What Are You Taking This Term?

Discussion About Classes and Projects at HOL
Harry Walles
Oakshaft 79
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Harry Walles »

I am taking the following classes:

- Potions
- The Unforgivable Curses
- Ancient Runes
- Disney Studies: The Classics
- Muggle Studies: Video Games
Viviana Kingston
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Viviana Kingston »

Dragons 101
An intro to villainy
Astronomy 101
And HOL101
- Viviana Kingston
Carpe Librum
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Amy Smith
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Amy Smith »

For this term, I'm taking the following classes:
° Harry Potter Studies : The Dwellings
° Word Magic
° Disney Studies : The Classics
° And The Oscar Goes To, Take 1
° Defense Against The Dark Arts
Dibyarup James Potter
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Dibyarup James Potter »

Since this is my first term at HOL, except for HOL - 101, I am taking the following classes:
  1. Charms
  2. Defense against the Dark Arts
  3. Herbology
  4. Potions
1st Yr. Gryffindor with an aptitude for Charms, PotionsDADA | Aspiring Auror
Hiya Debnath
Oakshaft 79
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Hiya Debnath »

I am taking the following: -
Werewolves 101 - Louis Walles
All about Azkaban - Mia Fountain
Ancient Runes - Prof. Felicia Hartwick
HOL 101 - Prof. Sky Alton
Word Magic - Prof. Will Lestrange
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore.
Hiya Debnath
Oakshaft 79
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Hiya Debnath »

For this term, I am taking (Spring 2024): -
1. The World of Fiction
2. The Battle of Hogwarts
3. Magical Applications of Kanji
4. The Unforgivable Curses
5. Care of Magical Creatures
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore.
Janne Halla
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Re: What Are You Taking This Term?

Post by Janne Halla »

There are so many classes to choose from, it's difficult to pick just five. I've managed somehow.

I'm taking HOL Quidditch - New & Improved: I've liked the sport since I started to dabble in it when it was still part of the school-wide tournament. That's why I chose the class.

Muggle Studies: Hidden Powers II & Occlumency: I've taken other classes by these professors and I've really enjoyed them, so it made sense that I'll take the continuation and the rest that they offer.

Muggle Studies for Beginners: I like the idea of taking at least one canon class or canon adjacent. I picked this one to complement the set that I'm gathering.

Quidditch - The Wizarding Way: I figured if I'm taking one Quidditch class, why not another? :D
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