respond to questions.
However, if it’s been more than 2 weeks and you still haven’t had a response, you can contact the Class Committee, currently led by Prof. Kyrie Adderholt. They handle classes if teachers have to leave unexpectedly.
"Growing up doesn't have to mean I lose the cape, the faith, the dream. I'm so done with that... I'm taking it back."
(Av/sig by S. Elf)

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